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Society & Culture - 25 January 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Birmingham New Street, in the grip of valium withdrawal, trying to get through to the British Gas Customer Careline while country and western music plays at ear-splitting volume...

2007-01-25 22:06:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It seems there are too many people that are wrapped up with their ethicity, culture, and religions. Is this a pissing contest? I don't want to play, it is disgusting, to listen to Americans hating other Americans for their cultures, race creed or color or religion? I hope this is not our future generations because we have clearly failed. What do you think? and please this question is for Mature audiences only? so don't answer this unless you are a level headed person with a good vocabulary without the typical 3 and 4 letter words and thank you so very much.

2007-01-25 22:05:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I am not talking about TV shows like Will and Grace or Queer As Folk because not all the actors are gay anyway.What I am talking about is the gay guys that appear on talk shows or reality shows.Just about everyone one of them that appears on nationally syndicated TV shows seems to fit into the stereotypical gay man as an effiminate guy with a high pitched voice.

It drives me insane because I don't talk or behave like that.My partner doesn't talk or behave like that.Most of my gay friends don't talk or behave like that.I don't want to judge people and if guys are comfortabe being that way then I am happy for them.But when they are on TV I feel like America is seeing that and associating that with who I must be since I am gay.I want so bad to see gay guys get on TV and show America that we are not a stereotype.If anyone saw American Idol the other night during auditions in New York then you might recall the latest example of what I mean.
Where are the MEN?

2007-01-25 22:05:18 · 10 answers · asked by BuckFush 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

There's a girl I really like. Anyways we went out for about two days but she broke it off because of her ex boyfriend issues. She mentioned it as complications but she still likes him.

Anyways I kind of blew it by unloading on her prematurely too much of my feelings after the break up (It was only two days after all so I feel stupid that I did that). By feelings I mean stuff like "O, I may never find another girl like you again".

I think I may have ruined the chance of us being just friends.

She came online briefly after I had sent her an apology saying I was being a jackass and selfish. Anyways we didn't talk for long as she said she was going out and that was it.

When I asked her out I gave her a cd, a compilation of some of my best songs. Do you think I should send her some via email to try to keep in touch? Or would I just be imposing when she is happy with her boyfriend? Or do you think she would appreciate it?

It is some pretty damn good music, if not the best.

2007-01-25 22:05:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I was just wondering. I tried to look it up but couldnt find it.

2007-01-25 22:02:12 · 17 answers · asked by Mary Kangaroohead 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The DNA in plants and animals allows selective breeding to achieve desired results. Dogs are a good example of selective breeding. The DNA in all dogs has many regressive traits. A desired trait can be produced in dogs by selecting dogs with a particular trait to produce offspring with that trait. This specialized selective breeding can continue for generation after generation until a breed of dog is developed. This is the same as the "survival of the fittest" theory of the evolutionists. Many different types of dogs can be developed this way, but they can never develop a cat by selectively breeding dogs. Natural selection can never extend outside of the DNA limit. DNA cannot be changed into a new species by natural selection. Diamond back rattle snakes cannot be selectively bred until you have one with wings that jumps in the air and flies away. Evolution is impossible.

2007-01-25 22:00:34 · 14 answers · asked by Darktania 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-25 22:00:09 · 9 answers · asked by SuperSkinny 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-25 21:57:35 · 5 answers · asked by The Lion of Judah 1 in Religion & Spirituality

or indulge in fornication, but worship their god regularly, and aren't Muslimic?
If so what do you hope to achieve with such a dull life?

2007-01-25 21:56:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

is revenge a sin?

2007-01-25 21:55:33 · 10 answers · asked by tripppah 3 in Religion & Spirituality

True religion which tells us to a true happiness or more money which provides us pleasure and luxury .....?

2007-01-25 21:54:17 · 9 answers · asked by wasimonweb 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-01-25 21:53:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

american spirts stop testing on animals a while ago.i don't really like them but i need my nicotine,so i was wondering if anyone knew of any brands.

2007-01-25 21:49:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2007-01-25 21:48:18 · 10 answers · asked by Zexyana 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Please, I really need to know who?Are you saying that the Pope goes to someone and confesses his sin? What happens after that? Sounds like Revelations to me, The Beast and the False prophet. A little help here please.

2007-01-25 21:46:37 · 10 answers · asked by SuperSkinny 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Why do I get as many thumbs-down when I'm stoned as I do when I'm sober?

2007-01-25 21:45:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Which part of a mans body is not allowed to be revealed? I heard it was from the abdomen down to the knees? Sources would be great! Thanks

2007-01-25 21:44:14 · 10 answers · asked by Mujaahid 3 in Religion & Spirituality

when they're referring to "atheists"? Is dropping the plural "s" a weird quirk of American English?

2007-01-25 21:41:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I really like Zucherro, Laura Pausini, Giorgia, ... just wish I could speak the language!

2007-01-25 21:38:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

I certainly didn't! I thought (foolishly I suppose) that people from other countries would come in and adapt largely to the British way of life, while still retaining something of their own culture, and that we could enjoy the best of their cultures. I never considered that our culture would be threatened in any way. Am I wrong in thinking that it IS being threatened? And not so much by the immigrants, as by certain politically correct people in the Town Halls, Schools and other institutions, who insist on changing things to, mistakenly, I think, appease minorities who are NOT demanding these changes. I mean, has anyone ever said "I feel threatened by your Christian Christmas lights and Father Christmas decorations"! And if someone said that to you, would you not fall about laughing?

2007-01-25 21:35:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

What did you see?

2007-01-25 21:33:53 · 3 answers · asked by Normefoo 4 in Mythology & Folklore

Mainly the differences between men and women and how they contribute to their roles in general.

2007-01-25 21:32:59 · 4 answers · asked by woptie 3 in Other - Society & Culture

I was raised in th orthodox church I have friends who are of many different creeds and beliefs, not only that but if someone has something to say against me I do allow them to email and state an opinion. I do not tolerate false acusations, how does this make me a bad person?

2007-01-25 21:30:53 · 16 answers · asked by Natashya K 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Here is a quote that resonates with me:
"I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people and I should stick to the issue of racial justice.But I hasten to remind them that Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.'" "I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brother- and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people." -Coretta Scott King March 31, 1998
Source: http://www.hatecrime.org/subpages/coretta.html

So, what quote resonates with you?

2007-01-25 21:30:17 · 9 answers · asked by BuckFush 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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