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Society & Culture - 30 November 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

i have checked the dic for this and it is a spanish word pronouced pew-ma is this right?

2006-11-30 11:40:54 · 19 answers · asked by mac 2 in Languages

what a stupid story. If you die and dont believe what the nutty christians tell you than god will take you dead body into a pit of fire, give you new flesh and a brain (so you can experience pain, of course) then burn you until your eyeballs explode in your head, over and over until the end of time. Yeah, sure. But I guess if you believe that humans came from a magical garden with an apple tree of sin growing in it, then you can belive anything i suppose.

2006-11-30 11:39:41 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I've been in a relationship with this female for 2 yrs and last year around this time she cheated on me and now she's doing it again. How can someone say they love u and do the same stuff to hurt you again. I know I need to get out but it hurts so bad. Please Help, what should I do?

2006-11-30 11:39:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

--or else what?---
Would you demand your children to worship you?

2006-11-30 11:39:03 · 17 answers · asked by big j 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I don't know what I want for Christmas. I already have a laptop, a ipod, cell phone, and a car. I need some ideas on something cool for Christmas.

2006-11-30 11:38:16 · 8 answers · asked by cassie_sweet_16 2 in Other - Holidays

When asked what he wanted, he said "Make me one with everything."

2006-11-30 11:38:13 · 8 answers · asked by michaelsan 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Let's assume the following things:

1. God is omniscient
2. God has a plan for everyone's existence, destiny if you will.

Now, that means that everything that happens to a person is a result of God, it is his plan after all. So any transgression on the part of a person is their weak faith when God gives them a test of sorts. However, God already knew the outcome of said test, so by giving the test in the first place he is directly responsible for pushing a person in the direction of good or evil.

Thoughts on this from fundamentalists? Anyone? (Don't bother quoting scripture, someone rejecting God for the sake of argument will not let God's "word" convince them otherwise)

2006-11-30 11:37:30 · 10 answers · asked by parrotsandgrog 3 in Religion & Spirituality

America, the melting pot. not the first melting pot, nor the last. english people are genetic descendants of many races, and yet now we consider them to be a race. every race out there is like that, a grouping and regrouping of different races. we see this evinced by the languages produced when two cultures unite. now then, can we please stop saying i'm (whatever)-american and just say I'm American? this goes for white folks too... you're not "AN" American, just like the boy from beijing is not "A" Chinese. get the verbage right and we may be able to break out of this racism. i also think we should remove the "what's your ethnic heritage" question from the census and everything else. most of you do not hail from the countries that you claim as your heritage, so you are not technically anything but american. thoughts?

2006-11-30 11:37:12 · 12 answers · asked by Shawn M 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

my friends dog just died and I'm gonna see her tomorrow. What do i say? i don't wanna sound lame and say: I'm sorry to hear that.

2006-11-30 11:36:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I know many people say that I should wait untill I'm eight-teen to fully declare myself of a certain religion, but what am I going to to during the waiting time? People say to just study up on it but even that's difficult to do. My mother has seen "occult realted" items in my room and got concerned that I was getting intrested in "Tree-worshipping crap that never works". (At least she didn't get all "OH MY GOSH! SATAN HAS GOTTEN YOU!") I didn't want to openly declare my interest at the time because A: I know I have no legal rights if they say tough and B: I didn't want to start an arguement, especially when I'm still learning, so I just said I'll cut it out. She's still concerned that I'll be "thinking that I'm a witch again..." It's pretty hard to get information such as books with no transport to bookstores and time alone to buy, and the internet is nice, but it's not perfect. If anybody has been in this situation before, can you sheed some advice?

2006-11-30 11:35:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

what are some good gifts for a 14 year old boy who likes sports

2006-11-30 11:35:07 · 8 answers · asked by BigBat 2 in Christmas

So i dont know what to give my friends for the holidays they are 13 yrs old got any ideas

2006-11-30 11:34:55 · 8 answers · asked by mickymousegrl 2 in Other - Holidays

Am i the only one that thinks this a double standard??

Christians are free to go around, in malls, streets, and other populated public places to preach their religion in other peoples' faces about how they will not be saved if they don't accept jesus.

However, if an atheists holds up banners saying that christianity will lead you to eternal doom, etc etc.. they will most likely be banned from the area for "verbal attacks"

How is this fair?

2006-11-30 11:33:10 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am a manager, but not hers. she is swearing to secrecy. But silently I want to hit the creep. Help!

2006-11-30 11:30:41 · 8 answers · asked by pintofbitterta 1 in Etiquette

2006-11-30 11:30:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

Hypothetical Question: What would you do if you died and you found out that you were wrong?

Please, tell me how YOU would feel, and don't use the bible and don't say "I wouldn't because it would never happened"

2006-11-30 11:30:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

married before for 6yrs and has a child from that marrage.my bf is very religious and talks about religion all the time.he told me he married his 1st wife because it was expected of him from the church.he said after 3 mons he knew he made a mistake but made a promise to god to make it work.he said his wife was a control freak that was never happy which in turn made his life hell which led him to cheat on her with 2 different women.i do know he tryed therapy with her and gave her a child to try and make her happy and do the right thing as he said.i asked him if he did not love her why stay married and have a child and he said thats what his religion expects divorce is highly looked down on..he knows what he did was wrong and seems deeply troubled by it. i'm just afraid he might be a wolf in sheeps clothing and using his devotion to his religion as a excuss to cheat on his wife and end up doing the same thing to me.

2006-11-30 11:29:42 · 18 answers · asked by jakiekelly09 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-11-30 11:29:11 · 6 answers · asked by Myself. 2 in Religion & Spirituality

PLEASE, don't mention God, I don't buy it.

2006-11-30 11:27:28 · 23 answers · asked by Eytan 1 in Other - Society & Culture

I'm writing this for a newspaper article. I just need some new thoughts. Thanks!

2006-11-30 11:26:17 · 8 answers · asked by bithertybop 3 in Other - Holidays

I just asked this question directed at everyone, and only Christians and a few others who didn't follow a stated religion answered. The other part of the question is: In a peaceful world, is there room for people of other faiths to co-exist with you, provided they respect your faith? Would you then respect theirs?

2006-11-30 11:26:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I recently posted a question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AqOJchK5qcsEoTNQdC..0o3zy6IX?qid=20061130160923AAyjGct

I got some good answers but there are a lot who took it as a personal attack. Why? Was I describing you?

I had Atheists assume Im Christian, Christians assume Im Atheist, a few assume Im a bad person. The answer I was looking for was "both have some people like this, but not all of them are." and I got that answer a few times (thanks people) But what was with the defensiveness and personal attacks?

2006-11-30 11:25:20 · 11 answers · asked by impossble_dream 6 in Religion & Spirituality

first blacks then mexicans then arabs then what????????
we have feelins too u kno
we r normal ppl
we know what goes around!!!!!
its not all arabs that are bad

2006-11-30 11:24:40 · 1 answers · asked by jen kutcher 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I already did research for myself, and found some very ineresting things. I basicly want to hear peoples opinions. If there really is one god, is our way of worship to him just as acceptable as any other worship? Looking forward to hearing some well thought out opinions. Thanks for the Responses in advance everyone, keep it up. :)

2006-11-30 11:23:24 · 19 answers · asked by Resolver 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I think it would be nice to have an adult yahoo answers.
Not adult as far a being sexually graphic but just adults asking and answering questions. That would eleveate so many of these hateful and kid type questions I would think. So many questions are asked by kids and teenagers which is fine but at times it would be nice to have more adult type questions.

2006-11-30 11:23:13 · 11 answers · asked by Crampy Grampy 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

fedest.com, questions and answers