I never said I do not want them to visit at all, but I do insist people ALWAYS call first before coming to the house, including my family..They had a very annoying habit of showing up whenever they wanted when my BF first moved in. When I say anytime, I mean weekend mornings at 8am, and nights when I have to work the next day at 10:30pm, staying until after midnight. Once they showed up on a Sunday, woke me up with their banging and ringing the bell, (my BF is a heavy sleeper) and I told them, in my nightgown the first thing that Sunday morning, that "You MUST call first, I am sorry I cannot let you in right now it is too early, you have been asked to call first before, yet you keep disrespecting us and our home by showing up anyway, please call later and we will tell you if it is a good time to visit or not." Then I shut the door and locked it. They pounded and rang again, even pushed on the door.I opened it again, repeated my speech asked them to leave and shut the door again.
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