If a person were to come to you and ask; "If I am homosexual, can I receive the Kingdom of God", what is your response? The bible seems to contradict practicing homosexuality.
Romans 1:26,27 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error.
Verse 32; Although these know full well the righteous decree of God, that those practicing such things are deserving of death, they not only keep on doing them but also consent with those practicing them.
Also, I found 1 Cor 6:9-11, ...will not inherit the kingdom. Also, it says you have to give up those practices.
So, if you're saying yes they will and the bible says no they won't...who is right?
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Religion & Spirituality