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Society & Culture - 17 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2006-10-17 04:12:27 · 26 answers · asked by basketballlover@sbcglobal.net 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-17 04:11:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It seems to me,cavemen have been given a bad rap.

2006-10-17 04:09:48 · 24 answers · asked by mitchegen 3 in Mythology & Folklore

There are many top secret documents that the public is unable to obtain. Why is this? Shouldn't all walks of faith have access to these documents? Why is access denied in many of the rooms in the Vatican? What are they hiding?

2006-10-17 04:08:12 · 13 answers · asked by mslorikoch 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I already know to speak German, Spanish, Norsk, Taigan and I am now learning french but I am confused as to what language to learn among the following: Italian, Russian (I already know how to read, write, and conversational russian), Czech, Polish, or Swedish (I know conversational Swedish). Some of the languages mentioned above, I know to a little extent but not fluently so I want to master one of these languages

2006-10-17 04:07:58 · 22 answers · asked by Yersh 2 in Languages

Someone asked about ladettes last week but nothing in her question indicated what they were. It's not a word in the dictionary. Can anybody explain? Thanks!

2006-10-17 04:07:36 · 2 answers · asked by keepsondancing 5 in Other - Society & Culture

The original three deities thus worshipped, now more commonly referred to as the Archaic Triad, were Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus. Jupiter was the supreme ruler of the heavens and god of thunder, Mars the god of agriculture and guardian of crops, and later a war deity, and Quirinus the enigmatic god of the Roman populus ("people").

Within Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity states that God is a single Being who exists, simultaneously and eternally, as a perichoresis of three persons (personae, prosopa): Father (the Source, the Eternal Majesty); the Son (the eternal Logos or Word, incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth); and the Holy Spirit (the Paraclete or advocate). Since the 4th Century, in both Eastern and Western Christianity, this doctrine has been stated as "One God in Three Persons," all three of whom, as distinct and co-eternal "persons" or "hypostases," share a single Divine essence, being, or nature.

As evidence of this process, a comparison is often drawn between the Trinity and notions of a divine triad, found in pagan religions and Hinduism. Hinduism has a triad, i.e., Trimurti.

As far back as Babylonia, the worship of pagan gods grouped in threes, or triads, was common. That influence was also prevalent in Egypt, Greece, and Rome in the centuries before, during, and after Christ. After the death of the apostles, many nontrinitarians contend that these pagan beliefs began to invade Christianity. (First and second century Christian writings reflect a certain belief that Jesus was one with God the Father, but anti-Trinitarians contend it was at this point that the nature of the oneness evolved from pervasive coexistence to identity.)

Some find a direct link between the doctrine of the Trinity, and the Egyptian theologians of Alexandria, for example. They suggest that Alexandrian theology, with its strong emphasis on the deity of Christ, was an intermediary between the Egyptian religious heritage and Christianity.

2006-10-17 04:06:57 · 14 answers · asked by AuroraDawn 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Sometimes it clicks involuntarily when I'm relaxed but I can voluntary make it click if I want by just relaxing my body and face.
Also, it clicks pretty loud and other people can hear it. Most of the time people don't know where it's coming from and they always ask "Do you here that clicking sound? where is it coming from? and sometimes if I tell people, they don't believe me until I show them. Also, it feels really good when it clicks...feels very healing. Has anyone ever heard of this, or am I the only one in the world with this condition? The eye clicking has been going on for over 10 years now.

2006-10-17 04:06:43 · 11 answers · asked by Kalidas 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-17 04:06:03 · 4 answers · asked by HellRaiSer 4 in Languages

They have no use to society. All they do is take and they do not give back at all, draining us of precious tax dollars. Why should we waste time teaching a 19 year old retarded person to spell "CAT", while teachers could be teaching a normal person how to perform valuable surgical procedures, for example. It just makes no sense and it is sickening.

2006-10-17 04:05:26 · 7 answers · asked by Freg M 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Often people go down a tunnel towards a bright light where they are met by their deceased relatives and think they have reached heaven. Has anyone ever read an account where someone has visited hell?

2006-10-17 04:01:40 · 33 answers · asked by Ally 5 in Religion & Spirituality

....the condition of being "crippled?" What actually is the point of this part of the tale, if any? Do you think it an essential part of the account or simply a superfluous appendage tagged on the ending like the donkey's tail?

2006-10-17 04:00:41 · 7 answers · asked by Seeker 4 in Mythology & Folklore

To say there is no God needs faith. Your believe is just empty.

2006-10-17 03:59:27 · 31 answers · asked by Smart_Guy 4 in Religion & Spirituality

i walked in the post office i live in a small town, i do a bussness on line i send packages in bulk, i send them to Egypt, so my son and i and the lady taped the package,i went to the side to fill the papers,came back (in site of he the whole time) and my son 17 walked with it in both hands still taped but she knew it was going to Egypt, when he walked to her, she turned red had tears in her eyes and she said OMG DON'T DO THAT YOU SCARED ME and we said what? we then realized she thought it was a bomb omg,,,,, what you think about that? we are native amercian indians but my finaca is Egypian i think she was wrong in what she thought what do you think about this,yes i'am muslim,and she knew that,comments plez

2006-10-17 03:58:59 · 35 answers · asked by sun m 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The original question posted on 10-15-06 at 1:20am. The question was asked "did Jesus go into hell after he died on the cross?". I want to chat with the individual who quoted the quran...I am interested to know some more details as to the historical backing of your rebuttle. I am almost certain that history has proven the validity of the Bible more than any other ficticious religion story book that is out there. Also, you are far off on some of your facts..what version of the Bible were you quoting from??

2006-10-17 03:58:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A Cosmic Trigger Event will occur on the 17th of October 2006.

By Raphiem/Blue

This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain approximately within this UV beam for 17 hours of your time.

This beam resonates with the heart chakra, it is radiant fluorescent in nature, blue/magenta in color. Although it resonates in this frequency band, it is above the color frequency spectrum of your universe-1 which you, Earth articulate in. However due to the nature of your soul and soul groups operating from Universe-2 frequency bands it will have an effect.

The effect is every thought and emotion will be amplified intensely one million-fold. Yes, we will repeat, all will be amplified one millions time and more.

Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.

What does this mean ?

Since all matter manifest is due to your thoughts, i.e. what you focus on, this beam will accelerate these thoughts and solidify them at an accelerated rate making them manifest a million times faster than they normally would.

For those that do not comprehend. Your thoughts, what you focus on create your reality.

This UV beam thus can be a dangerous tool. For if you are focused on thoughts which are negative to your liking they will manifest into your reality almost instantly. Then again this UV beam can be a gift if you choose it to be.

Mission-1017 requires approximately one million people to focus on positive, benign, good willed thoughts for themselves and the Earth and Humanity on this day. Your thoughts can be of any nature of your choosing, but remember whatever you focus on will be made manifest in a relatively faster than anticipated time frame. To some the occurrences may almost be bordering on the miracle.

All we ask is positive thoughts of love, prosperity, healing, wealth, kindness, gratitude be focused on.

This UV beam comes into full affect for 17hrs on the 17th of October 2006.

No matter what time zone you are in the hours are approximately 10:17am on the 17th of October to 1:17am on the 18th of October.

The peak time will be 17:10 (5:10pm) on the 17th October.

You do not need to be in a meditative state through out this time, though that would be beneficial. The main key time no matter what time zone you are in will be the peak time of 17:10 (5:10 pm). Perhaps at this time if you can find a peaceful spot or location to focus. The optimum is out in the vicinity of grounded nature, likened to that of a large tree or next to the ocean waves.

Focus on whatever it is you desire. What is required for the benefit of all Earth and HUmanity is positive thoughts of loving nature.

We call this UV beam trigger event, "818" gateway.

Please forward this message to as many people as you know who will use this cosmic trigger event to focus positive, good willed thoughts.

We require approximately 1-million people across globe to actively participate in this event. Please use whatever communication mediums you have at your disposal. Reach out to as many people as possible. We require 1-million plus people at the least to trigger a shift for humanity from separation
and fragmentation to one of unification and oneness.

This is your opportunity to take back what is rightfully yours i.e. Peace and Prosperity for all Earth and Mankind.


2006-10-17 03:57:06 · 11 answers · asked by vanilla_d_i_v_a 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Is there the same big debate about evolution that is plagueing christianity or do people generally ignore the question?
Are you supposed to believe in evolution seing it as a tool of Allah or to some Muslims rule it out completely as being opposed to the Qur'an?

2006-10-17 03:56:20 · 7 answers · asked by andrew w 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-17 03:55:06 · 18 answers · asked by Francois Neveling 1 in Mythology & Folklore

In reference to the Old Testament.

2006-10-17 03:53:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Could I then take god as merely being a metaphor for nature?

2006-10-17 03:52:50 · 9 answers · asked by Eureka! 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-17 03:50:36 · 30 answers · asked by Moo 1 in Other - Society & Culture

2006-10-17 03:50:36 · 19 answers · asked by Exousia Skotos 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-17 03:50:30 · 15 answers · asked by justhulice 4 in Other - Society & Culture

I am translating a text and I cannot find out what's the meaning of this expression contained on this sentence.

"And in the following stanza it accuses the king of being driven too much by the desire to commit a murder which ' will bear bitter fruit ', to shed blood he must not touch."

can someone tell me a synonym to it in one word or two?
there is no answer to it in any dictionary I have searched.

thank you

2006-10-17 03:49:55 · 10 answers · asked by Yellow Submarina 7 in Languages

What is the difference between being a wiccan vs. a pagan? Isn't that like the difference between catholism and baptist?

2006-10-17 03:49:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

There are many questions which come to mind when the name Jesus is mentioned. Some people say he was a prophet, others call him a god, while others say he was a very wise man. But whatever your idea is, one thing remains certain: he was not your ordinary man. So if there is something special about him, why all the confusion? Just who was Jesus anyway?

His Origins
Jesus lived about 2,000 years ago in ancient Palestine during the height of the Roman Empire. He was not conceived in the usual way, but was implanted in the womb of a young woman named Mary. God simply commanded "Be" and he was. In this sense, he was "a word" of God and a special sign for humanity. In fact, he was the last in a long line of religious guides sent to the Jewish people.

Mary, The Blessed
Mary was a righteous woman. Her mother dedicated her to God's service even before she was born. As a child, she lived a life marked by health and goodness which others pointed to in admiration. She was raised by the wise Zacharias who instilled in her a beautiful sense of faith in God. When she had become a young woman, Mary sought to purify herself further before her Lord. Knowing that the hustle of life in the towns was distracting, she withdrew from her people to a sanctuary in the East. There she could meditate in seclusion and peace. Suddenly, on a day that seemed no different from the rest, an angel of God visited her, disguised in the likeness of a human. Afraid of so strange a sight, Mary prayed for protection, but the strange being reassured her and declared that he was a messenger from the Lord to announce the glad-tidings of a faultless son. Mary, astounded, asked how this was possible seeing that no man ever touched her. But the angel replied, "Your Lord says, It is easy for Me …".

But when she felt the little child within her, she fled her sanctuary out of fear of what her family would do or say when they heard the news. Mary, however, was not to face hardship. When in her despair she cried out to God for oblivion, a voice soothed her and she found shade and a cool spring. Under a date-palm in the warmth of late summer, she made her dwelling and there bore the child unlike any other in human history.

Shortly thereafter, Mary returned to her community carrying the child who was to be called Messiah, Jesus, and son of Mary. When her people saw her with the baby in her arms they couldn't believe their eyes, let alone accept her word. They refused to believe when she told of an angel who came and told her she was chosen above all other women to carry this burden. They accused her of infidelity and implied that she ruined the family name. Mary, being overwhelmed, simply motioned towards the child meekly.

The Miracles
Now the child was the product of a miracle and consequently, miraculous things began to happen. In defense of his mother and of the truth, the infant Jesus spoke saying, "I am a servant of God. He has given me Scripture and has made me a Prophet. He has blessed me wherever I may be and has made prayer and charity my duty as long as I live. " This put the detractors to rest.

Throughout his youth, Jesus remained dutiful to his mother and developed quickly in intelligence, wisdom, and piety He dumfounded the learned and was greatly admired by those around him who appreciated his talents. He claimed to be a sign of God and a Messenger to the Israelites.

His people had strayed from tl1e spirit of truth and placed their trust in legalism, thereby burying their sense of mercy beneath dusty scrolls and rituals. Finally, when he came of age, Jesus began to travel and preach throughout the land of Palestine about a return to the truth of the old revelations and a rejection of all that man had added. In his task he was supported by the spirit of truth, the angel Gabriel.

The Gospel, His Message
He taught that love and mercy overcome hate and anger and that only a true and sincere faith in the Creator and obedience to His will can bring a person salvation in this life as well as in the next. To reinforce his message which was called "Injeel" (Good News) God granted him the performance of miracles. He healed the sick, enheartened the distressed and revived the dead. All these things he did with the permission of God, never taking credit for them himself.

He led a simple and pious life. Soon he attracted an inner-circle of devoted followers who listened to his teachings with fervor and humility. These disciples, among them Peter, Barnabas, and John helped him carry the message of Divine Love to the people. They helped him in his mission.

A Test of Wills
But no righteous man of God is without trial and tribulation. As the message of Jesus began to gain wider acceptance, a small clique of hypocrites and evil men began to plot against him. They were the priests and leaders of the Jews whose position and wealth depended upon their place as the sole interpreters of religion to the masses. They pursued him and his followers and eventually captured him. Though they abused him, he never renounced his faith in the one God. So in their anger they plotted to crucify him on a Roman cross. But Jesus slipped from their grip at the last moment, and all the while they thought they had succeeded. They were sure they killed him but God answered Jesus' prayer and saved him from their schemes. Confusion overtook the mob and they might have killed the man who betrayed Jesus instead. In any case, Jesus escaped from their grasp. Then God removed Jesus from this world into another dimension, to a place with Him, not to return until a later time.

With their teacher gone, the devoted followers of Jesus tried to maintain the purity and simplicity of his teachings. But they were, soon besieged and overtaken by a flood of Roman and Greek influences which eventually so buried and distorted the message of Jesus that only a little of its truth now remains. Strange doctrines of Jesus being a man-god, of God dying, of saint worship and of God being made up of different parts came into vogue and were accepted by many of those who took the name "Christians" centuries after Jesus.

The only records that have come down to us concerning Jesus are some sketchy biographical material, poorly researched and compiled, which can in no way be representative of the full and accurate Message of Jesus, the Son of Mary. The time of the final and incorruptible Message was not yet at hand. It would be left to the last prophet of God, Muhammad, to clarify the truth from man's additions and deletions.

Jesus taught the same eternal message taught by all the Messengers of God. From Adam, on through Noah, Abraham, Moses and ending with the mission of God's last Guidepost to humanity, Muhammad, whose coming was foretold by Jesus himself.

Every nation and every people, from the Aztecs to the Greeks, have received a Prophet or a Messenger from God. Jesus was the last of a series of Messengers sent to the Israelites, but they consistently strayed from the path of surrender to God. Each of the many Messengers spoke a different language and followed varied customs. Yet the core faith taught by each was the same: surrender your imperfect and fickle will to the perfect will of the Power that is greater than you. You will then find the peace and freedom that only the Creator of humanity can provide. Then you must do what is right and good to your fellow creatures. This way of life is called Islam (surrender to God and find peace).

2006-10-17 03:49:21 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

hey everyone i want to ask ya someting what do you thing of a teenage girl who goes trick or treath a age 14,15,or 16????? because i love halloween !!!!! not just for the candies but for the costumes and party's!!!!!!!

2006-10-17 03:48:38 · 13 answers · asked by bla bla 2 in Halloween

I can't help but feel that life is man's creation in general.

2006-10-17 03:48:24 · 3 answers · asked by Exousia Skotos 3 in Religion & Spirituality

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