I know u are empty
Did u know that it won't go away.It's always there
Ok so u tried 2 forget about it
still there
so you tried to fill it
pick one
Sex, drugs, alcohol,religion, superiority complex,disconnected conscience,physical appearence,friends,sports,job,good deeds,murder, child molestation,rape,porn, logic,control,masks,intellectualizing,men,women, children,cult, ipod, tv,computer.....
That's it just always keep yourself busy then u won't have 2 feel it right?
Yes Lonliness counts 2.
It's still there.
U know it is I know it is
Perhaps u may be 2 drunk or 2 high at that time 2 feel it but as soon as u come down from that high from that ,murder from that ,drug from that, good deed ,winning touchdown........
Oh no the emptiness is still there what do I do!?
Yes ipod, yes plan that next rape,Do u have a beer? Oh yes there Another issue which I can give my super intellectual opinion on......
Emptiness still there?
What r u going 2 do...?
11 answers
asked by
Religion & Spirituality