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Society & Culture - 27 September 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I have an English Translation that I read but I keep hearing about how the Arabic version is so amazing.

2006-09-27 14:49:51 · 10 answers · asked by latchegdsggdsg 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I have a few people that I know, that while they are not homphobes, still act as if I'm a second-class citizen because I'm a lesbian. In everyday life, while they talk about their life and relationships freely, they simply think that becasue I love other women that I couldn't possibly be as important as them.They use the word dyke as if I'm not around or as if it's okay to refer to a lesbian as that. Although I personally have no problems with gays and lesbians using that word as a term of endearment in the GLBT community, I don't think that straight people should just throw the word around. But that's my personal opinion and a whole different subject. Most of the people that I know including family members and friends, are totally cool with me being gay and would never disrepsect me and make me feel like less of a person. But I know most gays know what I'm talking about when you have certain people who act like they view you as an equal, but you know deep down they deem you lower.

2006-09-27 14:46:50 · 12 answers · asked by indrep33 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Has anyone heard of the Philadelphia Church of God?

If so, do you think it's a cult?

2006-09-27 14:46:39 · 9 answers · asked by MeemeeG 2 in Religion & Spirituality

1. something's gotta give
2. as good as it gets
3. terms of endearment
4. the postman always rings twice
5. one flew over the cuckoo's nest
6. broadcast News

(After you write your incredibly cool paragraph,can you tell us who is the star that was in ALL these movies I just listed?!)

2006-09-27 14:45:35 · 8 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Other - Society & Culture

i know there are already many people in the world that are fatally ill and sadly know their last day is arriving, how would it be if in life, everyone was born already knowing when they were to die, do you think it would make a difference in a person's way of living? or nothing would really change?

2006-09-27 14:45:34 · 21 answers · asked by sueet2b 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-09-27 14:45:32 · 7 answers · asked by hector 4 in Other - Society & Culture

im gay but i would like to be a daddy someday, and i was wondering if there are any kids books for younger kids, were their are two daddys, so he can know that its normal

thanx ♥

2006-09-27 14:44:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

can't they just leave everyone alone and eat their tofu in piece

2006-09-27 14:43:13 · 10 answers · asked by taylor2459 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

What is the "word churches"and why don't other Christians like them.

2006-09-27 14:42:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

...already married :-(

Would be nice to receive all that from someone who is free to give all their love.

Perhaps my problem is never being in the right place at the right time?

2006-09-27 14:42:18 · 10 answers · asked by bobkgins_sock_puppet_1 1 in Religion & Spirituality

The United States is considering passing a law that forbids certain couples to marry or reproduce.

2006-09-27 14:41:13 · 4 answers · asked by Brittney D 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Only answer if you dress up. Oh, and I don't want to hear that it is the Devil's holiday. I have already been made aware of that by other posters.

2006-09-27 14:41:08 · 30 answers · asked by pinacoladasundae 3 in Other - Holidays

buying makeup from "White" women. She didn't seem to think she was white. Do others? Then why does the gov say they are? And are Pakistanis considered white when they seceded from India, which is considered Asian? This isn't a racist question. Just a curious one.

2006-09-27 14:40:15 · 5 answers · asked by tooinvolved1 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

National Coming Out Day (October 11th) is fast approaching, and my college's TINY (three students, me included, and two faculty advisors) Gay/Straight Alliance-type group (we are Q-FLAG- Queens Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is trying to figure out what we can do to not only celebrate it, but also try and raise awareness/recruit more members (so we can be an registered club!).

We are so small, we can't get any official money, but we've all agreed to chip in. So far, the best idea we've come up with is to make and distribute (on October 11th) rainbow ribbons for LBGT people to wear, and also royal blue (IS this National Coming Out Day's official color? Or just the Human Rights Campaign's?) ribbons for allies to wear.

I've been to the HRC's website and seen the theme for this year: "Talk About It!"- perhaps we might work that in somehow? Any and all ideas are appreciated!

2006-09-27 14:39:10 · 5 answers · asked by dragonheartsong 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-09-27 14:37:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Okay, so people complain about cursing showing how small a person's vocabulary is and how there are better ways to express oneslf. My question is, what are some words that capture the same sentiment as words in this category? Fudge and oh heck and drat and darn and oh gosh just don't make the grade, and I really want to have some more sophisticated ways to convey the feeling behind a curse. Thanks for the help.

2006-09-27 14:35:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2006-09-27 14:35:36 · 3 answers · asked by hector 4 in Other - Society & Culture

I'm writing this historical fic, and I'm not sure what to use as the formal title for one of my characters.

If an unmarried earl dies, and the title goes to his cousin, would the former earl's mother retain the title of countess, or would she become the dowager, and the new earl's mother become the countess?

2006-09-27 14:34:33 · 9 answers · asked by Danielle N 1 in Royalty

isnt it said in the "bible" that priests are the people (i mean MEN ONLY HAHA ISNT THAT FUNNY) that speak gods word....that god has chosen them to represent him in a sense here on earth??? well if that IS true ..then why are there so many filthy, scumbag priests around molesting children???? ANYONE have an answer for that??? and DONT say that god forgives because that doesnt work here...just dont say it...a man who uses the idea of infinite good and rightessnous to lure a little boy into lude sexual acts is not forgivable....so PLEASE DONT USE THAT line...

2006-09-27 14:33:49 · 34 answers · asked by thatgirluknow 3 in Religion & Spirituality

She prayed for a pony. A PONY!!!

Ya know, when it was a couple of quarters from the Tooth Fairy, I obliged. When she asked Santa for a telescope, I relented. But for the love of corn, I just can't keep this up anymore! When is she old enough to know the truth about Santa, the Easter Bunny and Jesus?

2006-09-27 14:32:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am asking that no Natives answer this question. There are a lot of hokey hucksters out there and I want to see how this has effected the impressions non-natives have of us.

I'm not trying to start any arguments here, I'm just curious about this.

2006-09-27 14:32:31 · 13 answers · asked by greywalkerone 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Many Christians believe that if you commit suicide, you automatically loose your salvation and are condemned to hell. What is your opinion on it based on the Bible?

2006-09-27 14:31:55 · 24 answers · asked by twelfntwelf3 4 in Religion & Spirituality

9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Romans 10

2006-09-27 14:31:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-09-27 14:30:35 · 16 answers · asked by APerfectCircle 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Debate question for a speech class, any anwers?

2006-09-27 14:30:16 · 27 answers · asked by twelfntwelf3 4 in Religion & Spirituality

ok well all of my friends are christian and im jewish. most of my close friends are jesus freaks. well this morning at school, they had a small "youth group" type thing and my friends made me go to it. i went and i actually really ended up liking it. and for the past few days my friends have been trying to get me to be christian. i really want to be but my parents said that i should really start learning about my own religon. i want to but i also want to become christian. i really don`t know what to do about his. please help!

2006-09-27 14:30:08 · 9 answers · asked by beachbabie_xoxo 1 in Religion & Spirituality

It is my personal opinion that the word 'tolerance' is often used in the wrong way in today's world.

Tolerance, defined by Dictionary.com, unabridged:
"A fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose o pinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry."

There's a difference between saying,"I don't believe in Muslim tradition, but it's ok," and "I hate muslims!" One is being tolerant, and the other is just being a bigot.

Non-Christians attack Christians by saying,"You are being intolerant because you don't agree with what I say." This is especially true in college campuses in the States. Because Christianity is a faith that only has 'one road down the right path,' it can easily be viewed as being intolerant.

In fact, many people who call themselves Christians ARE intolerant, sad to say. But if we are to say that, we must include those who are intolerant of Christianity.

How do YOU define tolerance?

2006-09-27 14:28:44 · 11 answers · asked by MonokuRo_J 1 in Religion & Spirituality

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