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Society & Culture - 5 September 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

i work at a gas station and the people that do drive offs make me so mad, we had 5 of them sunday. and then the managment gets mad and thinks that were not doing our jobs and watching people close enough. its kinda hard to watch everyone when youve got 10 or 12 people pumping gas and a line of customers buying other items, and then when you call the police to report it the first they they say is did you get a license number, i dont know about anyone else but i cant read a license plate number from 100 foot away as a car is driving off. well we just caught a guy lastnight and finally got his licence number, it was the 3rd time this month he has drove off on us so the clerk recognized the car and made sure he got close enough to get it. but they wont even charge or prosecute for that, they are just gonna go pick him up and make him pay for the gas he stole and then let him go. that is B.S. if he came in the store and shoplifted they will arrest you. but they wont for gas. its still theft

2006-09-05 00:50:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I need some general rules and some specific examples. I don't really think it means that she should wait on him hand and foot, but I don't really know what it looks like for a woman to be submissive. Can anyone help me with this? Serious answers only, please.

2006-09-05 00:49:38 · 21 answers · asked by cldb730 4 in Religion & Spirituality

These self-proclaimed individuals no more represent the Master than Pee Wee Herman represents Pope!

These are "men of mammon" more than they ever were men of God.

No one is as shameless as the Hairspray addict, the guy with the King of Kings Coiffure, that Palestinian Pentecostal Preacher, BENNY HIN ... now there's a trickster... !!!

He made $32,000 disappear for his Hotel Bill during his one week "Crusade" in London..."$32,000.00" USD !!!!!

On the Bill of fare:
The Royal Westminster Enclave 9 Room Suite, Bodyguards, his entourage of 23 including Hairdresser and cases of hairspray all occuping Jr. Suites on the same floor!

One wonders how many little old ladies shave off 10% or more of their miserable monthly Social Security check to pay for Benny's Suite(s) and Private Leer-Jet...one can only wonder.

Jesus never tricked anyone, but these Wolves in Sheep's clothing are doing a good job!

What say you Christian?

2006-09-05 00:48:25 · 17 answers · asked by B'klyn Barracuda 3 in Religion & Spirituality

If price, location, and other restrictions weren't in place which famous building would you most like to convert to be your new pad (home) and why?

2006-09-05 00:47:15 · 21 answers · asked by Elharvo 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Religions born out of revelations of God through Prophets and doctrines seemed to be concentrated around the middle easter region.
Whereas religions that are born out of incarnations or enlightenment are mostly from south and eastern asia.
Why are religions of each of the regions so distintive?
Is it something to do with the cultural, social background of the people of these regions?
Does that mean religions have a boundary of relevance?

2006-09-05 00:42:12 · 7 answers · asked by Mohan K 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I just have to ask a stupid question about them to get a lot of hate mail. I don't really mean the stuff I say, but I certainly do get a kick out of bugging them and teasing them about their country.
Why are they so easily bugged?

I would appreciate it if a shrink would answer my question.


2006-09-05 00:42:00 · 14 answers · asked by blunt_yet_sharp 2 in Other - Society & Culture

This question relates to the 'evil eye' and why and how someone’s jealousy can have an effect on our lives. Why is it that when something good happens in your life and you tell someone, then sometimes you can loose that thing you want the most?? If God is so great and above all things, then surely he controls all things and surely someone’s jealousy and 'evil eye' should not be able to affect our lives at all?? If God only wants good for his followers and believers then why does he allow someone’s jealousy have a negative effect on our lives?? I was always told as a child, that if you wish something bad for someone, God will never grant that wish to come true, because God is merciful and only wants the best for his follower. If this is true then why does God allow someone's 'nazar' to affect your life??!!

2006-09-05 00:40:51 · 11 answers · asked by Eli 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I am saying this out of my personal experience, I am Asian and have found them to be nuisance on the streets.

2006-09-05 00:40:43 · 12 answers · asked by Eata 3 in Other - Society & Culture

what is the meaning of "Kill the Infidel"

2006-09-05 00:40:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Their origin, their religious beliefs,
their customs, tower of silence,
vulture feeding of dead bodies,
what happens to the bones of the dead.

2006-09-05 00:39:55 · 3 answers · asked by pianist 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Mathew 3v17=
And suddenly a voise came from Heaven saying "This is my beloved Son, in whom l am well pleased."
??? Who is God Talking of ??? "Doh"

2006-09-05 00:39:03 · 8 answers · asked by David S 2 in Religion & Spirituality

some times the one you think is your best friend,can be your worst enimy,and the one you think is your enimy can be your best friend.

2006-09-05 00:37:27 · 6 answers · asked by what is the good word? 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I happened to come across this Catholic web-site and the pictures on the website confirm one thing, Catholism glorifies Mary more than Jesus Christ...The pictures often show Mary carrying Jesus as a baby but hardly do we see Jesus on the Cross...Jesus on the cross means deliverance for many people, therefore Satan wants to make people to remember his birth more than His death.Jesus Christ never commanded us to remember His birth but to remember His death. With His birth, Satan knows that Mary would be deitified(made like God).

I don't hate Catholics but we should not allow false worship to God. Any false worship is demonic, whether involved people are aware of it or not.


2006-09-05 00:37:23 · 10 answers · asked by Hope Dollar 2 in Religion & Spirituality

when people have been abused by a husband
and you a new neighbor and trying to be nice why do they not like nice? and why are they nasty and rude at times

2006-09-05 00:36:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i would like to know yhe history going back to1920,s if poss? i/we have a ghost or somthing like that, things being moved,& also seen figures,& heard nioses etc.

2006-09-05 00:34:16 · 5 answers · asked by bty82688116 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Why does the US have more freakingly ugly, pink people with peeling skin than the UK? Does it have anything to do with their diet or impure and racist mentality?

2006-09-05 00:33:40 · 13 answers · asked by blunt_yet_sharp 2 in Other - Society & Culture

I've been studying the Bible for years. I've never seen it.

2006-09-05 00:31:30 · 18 answers · asked by Morgan 3 in Religion & Spirituality

The bible says, "therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perserverance the race that is set before us."

Can we pray to the saints?
Do they see our entire lives?

The verse is comforting.

2006-09-05 00:31:10 · 7 answers · asked by Villain 6 in Religion & Spirituality

why are the 3 montheistic religions against contraception? (although i got to say that protestants have got away from this idea)
i am a christian lady and each time my b/f makes love to me should i live with the fear of getting pregnent?
(because doctors have warned me against getting pregnent for for certain reasons i will not mention here)

2006-09-05 00:30:53 · 4 answers · asked by s21181 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Paul's blasphemous statement:

Let us read what Paul said in the corrupted Bible:

"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. (From the NIV Bible, 1 Corinthians 1:25)"

Let us analyze this foolish and blasphemous verse from Paul:

1-Regardless of how smart and stupid GOD and us humans are,our intelligence will never reach even the stupidity of GOD!

2-GOD is a fool.

3-GOD is weak.

4-Man is more foolish and weaker than GOD.

5-The comparison itself is very insulting and degrading to GOD Almighty.It is also limiting to Him since our finite and limited intelligence and strength were compared to His infinite Attributes.

2006-09-05 00:29:23 · 13 answers · asked by ahmed_mo2nis 4 in Religion & Spirituality

And I want to rededicate my life and maybe get married again someday. Am I forgiven? Will the person that marries me comit adultery? Help!

2006-09-05 00:27:16 · 10 answers · asked by Mel221971 2 in Religion & Spirituality

i have a Mistress long-distance and Her birthday is coming up. What should i do for Her or give to Her, something special?

2006-09-05 00:26:32 · 7 answers · asked by insecure alias 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

2006-09-05 00:21:41 · 6 answers · asked by Suanne 1 in Languages

Muhammud has said he is a "Profit"
Jesus Christ has said He is the Son of God and "Saviour" of man kind..
Spot the difference.
What is the difference??
Ha Raa, what a great light l see

2006-09-05 00:19:38 · 16 answers · asked by David S 2 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers