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Society & Culture - 31 August 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Especially when someone picks your answer, over someone else who is higher ranked than yourself?

Not the feeling of vanity coz you're smarter, but a good feeling that maybe you made a real difference to someone in need of an answer to their question thats been bothering them.

Sometimes, we're overwhelmed by our own concerns and obligatons, we can't think of the right solution. Even if is right under our nose. Someitmes, we just don't have the experience or wisdom to see something in a different perspective. There is the hope that there is someone out there who may have the answer to our question, and for a minute or two, they may take us seriously and give us a hella good answer.

It may just make their day, that feeling of relief and being able to go on with their lives - and sometimes, the answer is just so funny that it tops off the day on a good note, your troubles aren't as bad as you might of thought.

2pts... oh yeah,..... ha ha . . . ha . . . . . uh - huh .

2006-08-31 05:16:03 · 12 answers · asked by somber_pieces 6 in Etiquette

2006-08-31 05:15:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Please notice that I'm on my best behavior today and am staying impartial on this (for now) and am just trying to facilitate discussion.

Please read the answers that people provided for thee basis of their (dis)belief in god(s):


I'm not trying to get you to attack specific answers, but what do you think IN GENERAL about:

1) the bases the atheists provided
2) the bases the theists provided
3) the bases the agnostics provided

Is there a theme that you see?
Does this help you understand the difference between these 3 general groups of people?

Thanks for playing along.
I think that this is actually becoming a fruitful discussion.

2006-08-31 05:15:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Believer or unbeliever... shouldn't everyone have read and have a working knowledge of the book that has had the most influence on Western Civilization.
I can see censoring Lott's drunken adventures with his two daughters from eight year olds in a Sunday school class.
I can see side stepping Noah and Ham. (That's if anything actually happened between them. The Jews have been puzzling over this for centuries before the Talmud was written.)
I know reading comprehension is limited especially for those below the 100 IQ, but from reading some of the crap (bullshit actually) posted here, but weren't these people taught something?

2006-08-31 05:14:20 · 29 answers · asked by Leif Ericson 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I live in Korea and unfortunately it is difficult to find the English Catholic Bible I am looking for. I want something which I can use all my life, leather not too heavy with hymn. I prefer the hymn have all related guitar chords in it. Can you recommend one please?

I can buy online If I get what I want.

2006-08-31 05:14:19 · 6 answers · asked by internetbrother 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Or did god create thousands of different strains of each virus so that he could realise a newer version once an antiboiotic is found?

According to the biblethumpers there is no such thing as evolution so that MUST mean that god is up there scraping new viruses off a petri dish all the time.

God is Psycotic

2006-08-31 05:14:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am just asking this for all those people who hate Bush and thought that 9/11 was Bush's fault. So tell me did he have anythign to do with the highjackings and the terrorists over there or will it be another movie going around on the internet like the 9/11 movie ****. Come on people they were terrorists not Bush. Some of you people out there are so gullable and will believe anything over the net.

2006-08-31 05:12:44 · 3 answers · asked by fryeindustries2002 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Did Muhammad perform miracle when he was a child. Muhammad only perform miracle when he was approach by angel Gabriel. Even the devil himself tests Jesus whether if he really is son of GOD.

2006-08-31 05:12:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

a young lady yesterday asked about steroetype wicca. this young lady was give a link to a website that states that the salem witch trials where not christian doing and that joan of arc wasnt of christ but accourding to joan of arc she was sent by the mighty god of the bible. christians please you need to know the truth about your religions history and keep it the way it was written down and not try to change it at all. the facts are the facts christianity has a very long history of blood shed.

the website was this http://usminc.org its as false as they come and i am not pleased with stuff like this its just as bad as whynotaskdon's website full of lies and bigotry

2006-08-31 05:09:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In this case,the Beneficiary did not know of his criminal
record. Does the Beneficiary loose his Inheritance
merely on a Police record not tested in any Court.

2006-08-31 05:09:37 · 7 answers · asked by ardneham2002 2 in Other - Society & Culture

If so, why? It's it against your feelings given the disdain the Republican Party expresses towards gays?

2006-08-31 05:09:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

What did Jesus mean when He said we must be born again? What is the relationship in John 3 to being born again and receiving eternal life?

2006-08-31 05:09:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

was hea lready dere and if was y do u think so he existed u nvr lived in dat era

2006-08-31 05:08:56 · 25 answers · asked by anshul 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-31 05:08:29 · 12 answers · asked by curious 5 in Other - Society & Culture

I have tried to talk to GOD and to Jesus sense I was a kid, and I get nothing.

I hear people always say that they talk to GOD, so why won't he talk to me? I even try listening with my heart, and THAT doesn't work! I have tried reading the bible, torah, and even the tiny fortunes in the cookies. Still, nothing.

How do I get HIS attention? Do I need to yell??

If I die tomorrow, am I screwed?

2006-08-31 05:08:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

such as "just because"

2006-08-31 05:07:01 · 6 answers · asked by Tim 2 in Languages

I used to be a hard-core heroin addict...I used for ten years straight..Youd never know it if you met me i have totally straightened up my life and am doing quite well...Im aprehensive about dating though...most women are very put off my my past and dont seem to give me a chance if they now about my past right off the bat...Should I keep from new women I meet..or be honest...ive been doing the honesty thing latley and it hasen been paying off..help Im 31 and dont want to be single forever

2006-08-31 05:06:42 · 21 answers · asked by tednugentshotmydog 2 in Other - Society & Culture

All living things, but did God create them and why?

2006-08-31 05:06:33 · 11 answers · asked by graeme b 3 in Religion & Spirituality

The groups and cultures I am most prejudiced towards are the ones I have most contact with, while those I have least contact with are the cultures I have the most respect for. Do you think this is a coincidence, or do you think it is a negative consequence of living in a very multicultural place?
By the way, I know my prejudices are wrong, so I would never act on them, instead I have made an effort to learn about other cultures. I was just wondering, because I really don't think our feeble attempt at multiculturalism is working very well. What do you think?

2006-08-31 05:05:58 · 12 answers · asked by Gypsophila 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Here's the gist. Back in the old testament days some king of Babylon decided to build a tower that could reach heaven. Now supposedly after a long time of building, God looked down and said 'If I don't stop them now, there will be no limit to what they can do'. So he changed their languages and dispersed the people over the earth.

Now, what happens when you get people together that don't speak the same language or have the same beliefs? Conflict. What do you get when you divide people and make them think they are different from others not like them? Racism.

This is actually a multiple part question.

1. Did God MEAN for/Know what was going to happen when he did it? Or was it a mistake?

2. Did God really think that these ancient people would 'reach heaven' with their tower?

2006-08-31 05:04:32 · 10 answers · asked by bleedcoltsblue 2 in Religion & Spirituality

A biker and a thug. (no ppl, there's no thug-biker or biker-thug.) The thug is stuck in the "hood", and biker ran outta Ga$. Needer of 'em is inna good mood.

2006-08-31 05:04:08 · 1 answers · asked by frith25 4 in Other - Society & Culture

I am completely open to the idea of dating someone outside my race... I happen to be white btw lol... My parents are dead set against it. I was wondering what was your people's point of view on this... And what about the religous thing... I believe in god but am not really into the whole bible thumping thing... I thought that some where in there it is forbidden...???

2006-08-31 05:02:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

im writing an issues paper on the church. I need info on how you think the church affect the the economy??

2006-08-31 04:59:37 · 7 answers · asked by soccerchica_15 1 in Other - Society & Culture

If heaven is some where waaaaay up in the sky. and hell in somewhere waaaay below us, would that mean the core of the earth? but what if there really is life on other planets in other gallexies? They must have a god as well? After all, God supposedly created everything. Where would their hell be? Is their hell in the core of the earth or the core of their planet? and heaven is high in the sky? or is it in a place seprarate from EVERYTHING,beyond where the sky ends (if it even ends) I'm confused....help?

2006-08-31 04:59:01 · 17 answers · asked by Sarah 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-31 04:59:00 · 4 answers · asked by HAW HAW 1 in Other - Society & Culture

What do you look for when someone asks to work in your church. We have been going to a church for nearly two years and we are gifted with teaching and preaching. My husband is ordained and a chaplin, and I have been a womens and teen minister in the past. Our church has a strong core group and there doesn't seem to be a place for us to work, and it makes us very sad to not use the gifts God gave us.
What do you look for when someone really has a heart for ministry, and just wants to serve.

2006-08-31 04:58:38 · 14 answers · asked by 2ndchhapteracts 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I want to know why do some atheists spend so much time 'downing' Christianity in efforts to debunk the existence of God and the teaching of Jesus, when all religions, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, even Native American and African Tribal Beliefs, believe in some form of God and Savior?

I have never, in the 6 years I've claimed Jesus as my Savior, witnessed or been part of a conversation with an atheist who tried to debunk the existence of other religions Gods. Why?

Before I became a Christian, I was an atheist with strict views on all Gods, and not once, at that time, was I criticized or 'downed' for my beliefs. But now that I'm a Christian, I find myself being criticized or 'downed' and having to defend my right to be a Christian to atheists constantly. Why?

** For all who want to know, I stop being an atheist when I was told by a man I loved, "If you don't believe that God exists, where does your morality come from. God is LOVE and you can't know LOVE for me without LOVE for Him."

2006-08-31 04:58:15 · 12 answers · asked by DeeVee D. Essemar 5 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers