God will not be directly judging. All judgement has been handed to The Christ, Jesus.
God does not know what you are going to do, untill you do it.
The only problem is, is that God knows conciously before we do that we are going to do something.
Remember, before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, there was no evil, and no sin.
And even evil is over rated, because the knowlege is the key, and difference between evil, and good.
We only know good and evil because we are taught, and some is given to common sense.
But I degress,
We have what is called free will.
We choose our path, and when we consciously accept and act on that choice, our subconsciouse knew, therefore God knew.
Granted, all things exist because God allows it .
We choose how, or what we will do in this life.
We will answer for this.
I have lived as a truckdriver, a homeless man, a retired man, an ex felon, ex husband, exalcoholic, now dying of emphesema, and lord knows what else.
The very things that are killing me, also have their uses and even life saving uses as well.
Depend how we use them.
But it all is by my choosing.
God knew I was going to make mistakes in my life.
Because of these mistakes, the knowledge from that tree of knowledge of good and evil causes my body to die.
But There was another tree in that garden.
The tree of life.
And God said " Let us remove man from the garden, lest he eats of the tree of life, and lives forever."
God gave us his only begotten son, through the holy spirit".
( Just like Adam, except this time, The spirit came by flesh, instead of just a breath.)
Jesus the Christ.
Because of this, I am shown that even though there was a tree, and a law because of that tree,
Now I have permission to eat of the tree, thet was denied Adam, so many years ago.
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Religion & Spirituality