You have to understand that this is a parable. If it is a parable, then you cannot use the elements in the parable literally. If you do, then you are faced with serious interpretation problems. the following is a short list of problems that occur:
1. In v.22 we see Lazarus carried to Abrahams bosom. Why his bosom and not the bosom of JESUS who saved him?
2. v.24, Where else in the Bible does it say that those that are in heaven and in hell will be able to communicate with each other?
3. v. 24, Why is the rich man appealing to Abraham?
4. v.24, Why send Lazarus with a drop of water on his finger?
5. Would a single drop be sufficient?
These are some of the most obvious questions that anyone who reads this carefully would ask. So, now I am asking you. How would any preacher reconcile these questions with the rest of the Bible?
Much more could be asked and said about this topic and other related topics.
GOD bless
13 answers
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Exodus 20:1-17
Religion & Spirituality