As many of you know, I am an agnostic, with no desire to convert anyone to my way of thinking.
In the interest of creating a database of questions and answers, I ask the following of Atheists and Agnostics,
Besides being told verbally or in a written document that you will be punished for your sins, have any of the following happened to you in your life . . .
1. Someone put a gun to your head and demanded you believe in their God?
2. Has someone put you on a train, and sent you to a camp, and starved you, and put your moms and dads in a shower room? (This actually did happen to several million people in Europe, it is a documented fact that 12 million persons died in Germany because of the holocost).
So, outside of someone telling you that you were going to be punished in the after-life, has anyone threatened violence to you or your person if you didn't believe as they do?
This is not a defense of God or religious people, for read my other questions and you will see
12 answers
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Religion & Spirituality