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Society & Culture - 11 July 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2006-07-11 05:08:53 · 14 answers · asked by skye 1 in Languages

Yes I think the bible F'ed up a lot of things...well the new one anyway.
Take the commandment Thou shall not kill.
Ok Thou shall not kill,what?
I'm assuming people.;
But you never really know and should we leave such a commadment up to man-kind to interpret for us?

2006-07-11 05:08:43 · 12 answers · asked by psych0bug 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-11 05:07:26 · 1 answers · asked by Linda 7 in Religion & Spirituality

If dragons were aliens... think about it...

Their spaceship might emit a large amount of heat from its exhaust and that might cause some burning of stuff.

Since their spaceships fly, and are probably bigger than a house, people on Earth would look at it as a monster.

Fossils of dinosaurs might be evidence of one of these space-ship "monsters", only dead.

Now just imagine if one of these spaceships landed somewhere, already probably burning something in the process unless they shut their engines off and floated down. The aliens hop off their ship and thinking that its safe, discover that instead some humans saw them and are now freaking out. Now imagine that these aliens, instead of being little green men from Mars are anthropomorphic dragon-like creatures no larger than 6 or 7 feet tall, have powerful wings on their backs, short muzzles, friendly eyes, and a large cranium for a mighty brain... wouldn't these creatures look like -baby- dragons? Perhaps demons?

2006-07-11 05:07:10 · 18 answers · asked by Joe Capricorn 1 in Mythology & Folklore

Is it possible to entertain mysticism without believing in god?

2006-07-11 05:07:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

In Buddhism it is believed that we should try to be good to our fellowman ,neighbours,try to good acts, and it has been seen that Buddhists have been regarded by many people Historians ,social researchers,etc To be the most peaceful people on the planet
No body can deny that their religion does not enforce good acts and respect for all creation of nature (they do not believe in harming of any living creation).Jesus was all about peace ,but what does your religion says whether you are a criminal,rapist molester , terrorist etc you repentexcept christ and you can go to heaven not any other way
Can you with a straight face say that your religion and culture promotes peace, if they do then their are historical records of
Your people killing Red indians, Aborignes,exploiting Asian colonioes Churchmen Killing many people as witches and heretics,CONVERSIONS by ECONOMIC COERCIONS Bloddy pagan wars,World wars etc.

2006-07-11 05:05:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It seems to me that no matter how much you sin, you are forgiven, if that is the case, then why even make moral judgments on people when we know they'll be forgiven. I don't believe it's that simple but i'm no pastor, priest, shiek or preacher, im just some dude. What's the deal with a priest going to see a man who is about to be executed and forgiving him of his sins, now this horrible person is going to heaven right? Well i see a lot of contradictions in all religions and everyone always tries to justify theirs by saying things like "Free Will", "All Forgiving", "He died for ours Sins", "It is your choice", "He does not control your life", well i don't know but it's a world of contradiction and the only God that speaks to people is $$$.

2006-07-11 05:04:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

There have been countless films decpicting the crucifixion of Jesus,the most recent being''the passion of the christ'' movie.''the passion'' has caused much controversy and talk ,most ppl take it as a historical fact that Jesus was crcuified,what is the evidence????
plz do not write to me any verses from the bible coz i do not believe in it.
N.B: all my respesct for every christian.

2006-07-11 05:03:42 · 20 answers · asked by lady 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I've been spending the last hour or so reading questions and answers about the world cup. What i've read appaled me : racism, lack of knowledge of this country, etc. How can you judge a country on a stupid headbutt ? Plenty of you will seruly have abuses reported today.

2006-07-11 05:02:54 · 6 answers · asked by jmb31000 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Ever since I was 11 I see the numbers 911 everywhere. Almost everytime I look at a clock its says 9:11. Clocks have stopped in my house and other peoples houses and it notice it says 9:11. I amost never notice license plates unless they have the numbers 911. A lot of times when I go to the store my purchaes come to $9.11. I have no idea what it means but it's been going on for 10 years. I'm not supersticious but was wondering ppls ideas?

2006-07-11 05:01:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

I'm jonesin' for some herbal lovin'

2006-07-11 05:01:14 · 6 answers · asked by ketafore 2 in Etiquette

y the hell can people not have a laugh at things on here there are so many serious people in the world today

for ur info i am 28 not 7 lol

i am having a laugh about things ok lighten up people

if anyone agrees with me email me

2006-07-11 04:58:53 · 39 answers · asked by baby baby 2 in Religion & Spirituality

[Cougar Hunter] – some one who frequents bars, hot spots or local cougar dens looking for the older yet attractive woman who is usually the easiest one in the pack to capture. Then he takes the wounded cougar home.

2006-07-11 04:57:52 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Community Service

Recently I asked the question of where did we come from & I got some interesting & typical answers, well everyone who says God & the Bible. Just curious has it ever crossed your mind that the Bible may just be a book a story a novel written to tell of what one person may have created in his/her mind? I have Faith that something of a greater power is out there but food for thought. Tell me what you think.

2006-07-11 04:57:00 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

Everyone just take a deep breath, and realize that whatever you believe is not absolute truth. And before I get the Christian hatemail, this is for everybody. We are all cosmic dunces, can't we just get along?

2006-07-11 04:55:43 · 19 answers · asked by bc_munkee 5 in Religion & Spirituality

bihani - surname in fazilka town

2006-07-11 04:55:38 · 1 answers · asked by richerich $ 1 in Religion & Spirituality

What makes people believe in the veracity of the content of the Bible let alone live your WHOLE LIFE by it?

2006-07-11 04:55:26 · 20 answers · asked by justcopyandpaste 1 in Religion & Spirituality

It seems that most Christians feel that if you don't subscribe to a religion, then you must be an atheist. What is the mindset here? If you aren't with us you must be completely against us? There are those of us who feel there are questions about our origins that science and philosophy haven't answered yet... but by no means think that any religion we have provides an answer either. What is the opinion on skeptics, agnostics, or even Deists (such as Thomas Jefferson for instance).

2006-07-11 04:54:06 · 4 answers · asked by Eldritch 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-11 04:53:56 · 5 answers · asked by Fabienne G 1 in Religion & Spirituality

if i have offended anyone today on here i was just under the assumption that he liked it from behind because i have read the bible back to front and it is like a gay erotic novel, for goodness sake there is someone called mary in it

2006-07-11 04:53:39 · 37 answers · asked by baby baby 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-11 04:51:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

2006-07-11 04:50:38 · 39 answers · asked by midi_junkie 3 in Etiquette

I mean are you really that STUPID

2006-07-11 04:50:34 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality


Christians hold that Sunday is the Sabbath. Allegedly God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, resting on the seventh. The connection between creation and Sabbath is a clear one. HOWEVER, how does one know that God started His work on a Monday?

What if he started on a Thursday? Does that mean that the Sabbath would be a Wednesday?

How does any Christian know - with any great certainty - on what day of the week that Sabbath should fall?

This is a serious question (for those who would bash me for asking such a question).

Thanks in advance for your serious responses.

2006-07-11 04:50:27 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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