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Psychology - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2007-04-29 01:24:27 · 6 answers · asked by canron4peace 6

when my mum taught me to write as child, i remember switching the pencil from my right hand to my left everytime she left the room. i still dont know wether i was just being stubborn or i was born left-handed (if there is such a thing).
somebody help me out.

2007-04-29 01:10:03 · 21 answers · asked by siren 1

real beauty or true friends?

I know it's sounds like nonsense, but these two things have very little in common, that's why I'd wanna know for which one of them would you go for?

2007-04-29 01:05:35 · 31 answers · asked by AnneMarie 3

Is that just silly? Why?

2007-04-29 00:55:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

if a dolphin has a human sized brain but a larger ear processor can it think words better than us ?

if a whale has a brain 5 times the size of a mans brain is it not more human than us ?

more sentient ?

more alive ?

more in pain when clubbed ?

answer these questions or eny of them you can
and stop the killing

2007-04-28 20:43:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cigarettes are much more harmful then pot is and Ill explain why. Just follow my logic for a min. A regular sized bowl of weed is equal to 20 cigarettes. I get high about 2-3 times a month, so thats 60 cigarettes a month. My dad smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Since a pack contains 20 cigarettes his smoking 40 cigarettes a day. If you times that by the number of days in a year which is 14,600 cigarettes a year, vs my 720 cigarettes in a year.
My mom smokes about a pack a day. 20*365=7,300.
Lets say you smoke five a day, you would be smoking 1,825 a year to my 720 cigarettes, which is my 3 bowls a month. Someone that smokes 3 cigarette's a day is still smoking 1,095 cigarette's a year, which is still more then I smoke. I smoke equivalent two 2 cigirettes a day. 2*365-730.

2007-04-28 20:38:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a "friend" who I felt was very fake to me (Used me for rides/connections/etc., put me down whenever other people were around, constantly tried to embarrass me). Several months ago though I was stupidly trying to prove myself to her to make a point. I stupidly sent the dumbest "apology" letter to her and revealed things I had kept hidden from her during our "friendship" (dealing with my health and my past). I wanted to end the friendship in a way that proved a point (that when she joked around about me being "anorexic" she was hitting a deep spot in my heart because I once actually almost died from anorexia, and that we weren't very good friends anyway because I hid things from her because I never felt like I could share them, (and stupid me shared them to her in the email because I was stressed and pissed) I think in reality I made it sound like I was confessing that I was being fake and lying to her the whole time, and though I don't care to establish a friendship with her

2007-04-28 19:52:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to band camp today thinking I was going to play bass drum like I wanted to, because I wanted to stay away from keyboard percussion because it quite literally drives me insane. I always feel like dying when all the high school kids around me are perfect at playing all these exercises and scales and I CANNOT do it. I have tried being patient. It failed. But I was put back in the pit (marching band) and have to play keyboard percussion again. So I was trying really hard and in the middle of it, I just completely broke down and cried. And I never cry in public, especially in front of fifteen percussionists and a hot bass player. I hate intimidation, and that's why I wanted bass drum so badly because I thought I was good at it, but apparently I'm "not ready for it." I've never been a strong person. I'm unbelievably weak, actually. I also suffer from serious depression, so I think I'm going to go literally insane soon if I don't figure something out. Does anyone know what I should do?

2007-04-28 19:13:57 · 8 answers · asked by miss_filth_666 1

In my school there is a debate around this topic. So I would like to know what everyone else thinks... Do you think that we shouldn't/should remember our past?

2007-04-28 18:59:12 · 5 answers · asked by Winterspirit 1

I don't mean just a dream where you are crying. I mean a dream where you cry and you wake up crying. I have had several poignant dreams as of late and when I cry in the dream I wake up and discover that I have been crying for real. And not just a few tears. I mean really crying. I am not even sad in real life when I have these dreams! They don't scare me but I wonder if anyone else shares this experience.

2007-04-28 18:56:24 · 18 answers · asked by weasleywheeze 1

i really like her, but it doesn't really feel like i love her.

2007-04-28 18:56:09 · 10 answers · asked by lt 2

Just can't ever love him enough...told him for years that I AM happy...but I can't MAKE him happy. Emotional abuse...foulest degradation and disrespect but then LOVES me and is sorry. 15 years of this...maybe length of 6months at a time when things seem ok...but then he can't hold it in anymore that I haven't given him enough attention or enough sex or whatever it will be. He's never gotten over birth of our 13 y/o son (original source of ongoing abuse) and during our recent 2 yr separation had sex numerous times with my married step-sister. Denied it when I told him I didn't think I could take him back if he had...now after 6 months back together admitted it. Has a problem with me not wanting much to do with him (being happy despite him and cordial)...acting out because I won't have sex with him and its been an WHOLE 3 WEEKS!! She's well-known to be one of "try to f** your man kinda gal"...we've known she's slept with many skanks like her and then he did this? I'm disgusted...

2007-04-28 18:47:28 · 5 answers · asked by luvofrosalitas 2

2007-04-28 18:40:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I act different everytime. In some cases its good but is it natural for a teen....

2007-04-28 18:24:16 · 5 answers · asked by K.J. 2

I chatted with a friend about a person I know and she said that the person probably has trouble connecting with choices. How would you interpret this?

2007-04-28 17:22:47 · 4 answers · asked by ~ 1

Monday-wake up at 6am and go to work. Come back home at 7:30pm. Check my e-mail at 8pm. Then I read college textbooks till 12pm

Tuesday. Go for my classes in the mourning. In the evening, I go to meetings and when I am back I read my school books.

Wednesday: I repeat the same thing as Monday.

Thursday: I repeat the same task as Tuesday

Friday: I repeat same task as Wedneday

Saturday: I go to service in the mourning, come back by afternoon. Read till night.

Sunday: I go to meetings in the mourning, service in the afternoon till evening. Comeback home and read till night time.

I don't have time to watch TV.

2007-04-28 17:08:53 · 6 answers · asked by I'M GONNA GO PLACES 5

IS this annoying and lacking tact?
I recently bought a used BMW, new to me but a fun sporty car that I can now have with a successful new job. I had a short list of five cars but chose this one. A couple weeks later I received this email from my mom asking me for information about the exact same cars on my list but one year newer than my car. Isn't that a bit lacking in tact? My mom has always been jealous and competative of me. I thought she had grown up but I guess not?

2007-04-28 16:19:24 · 6 answers · asked by TennesseeGirl 2

Regarding Social Behaviour.

1) Gender Identity Disorder
2) Genotype Phenotype

Would really appreciate if definations or examples were given to give me a clearer view of the picture.

Thank you!

2007-04-28 15:48:56 · 4 answers · asked by Shobha 5

Is it so we appreciate the good experiences?

Or, to make us stronger people?

Or, something else?

2007-04-28 15:18:44 · 11 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

I just watched a movie where a mom commited suicide- what do you think is the main reason for suicide?

2007-04-28 14:40:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you deal with the death of someone close to you?

2007-04-28 13:51:17 · 10 answers · asked by Lauren J 1

You know, have you ever seen those types of ppl who never seem to do anything wrong?

2007-04-28 13:04:32 · 4 answers · asked by Sakic fan 3

i've been giving him more love than anyone i know, this morning i saw him jump off the roof and plumit to the cement and die...im so sad!!!! All i ever did was sleep with him, make him bathe with me, eat with me, go to the bathroom with me, etc. what should i do!??

2007-04-28 12:52:56 · 13 answers · asked by above human intelligence 1

2007-04-28 12:51:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

to be more open and honest with strangers than friends? I mean in general real life and basically in general. Like, it's so much easier for me to talk to someone I've just met rather than friends I see everyday. It's as if they listen to you more, huh? Idk, I must sound pathetic, sorry, but I can't help but wonder. Why is this so? Please no rude answers, thank you = )

2007-04-28 12:37:08 · 11 answers · asked by poppyseed 3

Do you try to be different from the people around you?...

what i mean is...do you try to be like everyone else...or do you intentionally try to be someone unique and different...a person who stands out...and if you do...have you succeeded...because whatever you've done to try and stand out...is that something that no one else has done or tried to do...and if it is something someone else has done...does that still make you different...because of the fact that you're still like someone else...or...do you still believe you're different from everyone else...because to me...everyones the same...no matter how different they try to be....they're just like everyone else....same fears...same wants, needs, and everyones emotions...i believe they're all the same, fuelled by the same thing...and the people who believe otherwise are in denial...

so bascially my question...do you consider yourself unique and why?....could you actually convince me...could you change my mind???

2007-04-28 11:13:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My vote goes to Kansas'
'Dust In The Wind'

2007-04-28 11:10:29 · 17 answers · asked by MaryBeth 7

eat sleep mate and defend whats education gotta do with it

2007-04-28 10:57:26 · 13 answers · asked by samman 3

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