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Psychology - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

People seem to think it is a personal attack against them when their view is challenged by someone who thinks differently. Why do people think it is a personal attack for someone to have a difference of opinion?

2007-03-13 05:29:32 · 11 answers · asked by bobbi 2

What do you guys think about Elizabeth Kubler Ross?
Do you agree with the 5 stages of grief she proposed in her book On Death and Dying?

2007-03-13 05:26:45 · 3 answers · asked by Licha 1

I recently heard a quote that goes like this: " I think there comes a time in a man's life where he has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning. You can't have both because those are two very different paths. To be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present, and with no thought of what's gone before, and no thought of what lies ahead. But…a life of meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past, and obsess about the future."

What do you think? Talk amongst yourselves!

2007-03-13 05:26:12 · 7 answers · asked by notahappyguy 1

Do you agree with the 5 stages of grief she proposed in her book On Death and Dying?

2007-03-13 05:22:07 · 2 answers · asked by Licha 1

2007-03-13 05:21:52 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like i wanna scream, then bleed my heart out until I die~

2007-03-13 05:17:08 · 23 answers · asked by BabyPosh 2

i would love to learn it but without paying can someone give me a good site or evan a site on how to learn magic please no nonsense

2007-03-13 05:04:15 · 4 answers · asked by chrisyrusell 1

I think teeth falling out means death, but does teeth cleaning have the same meaning?? A coworker of mine who I have no issues with was cleaning my teeth in this dream...

2007-03-13 05:00:43 · 3 answers · asked by Kath 2

This is for psychology

2007-03-13 05:00:36 · 4 answers · asked by mikejoannjamie 1

Answer in full

2007-03-13 04:55:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I get really annoyed with my friends at the drop of a hat. Basically I'm annoyed with at least one person at all times. I used to love all my friends and was very accepting of everyone. Now I'm finding myself passing harsher judgments on people automatically and speaking out about my annoyances, whereas I didn't before. I'm a typically happy person, but now the littlest things set me off. Any ideas to what's up with me?

2007-03-13 04:54:46 · 10 answers · asked by sarah k 1

please answer in full

2007-03-13 04:54:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is on her way home from college, going through a field as a short cut.
In the field a man is riding a handmade sport car which resembles a bob sleigh, which he rides in between two quite high rocks (my wife is looking down on the scene at this moment). The man then gets out and runs off.
My wifes mum then tells her that it (the car/bob sleigh ) is not run on ........(?) but gas instead. Then her mum and some others go off in one direction while a few seconds later it registers with my wife what is going to happen next but she goes in the opposite direction to the others in a rush.
As she runs the car/bob sleigh explodes behind her and my wife literally feels the vibrations (as she is dreaming this!) as she carries on running, the field around her to the front continues to have slightly smaller explosions, which scares her as they are quite close but manages to avoid them. Eventually she finds somewhere safe (a cross between a school and boat) and her mum finds her a bit later.

2007-03-13 04:50:27 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5

There seem to be some general beliefs around the symbolism in dreams (eg. teeth crumbling = death.) How were these symbolisms developed, and is there a science behind it? How did people arrive at the more common dream associations?

2007-03-13 04:43:25 · 6 answers · asked by alleywag 2

2007-03-13 04:32:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i hate spiders and i know its wierd but......sponges!!!!

2007-03-13 04:26:43 · 46 answers · asked by princess 3

I have to write an essay about it, so someone help me to a make it good by giving main points and examples.Thanks you .

2007-03-13 04:15:16 · 2 answers · asked by ocean86 3

please answer in full

2007-03-13 03:53:22 · 15 answers · asked by bex_xoxo 2

You dream of someone dying, but you can't stop it because you don't really know when it will happen, or how

2007-03-13 03:34:54 · 4 answers · asked by Slim 1

Oh cmon, like it or not, admit it or not, everyone of us are prejudice against something, its only a matter of the degree of seriousness.... So... out with it guys! :)

2007-03-13 03:25:39 · 16 answers · asked by Wish 4

Alright pitcure this, you already know that you are mildly retarded, this explains why you're highschool marks are so low, You are popular and hated at the same time- but you can only be admired from afar- because if they spent one day with you, they'd know you are being affected by mild mental retardation. The girl you like likes you back. But then it hits you, like it has already hit me. No matter what, you have a brain capacity which is much lower than the average persons. They don't know- my family, "friends", teachers, Doctors- they don't know that I know I am mildly reatrded. I take anti-depressants and I tell my doctor of retardation many times. He doesn't listen, neither does my family. In a few years they will though, when I still won't amount to sh*t. What would you do? I have been depressed since 5th grade. 6th grade heavy depression. 7th I found friends, 9th I failed so many courses,10th failed courses went to summer school. I know I have the mental age of a 7 year old.

2007-03-13 03:22:40 · 4 answers · asked by guiltyguiltyguillty 1

I thinks thats so cool to live their I want to love here one day!
Whats it like?

2007-03-13 03:22:13 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Personally speaking, i have a lot of secrets which i don't want to reveal to anyone as long as i live. I want them kept secret even after i die..Do you have such secrets too?

2007-03-13 03:17:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mum in law is the only left handed person in her family so why when her mum,dad and her 3 brothers who were right handed did she become left handed? Many thanks

2007-03-13 03:15:10 · 21 answers · asked by karla o 3

2007-03-13 03:11:39 · 8 answers · asked by Bnice 1

...........destiny, according to feng shui?

2007-03-13 03:10:24 · 2 answers · asked by jam_please 4

I want to exercise 4 hours a week. THis is a psycholgy project and i want your help.

2007-03-13 02:57:00 · 1 answers · asked by dea18 d 2

Okay, my questions are:
1. Is there a possibility for someone to not have a circadian rythm, and only sleep when physically exhausted?
2. Is it normal for someone to be able to sleep 12-14 hours every night if allowed and not have a sleeping disorder?
3. What should someone do if after they wake up, they always feel tired still, even after sleeping for 12 or more hours?
4. And is it possible to have a problem with your hypothalumus, or another part of the brain if you start to sweat, and lose apetite when you do something simple such as sweeping a floor, or even brushing your teeth?

2007-03-13 02:51:39 · 4 answers · asked by John - 1

2007-03-13 02:51:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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