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Psychology - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2006-12-26 05:00:20 · 5 answers · asked by lizzie jay 1

I've taken a personal survey on ...You can tell how good someone will be in bed by how they carry themselves (and by the way they walk) If they are slow and drag their feet...no good If they hold their head high with a fairly fast gait that's good!!!)

2006-12-26 04:59:44 · 12 answers · asked by impromptu_57 4

2006-12-26 04:56:38 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

This cop was shooting at my friends from a bush behind a house on my block. It was dark at the time. I saw the flash. I ****** my Glock and aimed at the bush and started firing. I missed him, he shot me in the head and a large chunk of my skull came off. I was not about to let this defeat me. I picked the pieces of my head up that I could find then I put them back on to the best of my ability. I was not going to go quietly so I went home and loaded up my shotgun and then I stormed the police station. I then woke up. What do you think this dream meant?

2006-12-26 04:39:38 · 21 answers · asked by Immortal Cordova 6

i was pregnant, (i'm 15 years old) and i wanted to do miscarriage so that my parents wouldnt know..but i had no money..
so a very known, 35-year old actor that i also met on the theatre would give me the amount if i accepted to have an affair with him
i was very dissapointed (note that i'm not in love with him, i dont even thing of him i actually dont even like him)
i denied and thought that i'd become a prostitude

so wot the h*** does the dream mean?? i am so scared....

2006-12-26 04:30:35 · 11 answers · asked by Rose 3

and cool colors is all about? Just so curious. Can someone out there help me find the meaning for relief? Thank you and happy Holidays.

2006-12-26 04:27:59 · 3 answers · asked by Taga K 1

Years ago I had this dream while me and my ex boyfriend were still together. In the dream, I'm standing looking into a mirror in a wedding dress. Suddenly, his reflection was in the mirror behind me. I think it meant that we wouldn't end up together. Opinions?

2006-12-26 04:21:55 · 9 answers · asked by Jen_n_TX 3

Last night I had a dream about a guy I have been seeing on and off for the past 7 months. In the dream, he was thought to have drowned but i never found out if he was alive or not. When I woke up I was really upset. What does this mean?

2006-12-26 04:02:56 · 7 answers · asked by Jen_n_TX 3

I was watching discovery chanel but i forgot the name of the drugs that improve brain functioning as a side effet,, and also other legal drugs that makes you smarter

2006-12-26 03:46:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


Can you describe a time when you had to adapt your style to suit different members of a team... what was the situation, what did you do and what was the outcome ?

2006-12-26 03:43:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many people were duped into believing that one of our 360 friends was an excellent poet and a pensive female...then we were led to believe that she had finally succumbed to cancer. It was all very professional and believable...

Turns out that she was really a guy, hadn't died and just felt the need to exhibit multiple personalities...

2006-12-26 03:36:54 · 6 answers · asked by The ~Muffin~ Man 6

Is this some kind of disorder when a person pretends to live their life when they are older.is hard to explain is like me now and then i be like oh then My future "husband did this and that but it really didn't happen im just pretending.what's this calleddd

2006-12-26 03:33:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever noticed hat some people see the worst in everything? These are the same people who say the world is ending and everything sucks all the time. Are they addicted to being miserable, or does being miserable actually make them happy?

2006-12-26 03:31:29 · 10 answers · asked by Immortal Cordova 6

i need an example of questionnaire on topic why adolescence are considered more agressive,about adolescence behaviour,what do we mean by adolescence,problems of adolescence,solution to their problems,all information regarding adolescence.about adolescence habbits,adolescence agressiveness,why parents are asked to be more careful .

2006-12-26 03:22:44 · 2 answers · asked by pari 1

What do you do when you find out new information about your husbands online habits each time you sit down at the computer?

2006-12-26 03:18:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is a boy...no he is not my bf ,nor am I in love with him…my problem is that he has been a family friend for long n now comes to my home to visit and whenever he comes he opens the net n does his work on orkut n all those stupid communities.well,I too have been distracted a lot by the net,but when he comes,my distraction increases…today so happened n I wanna stop myself from deviating from my studies…as it is I have been very distracted lately n my grades have gone down horribly..previously I came in the top most category,but now…I have gone down pegs n pegs. I know this will wear off ,but I want your help. I cant tell him to stop coming to my house n he is so influential I mean…these things are very influential,I know I am harming myself like this…plz if anyone here knows harsh facts tha would make me sit up or has rhetoric in themselves plz do try n motivate me…I cant talk to my parents bout it nor anyone else as I am very shy bout these matters…but if u all can help…plz do help

2006-12-26 03:08:42 · 4 answers · asked by globe 2

something that made you think a lot because it put you in a very awkward situation.

2006-12-26 03:05:28 · 13 answers · asked by math 3

2006-12-26 03:02:06 · 11 answers · asked by lovely 1

It must be the only other feeling aside from being tickled that forcibly makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. (Or, at least, that's how it makes me feel. ~_~) Answers please! I'm painfully curious. =}

2006-12-26 02:47:42 · 4 answers · asked by Rin 1

2006-12-26 02:39:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an imaginary friend, who is kind of my only friend. I am fifteen years old now. My imaginary friend often speaks to me when I daydream and he says this world is a dreamworld/computer simulation. Is this normal?

2006-12-26 02:30:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an obsession with daydreaming. Whenever I am in class, I daydream a lot. I become a part of my daydream and I forget everything around me and I literally enter another world in which I move and talk to other people who answer me intellectually like everyone else. Is this normal?

2006-12-26 02:28:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-26 02:24:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

deppression without having to be on medication? How can you not feel so isolated?

2006-12-26 02:00:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

and do you think in the new year you might put things right.

2006-12-26 01:56:05 · 18 answers · asked by TrevnDi 3

How to find complete happiness within yourself...how can one like themselves and doesn't feel like they need a man to complete them?? A little advice?

2006-12-26 01:39:51 · 6 answers · asked by Jenna H 1

because I have Asperger's syndrome, every time I keep having to take new medication my doctor perscribes to me, I keep calling him to ask for my medication dosage to stay the same. But every time I feel as though something is wrong with me, I blame my medication and then demand some type of change. Do you think this is a type of phobia I'm having, and if so, would you say it's called a drug phobia? If not, what would you say this is?

2006-12-26 01:30:06 · 3 answers · asked by killerwhalesrule19 3

Hi, a very good friend of mine is a certified Jewish American Princess, by her own description, and while she has many great qualities, she is so demanding and high-maintenance that it has become unbearable for me to continue hanging out with her, or so it seems. Her favorite expression is [quite seriously]: "Its all about ME." I have given her a ton of chances and even tried to gently prod her to be less demanding, but it doesn't seem to be working. My question is whether inculcated behavior like this, which is not necessarily just a cultural thing, but more endemic to self-absorbed people in general, is capable of being changed? I have come to the conclusion that she needs to grow and attain more maturity on her own, and that I can't spend all of my time trying to change her. The question is: can high-maintenance people, impossible people ever change, or should I just continue not being her friend?

2006-12-26 01:18:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you think is the cause of it?, how are people born with it?, I wish there was a cure for it already, I'm 18, gonna be 19 in two weeks, I have this disorder, I hate it with such a passion, it's most likely the reason why I haven't partied yet, had a girlfriend yet, still a virgin, all I've done is kiss, people never call me on my cell phone except for people who are kinda like me, i'm not sure if they have the disability, but they are like me because they are not outgoing just like I am, when I go out with them, we just go to easy places like the movies, amusement parks, etc., no parties cause we don't get invited. The people I said that call me are only a few people, most of the time just one person everyday, I get bored & frustrated, because everytime my cell phone rings, it's always the same person, I even have a hard time with job interviews, well I haven't had a job yet so I'm not that experienced, I got rejected from Knotts & Disneyland, should I apply somewhere else easy?

2006-12-26 01:10:35 · 3 answers · asked by introvertedguy06 6

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