I've always wanted to reach my dream of owning my own falcon...honstely I've got my heart set on a Gye - in other words a GyroFalcon.
Well, I'm told I can get a Falconeir's liscense form my state's "game and fish department" To get the liscence they say I'll have to take a test in Biology, training and vetinary, I'm a science wizz, read a wee bit on how to train, and can ask my school's vet-med class for help, so I think I'm good...but one article says i have to compete in the sport, make my bird hunt a minuimum of 3x's a week, now I'm pissed, I juts want a campaignen from my falcon, I'll train her to hunt, but gosh, I ain't gonna make my bird hunt for sport, is it true, without hunting, am I not allowed to own a bird?
Plus IF, by a long shoot, anyone knows someone who can help me get my hnads on a gye, I'd gladly aprreciate it, they live on the other side of the U.S. from me, I'm in Florida... thanks for your time
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