The fact of the matter is embryo/foetus are living humans. When a human takes human life for any other reason than to defend themself or another, from (physical) harm from that human, that is murder.
To predict the future of the 'unborn' you would have to be a clairvoyant. Am I to now believe pro-choicers believe in spiritualism.
Sex can equal pregnancy 'human life', we all know that. Ignorance such as society falsely taught condoms alone are enough protection to prevent pregnancy, help fuel reasons for murder. Just as death can't be revesed, life can't be reversed on demand. The way it's done is through murder & that is unacceptable. The society that life will be born into is irrelevant, as life prevails.
I have heard many refer to abortion as emptying ones uterus. Once the life has been murdered, I agree that they are just emptying their uterus. But to get to that point they have murdered or payed another to murder.
Shouldn't humans have evolved beoyond this by now.
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