We have established that the Human body does indeed contain a measurable electrical charge. And depending who's research your reading, the amount differs. But there is energy in the body. At death, this energy disperses. Under Law 2, there is the law of Entropy. It basically says all energy disperses at the same rate, unless there is something to stop it.Such as an enclosed environment. I wont get into what constitutes an enclosed environment. But suffice it to say, there is ways under physics to explain why energy would not disperse. And under the current laws of physics, it cannot explain every action in the universe, there are exceptions to everything. In laymans terms, you have to tweak the math to explain most new theories. Anyways, given the right conditions, the energy the body desperses upon death, the energy could stay within a certain area or space. And while losing some of its energy (heat) would not lose all of its energy. And in fact stableize. Causing a ghost?
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nuff said
Paranormal Phenomena