The logistics map is the function f:[0,1] -> R, defined by f(x)=ax(1-x). Thus, x of n+1 = f(x of n) {Note, I say x of n+1 to represent x with the subscript n+1} and (x of n) = (x of 1, f(x of 1), f(f(x of 1)), ...). We write f^2(x) for f(f(x)), and so on.
Check that f has a global maximum of a/4 at x=1/2. Deduce that f maps [0,1] back into [0,1] if 0 <= x <= 4
From the above, we restrict ourselves to seeds, x of 1, from (0,1) and a epsilon (0,4). In fact the zone of a values in (0,1) is also not so interesting - the population is doomed to extinction.
Im having trouble with the deuce part. Thanks
1 answers
asked by
Jeff K