Well what the hell has happened to it.
Men have landed on the moon in 1969.
They did and no conspiracy theory's please.
I watched it live on tv.
There is one experiment that proved they landed and that is operational to this day, it was a reflector that had to be done by hand which still reflects laser light to this day..
But that is not the issuse here.
what have nasa really acheived..?
Nothing..I mean nothing in 40 years ,yes 40 years, think about it we went to moon and back with no more power than a pocket calculator.
Yet what have we today super computers..A home pc has millions of times more power that that of the moon landing
So where is the problem here..we should have been on mars at least 30 years ago.
and all we done was send probes.
All those billions spent on what.
A space shuttle that looks like a flying chicken..
A couple of probes sent to mars jupitor etc..so what.
when you consider what they done in 69 with shear courage.
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Astronomy & Space