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Science & Mathematics - 2 September 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

Send them out of the gravitational pull first so we can't cop fallout and just enjoy the light show?

2007-09-02 03:15:04 · 12 answers · asked by someg 6 in Astronomy & Space

1. A flat circular plate of copper has a radius of .383 m and a mass of 27.7 kg. What is the thickness of the plate? Answer in units of m.
(please show work so i can learn the steps. THANK YOU)

2.) Water flows into a swimming pool at the rate of 9.27 gal/min. If the pool dimensions are 33.4 ft wide, 43.1 ft long, and 15.1 ft deep, how long does it take to fill the pool? (1 gallon = 231 cubic inches). Answer in units of minutes.

2007-09-02 03:09:16 · 3 answers · asked by mimi j 1 in Physics

Classify each statement as true or false, and explain your reasoning in each false case.
1. One line contains exactly two points
2. the intersection of two planes is a line
3. three lines can intersect at more than one point

thanks in advance!

2007-09-02 03:07:45 · 8 answers · asked by skateme1 2 in Mathematics

Integrate (x^2-2)/(x^2-1) dx

(Use partial fractions)

Thanks in Advance

2007-09-02 03:03:07 · 3 answers · asked by NanoSpark 2 in Mathematics

The earth's magnetic field strength was measured by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1835 and has been repeatedly measured since then, showing an exponential decay with a half-life of about 1400 years. This could also be stated as a relative decay of about 10% to 15% over the last 150 years. What would be some of the changes say if we went back in time 1400 years. Also look into the future, what will it hold for us in 1400 years?

2007-09-02 02:54:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

for example Botany: the study of plants-- thats tho only one i know

2007-09-02 02:48:55 · 2 answers · asked by sasbeadbug12 1 in Biology

Last night, I was lying in bed awake when suddenly my head hit the pillow. I felt very odd, like I was asleep but I could hear, my eyes we're closed but I could see, and my arms and legs were limp but I could move. I wondered if I could try sitting up and I could feel half of me sit. Suddenly, half of me literally fell out of my body! I moved around a bit then I tried floating. I could hover a bit and sort of fly around my room. I went into my mom's room and saw her sleeping. The strange thing was that I couldn't phase through walls; I tried floating through the ceiling but couldn't. I returned to my body, afraid that I'd be stuck outside it forever. Was this an out of body experience, and if so, how did it happen and how can I trigger another one?

2007-09-02 02:36:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Paranormal Phenomena

2007-09-02 02:33:02 · 7 answers · asked by Emmi92 1 in Physics

Light travels with a tremendous speed, the greatest speed there is. We cannot invent any rocket which moves faster than light, Why?

2007-09-02 02:25:22 · 5 answers · asked by busybee 2 in Physics

2007-09-02 02:25:15 · 6 answers · asked by Kathy 2 in Astronomy & Space

2007-09-02 02:16:24 · 15 answers · asked by mrmoe_money 1 in Biology

2007-09-02 02:06:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I mean, it's so impractical. If we stumble, we only have one other leg to fall back on whereas other animals have three. It's takes alot of practice to actually balance on our two legs, it takes babies long enough to crawl. It would be faster on four legs aswell. I know that we used to walk on all fours. Why did we evolve into only walking on two? We're too weak to do that now and our limbs are all the wrong length to try and make us better but why did we change in the first place???

2007-09-02 01:56:10 · 6 answers · asked by Burris 3 in Biology

2007-09-02 01:54:09 · 8 answers · asked by yatzky 2 in Physics

I think that it resembled earth at one time. But perhaps a shift in the planet's axis, or a giant asteroid, changed all that. It is reported to be cold there. But how cold does it get at the Martian equator? There seems to be too much evidence that it has always been dry! I wonder if human-kind will build cities there (protected by a bubble) as shown on the sci-fi TV series Babylon 5?

2007-09-02 01:52:22 · 7 answers · asked by Westbound 4 in Astronomy & Space

solve the equation P=2i+2W for W.

2007-09-02 01:50:38 · 5 answers · asked by yourdaddy 2 in Mathematics

a bicycle made from steel kept:
b:outdoors exposed to the weather & next to the sea
c:outdoors but sheltered
d:outdoors exposed to the weather

2007-09-02 01:47:12 · 1 answers · asked by Ms Fabregas 1 in Chemistry

why is that diesel has less power but more on torque and gasoline has more power but less torque. i need a detailed answers. i cant really understand and confused about the relation between the torque and power.

2007-09-02 01:42:57 · 3 answers · asked by quackie81 3 in Engineering

anyone can proof this probem?

*** solid sphere
ICM=2/5 MR2 note:(2 superscript)

2007-09-02 01:42:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

A 1200-kg car is being unloaded by a winch. At the moment shown in figure 9-46, the gearbox shaft of the winch breaks, and the car falls from rest. During the car's fall, there is no slipping between the (massless) rope, the pulley, and the winch drum. The moment of inertia of the winch drum is 320 kg m^2 and that of the pulley is 4 kg m^2. The radius of the winch drum is 0.80 m and that of the pulley is 0.30 m. Find the speed of the car as it hits the water.

A uniform solid sphere of radius r starts from rest at a height h and rolls without slipping along the loop-the-loop track of radius R as shown in Figure 9-56. (a) What is the smallest value of h for which the sphere will not leave the track at the top of the loop? (b) What would h have to be if, instead of rolling, the ball slides without friction?

2007-09-02 01:41:29 · 1 answers · asked by la 1 in Physics

Just wondering if it is a proper title for medical practitioners or just an abbriviation.

So do medical doctors get addressed in the post for example
To dr. xxxxx
etc etc

2007-09-02 01:28:44 · 5 answers · asked by Billy h 1 in Medicine

2007-09-02 01:12:54 · 7 answers · asked by mike91261 1 in Astronomy & Space

in great holy book of sikhs,i.e sh. guru granth saheb ji, it is mention as lakh patalan patal, lakh agasa agas.........

2007-09-02 01:12:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

Can anyone tell me why when animal farts there is no sound. Unlike us there is alway sound.


2007-09-02 01:09:21 · 11 answers · asked by Francine Frensky 6 in Zoology

My sperm count is very good, but my mortility rate is low. I have been diagnosed with vericocele. Hence if I go through the Vericocele surgery, will there be negative complications in the near future? After the day of the surgery will I encounter severe pain?

2007-09-02 00:57:56 · 2 answers · asked by bhatian 2 in Medicine

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