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Pregnancy - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

im hearing the pros & cons about the epidural. im confused now

2007-06-20 06:53:03 · 35 answers · asked by Lils 5

FYI..By Sunday I will be 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I have already dilated a centimeter in the past couple days..any options on induction? I'm kinda scared.

2007-06-20 06:21:53 · 24 answers · asked by speedy 2

I just have a few questions, hopefully someone can help answer them for me!!! I had a c-section on Friday the 15th, and i was wondering how long do you bleed? like vaginal bleeding when does that stop?

Did you experience any swelling in your ankles and legs?

My OB removed the staples 2 days after the section and put steril strips on the incision, does it feel better when i remove the strips? They are suppost to come off on monday.

Anything else that will help the healing and help me feel better would be greatly appreciated!! I also ended up needed 3 units of blood, anyone been through something like this??? Thanks !!!Heres a link to our son too :) http://www.trinityhealth.org/baby/DekllnA061507.htm

2007-06-20 06:20:38 · 11 answers · asked by jess_n_flip 4

I am 12 weeks pregnant and I am worried b/c yesterday my doctor called and said that I had a bladder infection. She prescribed me some medication, and I have been drinking cranberry juice. However, I seem to be so scared that something is going to happen to my baby. I haven't had any previous miscarriages. I saw the baby on the ultrasound last week and the baby had a hearbeat of179 bpm, and we saw the baby moving around. But for some reason I am still scared. I don't feel like I am showing, I noticed I have gained weight my regular pants don't fit me anymore, but should I be showing, should my abdomen seem tight, cause it seems soft to me. This is my first pregnany. Would I know if something happended to my baby. I am just nervous and I can't seem to calm down. Help please!

2007-06-20 06:15:58 · 16 answers · asked by Ben's Mommy 3

Broke up with boyfriend.. had sex. with someone else.... he pulled out. I got back with my boyfriend had sex with him in the same week. Now pregnant. Who's baby do you think it is??? Please don't leave me the "shame on you" answers. I am an adult and already know it was wrong...

2007-06-20 06:15:08 · 18 answers · asked by Tina S 1

I've had 3 and plan to have at least one more. We've had no complications from the 3 and had surgery to remove what scar tissure there was recently. During my 3rd I fully labored to 10cm with no complications..not on purppose it all happend in less then 90 minutes. Anyone else had 4 or more with no problems?

2007-06-20 06:14:07 · 3 answers · asked by pookiesmom 6

I just noticed dampness a few moments ago and my panties were wet.
Then as I was about to get in the shower i tiny bit more fluid came out.
I'm not having contractions, so I just don't weant to go the hospital and look like a fool.!

2007-06-20 06:03:36 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

is there a possibility that i could still be pregnant with a negative blood test? i am in a commited relationship and we are having unprotected sex. i am 24 , no medical conditions or problems before.

2007-06-20 05:28:41 · 4 answers · asked by ivygurl03 1

He knows that I have not been with nobody but him these whole 4 years we have been together. I am five months pregnant with his daughter. Never once has he ever thought that i was sleeping around until now. He has come to appointments and everything with me. So i dont know why all of a sudden he is saying this. I'm 21 and he's 23 , we've never had a baby before and i dont know at this point if i will end up alone. His friends call him to report everything I do, like "she was parking her car, and I saw her say hi to some guy". I dont know why they are in our business in the first place. Honestly I think his friends are jealous because he spends most of his time with me. now they are making up things to make me look bad so he will leave me. I'm afraid he will continue to fall for these lies and not take care of his baby girl. he even accuses me of having late nights out with guys, and sleeping with his friends, what should I do?

2007-06-20 05:18:25 · 21 answers · asked by ShesMyAngel 3

I am only 8 weeks but I know which hospital I want to give birth at. Yes my OBGYN delivers there (it is where I had my first bundle of joy) and they accept my insurance...Any advice would help. Maybe it depends on the hospital....

2007-06-20 04:57:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've read different things on different sites. One place said 3 - 6 days after conception, another said 8 - 12 days after, etc. What's the earliest implantation could occur?

2007-06-20 04:57:06 · 5 answers · asked by brevejunkie 7

April 1st- started my period
April 10- had sex(no condom)
April 14- milk started leaking from my boobs
April 28- started bleeding
April 29- stopped bleeding
May 2- dark thick brown discharge
May 9- blood test and pee test both came back negative for pregnancy
May 26- started bleeding
May 27- stopped
May 28- started bleeding
May 29- stopped

I have had the feeling that I was pregnant since April. But everyone thought I was crazy because the test came back negative. I used to be 142lbs. average NEVER went above 145 EVER!!! I now weigh 151lbs. Am I crazy?? Maybe I want to be so bad that I am convincing myself!

I just need to know from a nurse or a mommy. Has anyone ever had negative results when you were really pregnant? I just really need to know... I want to take another pregnancy test but I'm afraid I'm just getting my hopes up....

2007-06-20 04:25:49 · 16 answers · asked by Sparks 2

what are the chances of the girl being pregnant if the guy penetrate the tip of his penis into the girl's vagina and did not went in.just at the tip only and have precum.however the girl is a virgin and didn't bleed when the guy 'penetrate' into the girl.the girl didn't do any vigorous exercises and couldn't have torn her hymen by any chance.however the girl did wash her vagina after the 'intercourse' but hopefully it wouldn't increase the chances of the sperm swimming into the egg.as i read from an article,the sperm will have to swim a long way to reach the egg and most of them died while reaching the egg,moreover the guy only 'penetrate' only at the tip and just precum.so i would really like to know what are the chances of getting pregnant as the guy did not wear a condom.

2007-06-20 04:25:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

after a whole year and a half of not having my period.

I have dated my ex boyfriend again for over 4 months.

My gynecologist said there was no risk because of no period and I am over 40 but I am pregnant and did not know; I did a test 2 weeks ago and it was negative but now one is positive and my stomack hurts and grew.

If I choose to have the baby will it come with an abnormality; I have been taking folic acid for over a month now; will that help?

I would like a good opinion.

I have been almost 2 years on tamoxifen.

2007-06-20 04:22:55 · 7 answers · asked by Pandora 1

im going for my amniocentisis tonight ladies. i am totally freaking out. noone i know has had one or can tell me anything about it. i know the basics of what my doctor has told me but .....he is not a woman! i just wish someone could maybe give me some more details so i know what to expect. im 19 weeks along. any advice would be so greatly appreciated.

2007-06-20 04:17:42 · 9 answers · asked by zoebean1234 2

My last period was march 9, it has been more than 10 weeks since my last period. I keep getting negatives on all my 8 home pregnancy tests. I took my 1st pregnancy test like 9 weeks since last period.Cud i get a positive result on a blood work?help.

i always took First Morning Urine.

2007-06-20 03:59:10 · 13 answers · asked by nineteen 1

i was due on my period on the 4th of june and its now the 20th so thats just over 2 weeks late, i had slight brownish bleeding last week which didnt even fill a tampax then stopped completely it happened a few days later aswell, i find myself quite bloated lately and even though i did a pregnancy test 2 days ago it shown negative but i now that something isnt right and i still could be i have been advised to wait a week before doing another but i just cant get the thought out of my head am i or arnt i what do use think?

2007-06-20 02:46:09 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok about 2 weeks ago, bleeding that stopped . hospital gave me the all clear was 50% effaced at that time. the baby has completely droppoed. i feel constant pressure on my pelvis i can feel the bones spreading apart and also the skin all round the vagina feels like its STRETCHING to a painful amount almost, then on top of that - it feels like my inner thighs and crotch area are also under a lot of pressure that HURTS. im 33 weeks. is this normal for how far along i am or am i going into labor soon? anyone else have these signs before labor? how soon before labor? ok thanks!
aslo have had braxton hicks contractoins intermittently a couple times a day here and ther for a week and period cramps for about 2 weeks off and on at varoius times

2007-06-20 02:31:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, I am 37 weeks, 4 days pregnant with my first child. The baby has dropped, but I have had no dialation. My doctor says that he will induce my labor on July 3rd, which will make me 39 weeks along. He says that my cervix is tilted and may never dialate on its own. He also says though that I could be in labor for a couple of days, then they may end up having to do a c-section. I was just wanting some advice from anyone who has had this problem before. And please don't say, 'the baby will come when she is ready'...I hate that!

2007-06-20 02:14:23 · 5 answers · asked by Nicole M 2

I'm going on 38 weeks pregnant and for the past 2 or 3 days I've had an increase in pelvic pressures (baby has already dropped 2 weeks ago) but these pains/weird feelings are like I constantly have my period. It's driving me nuts. They just feel like cramps and some actually hurt. I've been having stomach contractions here and there, but it's totally different then the "period cramping" I'm feeling. I'm getting both.

2007-06-20 02:11:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 4 months along today, and I'm just now physically beginning to feel my baby bump. When I press on it lightly, I feel very, very slight pain (kind of like gas pain) and pressure down into my bladder. Otherwise, I feel fine. Is this normal? Should I be worried about the baby? Have other pregnant women experienced this?
Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

2007-06-20 01:55:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

The other day i was shopping at the gap maternity and well some philipina lady came up to me and she asked when i was due... i thought nothing of it and told her august 23rd... well she then went to say sorry for starring at my belly (i didnt even realise she was looking at me).. anyways... she then went on to tell me that she was pregnant full term and that she had lost her baby right before she gave birth (in march) ...and that she was trying for another one..
i was shocked and i didnt really know what to say to her...
i just told her i was sorry and i wished her luck ...
what would you have done in this situation?...

2007-06-20 01:52:51 · 15 answers · asked by lilmommy 3

i am 36+2 today i have a embarrassing problem. on the outside of my vagina i have some lumps, i am not in pain or in any discomfort i feel normal, and i have no discharge or smell and the lumps are quite soft. (sorry to give so much details) they appeared about two week ago. my next appointment is tomorrow with the midwife i will be asking the midwife about this. I am just curious to know what this is. I had a cheek up for STD earile in my pregnancy as i was due one, the results were fine i know it is not a STD as i am a married woman. a close friend of mine said it is normal to get it todwards the end of your pregnancy she has 3 children. this is my second baby and i did not get this with my first. Does any one have any advice or experienced on this.

2007-06-20 01:48:11 · 9 answers · asked by sh04 3

i am nearly 5 weeks gone and this is constantly on my mind, also my first daughter was born with multiple birth defects and i am constantly worrying that this baby is not developing properly. what can i do to get over feeling like this?

2007-06-20 01:44:24 · 19 answers · asked by Kelly 5


i've found he has several yahoo accounts and i've seen him use them before. i figure he just tries to see how long it'll take for them to suspend his account for abuse.

He for the most part talks about ways to get his gf to abort her baby, and now how to abort his baby himself.

And then when he's just answering questions, it's mainly abuse in the pregnancy section.

What the hell is wrong with this "man"?

I think maybe i'm just in shock because i can't believe that he would say some of these things..............JUST for attention.

So i guess overall my question is, how could a human being be so horrible?

2007-06-20 01:41:47 · 17 answers · asked by Xander and Marie's Mommy 4

My throat hurts so bad I can hardly stand it and sinuses are terrible, I am so tired but I can't sleep because laying down makes it worse and I have a few hours before I can go to the doctor, any suggestions on how I can get the pain to go away until then? I've tried tylenol, hot tea, hot tea with honey, and lots and lots of water.

2007-06-20 01:41:43 · 5 answers · asked by Lauren L 1

I don't think it does, i'm also on bc, so i'm not too worried about it, but we did it in the shower and washed it out right after (convinent right?) i think he thinks that it helps, i don't think it does. does it?

2007-06-20 01:40:11 · 17 answers · asked by cantthinkofauseridsohereitis 3

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