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Pregnancy - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I had my c-section a month ago, I had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago, my incision is clean, no bleeding, fever, or pain where I had my c-section just some numbness around the area. But, I have been having some pain under my right breast and I was wandering if it may be gas pressure or gas and if anyone else had this problem after theirs? How long did it last? What did you do for it?

2007-03-04 11:36:24 · 4 answers · asked by angel_baby200314 1

2007-03-04 11:32:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

We made love. Wearing both our undies. Then I came when I was try to jack off near her vagina. The *** was about 1 inch distance from the vaginal opening. Is a there a chance for pregnancy? I'm just curious.

2007-03-04 11:23:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

well im 14 weeks pregnant and me - 18 and my boyfriend - 21 have decided on the name Bella-Jay for a girls name ... though we cant come up with a name for a boy the middle name will be luke if its a boy and i was wondering if u have any idea on boys names that will sound good with bella if u get me

2007-03-04 11:11:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


Who recommends the book "What to expect when you're expecting"?

2007-03-04 11:06:33 · 11 answers · asked by Miranda 2

I have this huge headache and I'm late on my period for about 30day can I be pregant?

2007-03-04 10:53:26 · 10 answers · asked by What Happen 1

2007-03-04 10:47:37 · 6 answers · asked by lovesugarkisses 4

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and I've had this headache so long I cant remember when it started. It's a BAD headache I'm sensitive to any noise I see spots I get light headed to the point I fall or cant get up at all My muscles cramp to the extend that I cry. I know that these symptons are common but when do you know when they are worse than they should be. I am under a lot of stress at the moment. And not exactly the happiest person in the world and I'm trying everything I can to take care of my baby but I worry about it. Is this much pain normal? Anybody else been through this? What do I do? My stress is caused by many things ( my fiancee left me and left my daughter and I with nothing) but I don't want my kids to suffer along with me. I cant stop worrying at this point I'm afraid but is this constant headache dizziness, ect normal ? cee_jae22@yahoo.com

2007-03-04 10:44:53 · 19 answers · asked by cee_jae22 3

Anyone been very gassy since you've been pregnant? Please shed some light on my bubbly stomach. I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my 5th child and I've never experienced gas like this. Thanks in advance for your help.

2007-03-04 10:35:53 · 5 answers · asked by Babyface 4

I weighed like 110 when I got pregnant and I'm 5 months pregnant now and all I hear from my bf's dad is how big I am getting. All that's big is my stomach...duh! I have a 5th month baby in there and I have some love handles. I'm 5ft 7 and I wear size 5 pants. I cannot hear the end of my weight gain. I feel like I am gonna burst. What months am I supposed to gain the most? I hate eating in front of them cuz that's all I hear. Can you help me out?

2007-03-04 10:35:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My partner and I grind with clothes on. There were no fluids. i had my period for a short while. I had cramps 2 weeks before my period and I'm having cramps right now, and ever since my period ended 4 days ago. I've been worrying a lot and I already took a home test. negative but still scared cause of the cramps. Is there anyone with real answers and detailed information that would help me ease my mind.

2007-03-04 10:34:53 · 4 answers · asked by confused 1

I'm going for my first pelvic exam in a couple of weeks.........What is it going to be like? Tell your stories about getting one......

2007-03-04 10:32:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is how I look:
I don't even have a belly and people make fun of me when I say I am pregnant, my doctor said I am normal, will I grow a bigger belly?

2007-03-04 10:18:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well,This word is written on paper made by radiologist who made an ultrasound scan for my pregnant wife.

although I'm a pharmacist,I failed to understand from the doctor what exactly is that word.

The sentence-as written on paper- as follow:"There is very thin rim of hypoechogenecity in lower part of subchorionic area".

I'm not able to find it over the web.Plz Gyn,Obs. help

2007-03-04 10:13:47 · 8 answers · asked by diesel992 1

2007-03-04 10:12:37 · 35 answers · asked by uhdiamond 1

I have recently started taking hydroxycut, efedra free...about a week before I was suppose to start my period. I started getting tired, crampy and slightly nausiated...I thought it was either my period or the diet pills, or both. I am now almost a week late and, becoming concerned, I took a test. The test came up negative, but I still have not begun my cycle. I read that the ingredients in the diet pill actually have something that is suppose to speed up your period, so I do not know why it would be this late. I have another test to take if it's still not here yet...but in the meantime I am freaking out. I still have all the symptoms of a period but nothing for about two weeks!

2007-03-04 10:08:54 · 6 answers · asked by Melis~ 2

i'm now on my third missed period i took a home pregnancy test about a month ago it came out negative,is it possible that it could have been a wrong test?my lower abdomen feels slightly full,swollen like especially after sex my breast are sore from time to time not all the time but when they are real sore i suspected my period would start and about a week ago i had pain in my left ovary for about 2 hours not major but enough to think i may have ovulated.can u ovulate while pregnant?anyhow what is your guesse about this situation has anyone else experienced the same thing and should i retest even though i tested negative a month ago on a home pregnancy test?

2007-03-04 10:08:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please don't judge me, instead help me

2007-03-04 10:06:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-04 10:03:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My original due date was July 12th. The ultrasound determined it was Aug 5th. I didn't have sex during the period that I was supposed to have conceived by what the ultrasound said. My hubby and I have been trying for 6 years. I have periods that are 1 month and 2 month intervals (in that order), so was wondering whether my ovulation cycle could have been delayed. My hubby has been the only man I have slept with and I felt crappy those other months so just didn't feel like sex. Has anyone had this experience and the ultrasound be wrong or had a delayed ovulation?

2007-03-04 09:53:23 · 11 answers · asked by Kelly s 6

my in-laws know, they took it better than i thought. my side of the family however, will not be so understanding. i was on birth control, but i had to take antibiotics, as most know (not me at the time) antibiotics cancel BC. i am only 19, with a family of catholics who believe that pre-marital sex is sac-religious. i need advice on how to sit down with my parents and explain that i want to keep the baby, with out all the fuss of how it isn't "wise" to do so.

anybody else in this kind of situation?

2007-03-04 09:52:29 · 11 answers · asked by nuklear16301 2

Just wondered what you have done or what someone u know has done to help with feeling like crap from a cold while pregnant. I'm early in, so already feeling horrid from first trimester pains and to throw the cold in on top of it is really draining me. Anyone have suggestions?

2007-03-04 09:50:59 · 87 answers · asked by cream 2

Don't know if I'll ever enjoy it. My so called friends have deserted me, my family don't really seem to care or acknowledge that I'm pregnant, and my boyfriend claims he loves and misses me, but I hardly ever see him and I don't feel like he's making that much of and effort to see me. He is in school about 2 hours away, but doesn't come visit me on the weekends because he claims he's too busy working. His work is club party promoting. I feel like its a bunch of crap and even if that is his work, couldn't he at least put it off for one weekend considering I haven't seen him but once in almost 2 months, and I'm pregnant? And this is his spring break, and he's not here, claiming he has no money, but he always saying he working to make money, but then when I want to see him there's nothing to show for it. When he does decide to show up it's for like half a day, maybe a few hours, and then he's gone for weeks at a time, and when I complain, I get told the whole world doesn't revolve around me. He's cheated on me before, and is probably still messing around with other girls over there, but I'm not there so I can't say for sure, and everytime I confront him he says he's changed and he know he hurt me before but he aint doing that anymore. If that's the case what about spending time with me? Am I being selfish? I feel like I'm going through this pregnancy by myself everyday because of no kind of support system, and the more depressed I get couldn't be good for the baby. Its getting to the point where I feel like I'm making a huge mistake. I feel like I'm being lied to from him and I can't trust him because this just doesn't make sense to me. I've just about hit rock bottom and I don't know what to do, what to believe, or how to feel. I just think I want out.

2007-03-04 09:50:40 · 8 answers · asked by tmmygrl210 1

What pieces of furniture are necessary? Do you buy the same bedding for both? I'm pregnant with twins and don't know the sex yet- I also have a 1 year old little girl! I want to know everything I can about how to decorate for the twins. Please help me

2007-03-04 09:43:46 · 5 answers · asked by b_scallion 1

what is the "normal" discharge color or texture or whatever? my ob gyn said to let him know if anything changes and to watch for that. i know it is NOT normal to be pink, brown, or red tinged. but i am just not sure what the normal color is.

2007-03-04 09:40:20 · 8 answers · asked by ashtonms1 1

any soon-to be-mothers out there my age?
i need a few encouraging words.

2007-03-04 09:38:34 · 20 answers · asked by nuklear16301 2

ok....no pain in the belly, aside from some gas pain and indegestion. i've been sleeping like a baby unlike my last miscarriage a year ago. i know just wiped and i had a spot of blood and some tissue that was half white and half red and that was in my urine. i talked to a nurse and she says it's from stretching or many other factors but nothing to worry over. because i don't have alot of blood and cramping. i do have back pain, but it's more upper back then anything. my breasts are a little sore and i've had morning sickness all morning. i feel fine. oh but one thing only once know i got this rubber band effect in my belly which they said before was just gas from what i ate. can anyone tell me what they think to maybe reasure me or inform me....thanks gals! oh and nurse said that the flakes in the urine wouldn't signifie a miscarriage because the babys in a different spot.

2007-03-04 09:37:59 · 10 answers · asked by Deb M 3

I do pilates at 3-4 times a week and walk. Just curious if I am a couch potato compared to other pregnant moms.

2007-03-04 09:29:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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