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Pregnancy - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Is sharing that I am pregnant at 8 weels with family and co workers
to early? I am so excited to tell people I am pregnant, but unsure when to tell....

2007-03-06 15:18:54 · 16 answers · asked by CalifGirl! 2

Last week I had an emergency cesarean after being diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. They couldn't get a local anesthetic to take, so I had to go general. With all the drugs in my system (including magnesium to prevent seizures), I essentially missed the first two days of my son's life. Now I'm feeling guilty about not being there for him, and essentially cheated out of the labor I had planned. I didn't even have any contractions! Any similar experiences?

2007-03-06 15:16:48 · 12 answers · asked by mthompson828 6

How active was your baby @ 25 weeks?

2007-03-06 15:12:00 · 5 answers · asked by Jaimee's Mommy 3

I am in my 20th week and barely (if ever) feel her moving. I have a doppler like the hospital carries and I can hear her strong heartbeat and at all the ultrasounds (I am high risk due to high bp so have had many of them) she is moving around like crazy. It is just so much more of a reasurance to be able to feel it. This is my first pregnancy! Help!

2007-03-06 15:08:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

im only 32 1/2 weeks along. for the last week and a half i have been having contractions and now tonight i have been having to change my underwear every hour or 2 because they are wet. i smelled the wet spot and it had no odor to it. is it that my water broke or could it be that because my husband and i had sex its just seman? again..there was no scent at all to the wet spot.

2007-03-06 15:03:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'm 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant and lost my plug, I just read on a website that castor oil relaxes your bowels which relaxes your uterus which can put you into labor, would a laxative work the same way?? If not anyone have any ideas of how i could self induce my labor, I'm in terrible hip and back pain.

2007-03-06 15:03:07 · 13 answers · asked by crazychicinlove 1

I have had cramping off and on today. an hr ago i started feeling pressure it's making me go pee but is this a sign of miscarriage

2007-03-06 14:57:17 · 1 answers · asked by mandyrp21@sbcglobal.net 1

I have these appointments next tuesday and wanted to know what they do there. And why would they give me a genetic counseling if in my family we have no abnormalities or birth defects...

2007-03-06 14:55:44 · 5 answers · asked by Princess 4

ok at first i thought the doctor meant he didn't see any kidneys on my ultrasound coz he said that they were not visual.so i took it as they didn't see any well i called him back and he said no ur bay has kidneys but they r enlarged.so i have to have a 4d ultrasound anyonew know why this could be?

2007-03-06 14:52:30 · 4 answers · asked by Sue R 1

I just started taking the generic version of ortho cyclen, and unlike my prescriber initially told me, I didnt start it on the first day of my period (which is in 1.5 weeks). I wanted to start it as soon as i could, and she said that was fine, so I started today. But, my pills, like other similar drugs, have 3 weeks worth of 'active' pills and one week of 'inactive pills'. If you start on the first day of your period, you're supposed to start with an active pill and take the next 21 of those, and when those run out, you take the 'inactive'/reminder pills for 7 days. Since I didnt start on my period, what kind of pill should i be taking when i do get it in 1.5 weeks...active or inactive?

2007-03-06 14:51:43 · 5 answers · asked by KaySmith 1

This happened to me today. I took my first pregnancy test 2 days after a missed period, which came out positive. Then I took another one 2 hours later and it came out negative. Now I'm confused. Anyone know what it means?

2007-03-06 14:50:38 · 6 answers · asked by adi 1

2007-03-06 14:47:19 · 10 answers · asked by Brie 2

i had a regular period on Feb. 10-14. i had protected sex on the 16th of March, and protected sex again on March 23. the condoms didn't bust or anything but now i feel like i'm gaining weight and i can eat endlessly. i'm confused, i haven't been nauseous, or missed a period, but the unofficial weightgain and endless eating is wierd??? what do you think??

2007-03-06 14:46:06 · 15 answers · asked by youmakemesmile :] 1

I was raped 8 weeks ago by my boyfriends brother. He used a condom though. Me and my boyfriend had sex 2 days earlier and didnt. I am now pregnant. I dont know what to do, coz i dont want to be carrying that a**holes baby, but my boyfriend wants a baby. I also dont wan to tell him what happened, coz it would hurt him to think his brother would do that, and i dont even know if he would believe me or not. I am so scared , what do I do

2007-03-06 14:45:54 · 24 answers · asked by jane 1

Okay i already asked a question similar....But like 17 days ago i had sex WHILE on my period WITHOUT any protection.... and some symptoms i am having are....it feels like i am going to start my period but that shouldnt happen for at least 10 days id think,,,and my breasts feel sore and stuff....but idk what is happening...is it cuz im constantly worrying or do you think i could be pregnant!! kk thanks for your help!!

2007-03-06 14:45:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its when I urinate, it only happens at night, and it only happens the first time. Subsequent times are fine. It doesn't burn like a bladder infecting. Any idea what it might be.

2007-03-06 14:43:00 · 8 answers · asked by I love sushi 4

The baby has been moving a lot now for 3 weeks.

2007-03-06 14:42:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am 26 weeks pregant and i have only felt my baby move 2 times in the past two day and they were both yesterday. i have not felt her move at all today. i went to the dr. yesterday her heart beat was fine but she has a normal patern and it worries me there may be something wrong

2007-03-06 14:40:18 · 11 answers · asked by sarah 1

I'm just wondering how many ppl out there have taken pain meds or other C class drugs during pregnancy and how things turned out. I have had to take Tylenol 3 throughout my pregnancy so far and am just worried. Thanks.

2007-03-06 14:40:01 · 10 answers · asked by lysistrata411 6

how long do you think this one will last ? on friday? last wk on monday i was dilated 3 cm which was shocking cause the wednesday before monday i was closed ...im still dilated 3 cm...how long do you think i will last cause usually alot of people take 14 hours or more..thanks

2007-03-06 14:36:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having horribe worries that are getting stronger and lasting longer. Not average worry, lunatic worry......car accident, i'm a lesbian and don't know it, still birth,... anything really tragic. I want to do a natural meditiation way but if I needed drugs to be sane??

2007-03-06 14:30:33 · 11 answers · asked by Peaceful 2

my nipple area gets darker and lighter but when there lighter they get rather large in circumfrace. the breast pain also comes and goes.

2007-03-06 14:28:43 · 5 answers · asked by Deb M 3

I have had unpertected sex while on my last day of being on my period. Can I still get pregnet? What about if I still have my period tomorrow?

2007-03-06 14:28:23 · 12 answers · asked by CaT 2

ok, this is kind of personal but whatever.....to get to the point...i am
weeks pregnant and recently have noticed that i feel like i am swollen and sore....down there....pretty much i feel like its swollen like a female dogs' gets ... and it kind of throbs...i remember feeling this maybe 2 or 3 times in my life during my period...but what does it mean now?? does anyone else experience this??

2007-03-06 14:27:09 · 7 answers · asked by latina_peru 2

to hear our babys heart beat by placing his ear on my tummy im 14 weeks pregnant and he thinks he can im not to sure ?

2007-03-06 14:23:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had 2-3 inch long strands of mucus coming out down there, for about 4 days, and told my doctor today. He checked my cervix and said I am dilated to 2 cm. He suggested that I cut down on my hours at work. My baby is only 4 pounds, 1 oz. He said the head is measuring at 33, the chest at 32, and the stomach at 31. He is concerned about the stomach measurement, and is going to do weekly ultrasounds. I have only gained 12 pounds, but I eat a lot, just healthy, weight is at 218, I'm 5'6. Any estimates on when I may deliver, and whether or not it is the plug, and why the baby is so small? My due date is April 20th.

2007-03-06 14:22:17 · 8 answers · asked by all_the_answers 2

Is slight cramping in your abdomen a possible early pregnancy symptom?

2007-03-06 14:18:07 · 8 answers · asked by kcgirl 2

I am 24 wks pregnant, and I feel like a whale. The beginning of my pregnancy was a very emotional time for me considering it was a very big surprise. I got better, but now I'm back to being a wreck.
My poor fiance has to put up with my mood swings and me randomly saying things like " Oh my God, we've ruined our lives!" I still keep getting the " What the hell did I get myself into, I want to be unpregnant" feelings. This is my first.
Anyway, lately upon all of the worries and fears for the furture, I'm a walking stick with a massive belly. I'm a very small girl, and I'm getting very uncomfortable lugging around this extra weight, plus, I feel about as attractive as a beached whale. I know this is normal, but I can't help but feel that when my fiance looks at my pregnant body he is most likely disgusted ( Although he says otherwise ). I know this is most likely in my head.
Any of you other moms feel like this? I feel my world is ending and to top it off I feel like a walking minivan!!

2007-03-06 14:17:30 · 10 answers · asked by soontobemummy 1

My cycle was due over the weekend- didn't get it. I tested yesteday (Monday) around 4:00- came back negative. I've been nauseated, peeing constantly, and I actually had to wear a pair of maternity pants when my husband and I went out tonight- I cannot wait to find out if it's pregnancy. I'd like to get other's opinions and experiences. Thanks.

2007-03-06 14:14:07 · 9 answers · asked by JustMyOpinion 5

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