I you were just at the dr's yesterday, everything is probably fine,so relax. Getting yourself all worked up isn't going to help. If you really want your mind put at rest, call your dr. He can order a non stress test. It will show if anything is going on that warrants concern. I remember when I was pregnant, as the baby gets bigger in there, the movements get less frequent, but feel alot stronger when they happen. I hope I helped you.
2007-03-06 14:48:26
answer #1
answered by anncinn 3
if you went to the doctor and the heartbeat was fine then you probably have nothing to worry about. If your really concerned a good gage is to drink a tall glass of milk or eat a light snack then lay down. You will probably feel the baby move then. You really aren't far enough enough to feel every move your baby makes yet. Although the baby is getting bigger..its not quite big enough to feel every move. It could just be the baby is facing your back with its legs and hands so you cant feel the punch and kick. keep a feel on it...if you are still concerned then call your doctor.
2007-03-06 15:42:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The advice they tend to give is start worrying about this after 28 weeks as by that time baby should be felt at least 10 seperate times per day.
Your baby may have got into a position where you cant feel his / her movements, your placenta maybe positioned on the front and be cushioning movements so you dont feel them. Also if you have been really busy she/he may have been moving and you havent noticed.
2007-03-06 15:48:00
answer #3
answered by Stephanie R 2
I know how you feel. I am 25 weeks and 3 days(i'm right behind you!) and my baby's movements decreased some last week. Just when i thought i was figuring out a pattern in may baby's movements, everything changed and i only got a few kicks a day. I spoke to my doctor and he said that everthing is okay. My baby's movements are actually starting to pick back up now. Our babies are just to little to feel every single kick. For every kick or flutter or bump that we feel, there is another one that we don't feel. Bottom line: Try not to worry. I know that is like asking you not to breath, but hey, we are mommy's now, worrying is what we do! :)
2007-03-06 15:37:18
answer #4
answered by Jaimee's Mommy 3
i had the same problem 2 days ago and i went to the doctor and they put the monitor on my belly and the baby started moving straight away and you could hear the heart beat ... you are spost to contact the doctor if its been 24 hours since you felt movement... have a really cold sugary drink and then lay Down and see if you can feel any movement
2007-03-06 17:05:33
answer #5
answered by chickobabi 1
Babies don't move at a constant rate, they do take rest, it may be for a full day or 2, don't start worring until day 4.
2007-03-06 14:48:28
answer #6
answered by spiritwalker 6
as we have sleep patterns so do are babies try to drink some juice like apple or orange juice lay on your left side and start you baby kick counts and make sure you have eaten something that day and are in a quite room to do this good look
2007-03-06 14:49:01
answer #7
answered by Amanda B 2
if you went to the docs yesterday and her heart beat was fine then you dont need to stress.. you we find the baby is sleeping lots and growing.. if you are really concerned go back to the docs and get checked out... good luck hun :o)
2007-03-06 14:47:16
answer #8
answered by Felicity P 1
Probably sleeping, my kid stopped moving for a week and I got worried, but they were just resting and growing. As long as your doctor says they are fine and strong heatbeat it is all okay.
2007-03-06 14:46:36
answer #9
answered by Pantherempress 7
if you go a full 24 hours without feeling movements you are supposed to inform your dr about this...it could possibly mean something is wrong
2007-03-06 14:45:49
answer #10
answered by kcgirl 2