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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

She is taking prog suppliments. Yesterday she noticed some of her pregnancy symptoms such as swollen breasts have began to subside. Is this normal or is this a sign that things are going badly?

2007-01-25 09:05:31 · 5 answers · asked by the man 1

2007-01-25 09:04:35 · 5 answers · asked by classy1 2

brain damage???? thats what I was just told Im scared outta my mind I bent over a few times to pick something up or tie my shoes ... All I can keep thinking is oh my God I gave my baby brain damage!!!! Im 37 weeks. BTW

2007-01-25 09:01:14 · 17 answers · asked by blank 1

Okay....major confusion about to set in! My last period was Dec 16, 2006. I used an ovulation predictor kit on Dec 30 and 31 to see if i was ovulating....it was a big negative. Checked again on or around Jan 8 and it said I was ovulating. It continued to say that on the 9th and 10th. On the 16th I took a home pregnancy test and it popped positive IMMEDIATELY. No faint lines...just two bright pink lines! Okay, the egg takes 7-9 days to travel to the uterous once it is fertilized, so if i truly ovulated on the 8th, how could it pop positive on the 16th already? I have taken additional tests, and they are positive. Just wanted to pick your brains and see what you all think. Would a preggo test pop positive that quick or do you think the ovulation predictor kit was wrong. I don't see my OBGYN until Feb 26, so I'm curious! Thanks!

2007-01-25 09:00:30 · 16 answers · asked by larann78 2

I heard pregnant women have crazy dreams, but it never really happened to me until I had this one. I am 31 weeks and I had a dream the other night that my baby was bulging out in the front of my stomach like he was trying to get out. I could see the bulge of his face very distinctly (the lips, forehead, nose, chin, everything—he even opened and closed his mouth). Then he stuck his hands out and I could see the bulge of his hands very distinctly (I saw every little finger and his palms and everything). I started playing with his hands. I put my finger in the palms of his hands and he grabbed on to them. Then he stuck out his foot and I saw the bulge on my stomach. Then slowly more of his leg began to bulge out until his whole leg showed and stuck out in a bulge through my stomach and he started kicking his leg up. I got scared at this point and asked the people around me if it was normal and I told them, “I think I’m going into labor.” Then I woke up.

2007-01-25 08:57:59 · 13 answers · asked by aljea 6

i think i am having my period i am having blood come out with lots of blood clots my question is can you get lightheaded and kinda fill like you just took some cold medicen from your period? i guess can a period make you kinda fill high since this is my first period in 6 months?

2007-01-25 08:54:00 · 4 answers · asked by Chanti 2

I went to the hospital because I thought it was amniotic fluid ... watery and milky discharge was told by my doc. it was my plug that it can be watery and milky not thick like I thought... anywho who knows how long til I actually dilate more as there anything I can do? when do they admit you after your dilated 2, 4? 10 cm? anyone????? BY THE WAY Im 37 weeks now

2007-01-25 08:53:52 · 12 answers · asked by blank 1

There is some really serious stuff that can happen to you with the epidural. That's really why I can't decide if I want it or not. I heard that the doctor gets you to sign a form stating that if you are paralyzed they would not be held responsible. IS THIS TRUE??? If it is, that is awful and not something I want to get involved in. I am so confused. I don't want to be to tired or in pain so much that I won't be able to enjoy my first baby girl. Lord Help!!

2007-01-25 08:50:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on Dec 6th. He didnt ejaculate but I know that I can still be pregnant from him pre ejaculate. He didnt ejaculate at all even when we stoped. It was only for about 5 mins then we stopped. I normally get my period the 20th I got it on dec 25th and it was alittle lighter but Ive been stressing alot, now in Jan. I got it normally. I also took 3 prenancy tests all 3 were negative, i havent been having cramps just when I had my period. I did get alillte fatter but that was even before I had sex. BUT Iam still having toughts what do you think?

2007-01-25 08:50:13 · 2 answers · asked by ewelina s 1



2007-01-25 08:49:45 · 8 answers · asked by i luv ariana alize! 2

vaccum or mop when your preg ? I did with my first and he's fine? If I dont do it who is?

2007-01-25 08:49:28 · 8 answers · asked by blank 1

Would you tell your children if they were accidents? My mom told me I was an accident. I don't think it depresses me or anything but sometimes I think, wow I wasn't really wanted. Is ignorance, bliss?

I am pregnant with my second child and this baby as well as my first was not planned (I do everything backwards what can I say?)
I was debating if I would ever tell them that.

I was just wondering moms views on this

And spare me comments about my unplanned pregnancies. I am in a loving relationship, just got married 3 months ago and I am happy about life's little "oops"

2007-01-25 08:48:22 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

pick up something up that you drop?

2007-01-25 08:44:36 · 24 answers · asked by blank 1

2007-01-25 08:44:23 · 16 answers · asked by Blondie 2

My period was due 3 days ago (Jan.22). My breast are not sore or tender but having on and off cramping (not too painful) in my lower abdomen. I was sick last week with acute bronchitis and was on anitibotics? Could I be prego? Or my illness and anitibotics can cause a delay on my cycle?
(Serious answers please! I'm not with the BS)

2007-01-25 08:35:46 · 18 answers · asked by longilashes25 1

Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex on Dec 6th. He didnt ejaculate but I know that I can still be pregnant from him pre ejaculate. He didnt ejaculate at all even when we stoped. It was only for about 5 mins then we stopped. I normally get my period the 20th I got it on dec 25th and it was alittle lighter but Ive been stressing alot, now in Jan. I got it normally. I also took 3 prenancy tests all 3 were negative, i havent been having cramps just when I had my period. I did get alillte fatter but that was even before I had sex. BUT Iam still having toughts what do you think?

2007-01-25 08:21:18 · 1 answers · asked by ewelina s 1

ok my period ended on the 1st of jan. (newyears) I had unprotected sex (obviously) on the 6 of jan. I've been feelin tired and my breast have been sore or what ever and i dont know if its too soon to take a pregnancy test. but i want to know already. I normally get my period the day before or after my friend and this time i havent i mean i could get it anyday right but i dontknow its always on time

2007-01-25 08:20:37 · 25 answers · asked by mimi 1

I am 36 weeks along in my pregnancy. So far, I've had a great pregnancy. Well, when I go to my ob check ups, I'm not told about anything. Such as, how my baby is doing, how "big" he could be, if he is in the right position (head down or breech), my blood pressure, tests that I have had to take, to see if I'm effacing fine or even near dialation (since this is my second, we 2 timers mostly efface sooner than dialate) or anything. I mean, I ask him all the time, and all he tells me is everything is fine. He doesn't explain or anything! What should I/could I do? I'd really like to find out about my pregnancy. Also, I'm measure much smaller than other women at 36 weeks. I'm supposed to measure up with how many weeks pregnant I am, but I don't. So that's another reason I worry about my baby. I had the measure problem with my first, and my docter I had than made an ultrasound appointment. Please tell me what I can do.

2007-01-25 08:19:59 · 15 answers · asked by Mandie 2

In a few months my family and I are going to be going on a trip that includes a 3 hour flight, and then we'll be renting a car when we get there. My daughter is at the age where I can have her on my lap on the plane but I'm going to need to take a car seat for when we get there... I'm wondering if they can go carry on or if they are too big, or if I need to check it... and if I need to check it, do I have to have it in a duffel bag or something? Or if by some chance there is a flip down car seat or something that will be the right size for carry on... my daughter is almost 25 lbs so she can be in a front facing car seat and I don't even know if a flip down car seat exists! Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

2007-01-25 08:16:42 · 6 answers · asked by Mel 4

I have a very sore area under the skin to the right on my midriff. There is no rash, redness or any other detectable sign of anything being wrong there, but it really hurts when I stretch, turn over etc. i have spoken to doc who just shrugged his shoulders and was no help at all. Im sure its nothing serious but it hurts and im curious to find out if anyone else has experienced anything like this? I have a sneaky feeling it is to do with my midriff stretching quite fast to accommodate the baby, do u think that would be possible? Im 23 weeks

2007-01-25 08:16:25 · 7 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5

My OB only gives two ultrasounds unless you have complications. I am 10 weeks and already had 1 u/s and have to wait until I am 20 weeks for my next one.

I will find out at 20 weeks if my baby is a boy or girl.

How many weeks were you when you found out you baby's sex?

2007-01-25 08:16:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hope this makes sense. I was wondering how many of you have acrylic nails and did you keep them on during your pregnancy and or after the baby was born. It might seem dumb but I am really used to having my nails. I either take them off completely or keep them very short.

2007-01-25 08:16:00 · 10 answers · asked by Claudia-Elena's Mommy 3

i just got off the depo shot on the 18th of january and then started my birthcontrol pill on the 21st of january but i only took it sunday and monday. so if i have sex and the guy ejaculates in me in the next 7 days is there a good chance im gonna get pregnant?

2007-01-25 08:09:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok..I'm new to this. My husband and I have desperately been trying to conceive ever since I went off the birth control pill. I have been off the pill for 7 months. Last month, we had unprotected sex. The time that I was to get my period came and went by. Four days later I started getting some brown blood. It wasn't heavy at all, but a significant amount to use a tampon. This lasted for three days. A week later, I decided to take a home pregnancy test because I thought it may have been implantation bleeding.... but it came out negative. I let it go and decided I wasn't pregnant. Now, for the past two weeks I have constantly been getting sick throughout the day. I am dizzy and faint and am running a 99.5 (low-grade) fever. I feel like my stomach is just turning inside of me. I do not have an appetite and consume less than 700 calories a day. Am I imagining this or what? Is it possible that these home tests would be wrong? I need any advice from anyone please.

2007-01-25 08:06:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 39 weeks pregnant,for 39 weeks i'm not that big,i was just wondering if anybody has the same thing going on.Maybe is because my height and weight.I weigh 130 and measure 5'4.Is anybody pregnant but look smaller than their month?Please answer.My doctor doesn't seem to be concerned but i'm a bit worried.

2007-01-25 07:56:57 · 17 answers · asked by ? 1

So are there anyone who is about to give birth in feb,march.april for the first time.what are you feeling are you scared? I'm due march 22 and i'm so scared but excitied at the same time.Is anyone else like this.I have little pains now and i just cant imagin the pain im going to have to go thought.and sometimes i think i won't be able to give birth.

2007-01-25 07:56:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

honest answers please, Can you have menstrual cramps while your pregnant? or can it be apart of early pregnancy signs? please tell all of what you know

2007-01-25 07:54:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 5 weeks pregnant, and my last pregnancy was nearly ten years ago, so seemed to have forgotten a little. I have notice last few days, that stomach dosent seem to go down, feel a little silly asking but when I wake in the morning it still hasnt gone dow, could I really be getting bigger already?????

2007-01-25 07:49:30 · 19 answers · asked by charlie 1

Hello everybody =)

I was due on January 19th but still no baby! I know that it is common to go to 42 weeks, especially with a first baby, but my Dr. offered to induce me on January 30th, so I gladly accepted!

I have to go in Monday at 4 pm to have medication applied to my cervix to soften it (since I am not dilated at all!!), then I will be induced on Tuesday morning.

Has anybody else gone through this? What can I expect?
I am a first timer and very nervous! I just want to be as prepared as possible. Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance! =)

2007-01-25 07:47:54 · 11 answers · asked by New*Mommy 1

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