I do not want an amniocentesis; the Dr's tried to give me one today. I do not want to cause my baby any more problems. Instead I had AFP blood work done, results don't come back for another 2weeks so they booked me an Amnio appointment for next week (I am only going to get another ultrasound and then I am going to decline the Amnio) I want to see if the bowel obstruction clears up on its own. And then a follow up appointment in two weeks when my blood work comes back. They are saying that the cpc or brain cyst could be a genetic abnormality like down syndrome or it could be nothing and then the bowel obstruction could be the swallowing of some blood from the amniotic sac or it could be yet another genetic abnormality like downs or cystic fibrosis. One or the other might be nothing but two is cause for concern and I am scared. I have just cancelled my flight home for Christmas as I cant face my in laws, instead I will stay here do research, any Dr's or mothers out there please advise me
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