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Pregnancy - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

can a person get pregnant by having sex within 7 days after her period has ended? or is it really possible to get pregnant anyday of the month?

2006-12-22 18:02:35 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am spotting right now and it is a redish color with some brown in it and alot of mucus. #1 is there usually mucus in a regular period and/or implantation bleeding? Should there be any kind of clots what so ever? I am not bleeding heavily just lightly I am using a pad to monitor the bleeding and when I wipe (kinda gross) i kinda push up in there a bit with the toilette paper and there will be some red but alot of mucusy stuff and what looks like brownish clots but not big and not round. is this a period or is this something else i am not sure what to think of this because the clots are throwing me off. my basal body temps are still well above the cover line temps and doesn't when you are about to start/starting your period the temp is supposed to drop??

2006-12-22 17:50:12 · 10 answers · asked by ** ME ** 1

2006-12-22 17:37:15 · 16 answers · asked by darsell_g 1

2006-12-22 17:26:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My period was three weeks late, I went to the doctor yesterday and they gave me a pregnancy test which came back negative, I got my period two hours after I left the doctor's office.
I've had some minor cramps for the last week and a half but I dismissed them because my period wasn't coming. I also had extreem aversions to some foods, even thinking about them repulsed me.
Now I got my period and it's really heavy, I went through four tampons in 6 hours. It's also much more clotted then usual. Could I have been pregnant and had a spontanious abortion or would the pregnancy test have detected that?

I'm going to call my doc on Monday but I was just curious what I could find out now. Does anyone know about this?

2006-12-22 17:24:12 · 7 answers · asked by vampire_kitti 6

I am terrified about having kids. I have nightmares that I'm pregnant and I watch "A Baby Story" on TV all the time and cry. I am afraid of being sick during the pregnacy, the unbelievable pain of child bearing, and being a bad mother.
I think my fear came from my 2 best friends, one who had 2 abortions and a miscarrage and the other who had one abortion and a miscarrage. I've never been pregnant before, and I'm the baby of the family so I've never been exposed to any infants, ever. Please help!!!!

2006-12-22 17:02:42 · 13 answers · asked by La Bella Vita 2

I had pregnancy systoms and my tummy is getting bigger but HCG test negative even though my last period was 14/11/06, but had 2days period on 13/12/06. Scanning show only blood clots, cannot confirm whether is baby or period? what should i do, could i be pregnant or just having big tummy? Pls advice.

2006-12-22 16:57:12 · 3 answers · asked by Lin C 1

2006-12-22 16:56:50 · 7 answers · asked by smokingstonersweetheart 4

This is my 1st pregnancy, and im 41 weeks over due.The said they will induce my labor.And today when the doctor check my cervic, its only 3 cm dilated.I do feel contraction but not strong one.
Does it mean I might have C-section if my cervic not dilated like it supposed to?

2006-12-22 16:32:03 · 21 answers · asked by Nue 3

I was wondering if anyone has had negative pregnancy results for a couple of months,but was still pregnant with a low HCG level?

2006-12-22 16:29:32 · 4 answers · asked by mom of 1 1

Well it's final...I found out from the doctors tonight that i'm starting a miscarriage... :'( .....but what my question is...How long did it take some of you to concieve again after you have had a miscarriage? W/O a d&c...because my doctor is not giving me one. My husband and i want to try again as soon as possible...we want a baby. Thank you for your comments. And for those of you who have seen my previous posts...thanks for all your caring support...you helped me get through some tough times.

2006-12-22 16:25:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, me and my husband have recently started trying on our second. I had my last period on the 13th of Nov. and we offically started trying on the 2nd of Dec. We have had intercourse several times since then. I have felt funny for two weeks now like I am. I have backaches, nausea, boob sore and emotions are crazy. I just felt like I really was. I have been really bloated also more so that usual. So, my period is like a week late now and I have taken four test since then. All neg. I went to see my family doctor and tested neg with a urine test and she did a pap smear and nothing. Is it too early maybe for even her to tell. I am so confused. Cause my period is like clock work and I have been feeling that stressed. Could I just be too excited about getting prego>>>>> help me please.

2006-12-22 16:01:38 · 5 answers · asked by misssensitive 1

1. Have any of you not gotten to the hospital on time to get an epidural with your 2nd pregnancy?
2. Have any of you actually felt you water break? If yes, what did it feel like.

2006-12-22 15:55:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How should you know? Why am I even asking you?

2006-12-22 15:50:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a miscarriage in September. Ultrasound revealed I carried it for a month while it was dead. I never had craps or bleeding and felt fine like my symptoms went away. Even after everything came out I never bled. Anyways I got pregnant 6 weeks later. Now I am so paranoid. I run to the bathroom every half hour bc Im scared that Im bleeding. Every little ache and pain I freak out. Im so scared it is going to happen again. Has anyone been through have anything to say or anything I can do?? My first appointment is January 18th and I will be like 12 weeks then and Im going crazy wondering if my baby is ok........

2006-12-22 15:48:18 · 11 answers · asked by Ashley A 1

im about to be 38 weeks and still closed cervix had green mucous for practically half the pregnancy..had alot of tests done nothing serious...1 time a urine infection which was treated...any idea what it could be? cant possibly be an infection with baby becuz cervix is closed...

2006-12-22 15:41:06 · 6 answers · asked by last3member2002 1

im about to be 38 weeks and still closed cervix had green mucous for practically half the pregnancy..had alot of tests done nothing serious...1 time a urine infection which was treated...any idea what it could be? cant possibly be an infection with baby becuz cervix is closed...

2006-12-22 15:28:17 · 1 answers · asked by last3member2002 1

For a pregnancy test that is. I see these things at the DollarTree these days. Yet I see so many questions being posted "am I pregnant"
In my day we had to steal them from the gocery store cause they were like 12 bucks.
But a buck...is a buck too much?

2006-12-22 15:15:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a miscarriage 6 months ago......now Im 6 weeks pregnant and the soreness in my breasts went away......I'm feeling very worried and anxious. My Dr. had mentioned to me that if soreness went away that it was a bad sign? Does anyone know if this is true?

2006-12-22 15:10:18 · 7 answers · asked by hoping4baby 1


can u take anitbiotics while pregnant? my husband is really sick i think it is the flu ..and im scared to death to get sick ..im 5 months pregnant..if i did get sick can i take antibiotics if the doctor prescribes them or will it hurt the baby?

2006-12-22 15:02:53 · 15 answers · asked by ~Ashley~ 5

2006-12-22 15:02:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was suppost to have my per. on dec 13th of this month but i didnt get it i have been going to the bathroom it feels like every 15 mins i have seen that my boobs have been having a brownish color around the niple area and that they have bumps on them i havnt been feeling sick on and off through out the day and my belly has been hard and today dec. 22 i started to bleed but its been on and off and its been an pinkish color would i be pregante or is my body just messing with me plz someone help me

2006-12-22 14:59:52 · 10 answers · asked by nycutie 1

Sorry everyone I hate to sound like a broken record. But to add to my last question of when I should tell them. I am married, I have missed two periods and got a positive Clear Blue Easy (not the digital). I've heard of false negatives but is there really false positives??

2006-12-22 14:46:04 · 9 answers · asked by Curious 1

As some of you know being pregnant is so miserable. before I got pregnant, I weighed 93 pounds. I am up to 137. My body aches all the time. Sometimes my left side goes numb. I spot periodically. I cant take this anymore. I want out!!!!

2006-12-22 14:37:47 · 16 answers · asked by k.bolling1982 1

I got a positive HPT tonight, I'm so excited I want to tell everyone. I couldn't get into the Doctor's until feb! I don't want to wait that long to tell my family. Is it safe to assume I'm pregnant? Should I tell my family?

2006-12-22 14:26:28 · 17 answers · asked by Curious 1

i believe test are right anybody ever had this happen? should i see a doctor?

2006-12-22 14:19:59 · 8 answers · asked by pnygrl777 2

how will she know when its time, will the mucus turn bloody? she cannot contact a doctor, office closed for holidays?

2006-12-22 14:12:50 · 13 answers · asked by Dorianna Helena 2

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