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Pregnancy - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

When you go to check on them and they are sleeping, do you stand there and watch them with a silly grin on your face? I just checked on my 2 year-old son and he was snoring and I couldn't help just stand there and watch him. He as a preemie and almost died at birth and watching him sleep makes me feel so blessed! I also lost a baby girl last month at 21 weeks, so it makes me feel even more blessed to have him.

2006-09-20 12:33:54 · 16 answers · asked by Ryan's mom 7

Okay i just got cramps in my lower blader area like im on my peroid.. Im 4 months pregnant.5 next wed. Is this normal? I heard that it might be your utiris streaching out.I have an appintment with my Ob/gyn October 2. I just really want to know now.

2006-09-20 12:23:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard is bad because of all the chemicals in the products they use and also because of the smell. I also heard you could do it after the first three months, is this true?

2006-09-20 12:20:24 · 16 answers · asked by its_me 3

said that her kidney is retained too much fluids. She feels pain around and under her waist. what she has to do to stop these problems. Thank you.

2006-09-20 12:20:22 · 9 answers · asked by tonylelittlerock 1

I'm 32 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I've had somewhat normal pregnant bladder problems up till now, but the past couple of days, it seems a lot worse. What's different? Has the baby moved around, can this maybe get better or will it only get worse?

2006-09-20 12:09:49 · 12 answers · asked by clueless: please be kind 3

2006-09-20 12:08:23 · 7 answers · asked by sandraintexs 3

I have razor bumps now!!! PLEASE help!!!

2006-09-20 12:05:28 · 17 answers · asked by chewedupshoelace 2

Which ones are better doctors or midwifes??? why??

2006-09-20 12:04:35 · 5 answers · asked by Katy 1

today I keep having stomach pains but it is not as intensed however, I am worried because I am only 31 weeks and I do not want to have this baby prematurely. Do you know how much the baby would weigh at this time? will the baby survive? I am so nervous... Has anyone experience having a baby so soon and how did it go?

2006-09-20 12:03:00 · 9 answers · asked by Vicky 6

How many weeks were you when you heard the baby's heartbeat at the doctors with their doppler?

2006-09-20 11:55:21 · 12 answers · asked by crystal_d_c 2

is my first pregnancy i weight 114 pounds. i've only gained 1 pound since my first doctors appoiment i eat like a cow and i always take my prenatals my doctor says everything is normal but and im freaking out i have no belly and my girlfriend that is 18 weeks preg she has a huge belly i wonder why mine is not growing can anyone tell me why? is not that i want to have a belly but i want to make sure my baby is fine!

2006-09-20 11:51:22 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Out of curiousity I was wondering how many of you was your due date off. At first they told me I was due April 7th. Then I went in at 9wks and they found a heartbeat. They said that normaling they don't hear it that early with a doppler. So maybe I am a few weeks fathur. (which is what I thought in the beginning). Has this happened to anyone and if so how and what.

2006-09-20 11:45:43 · 12 answers · asked by crystal_d_c 2

i'm 21weeks pregnant and very tiny BUT my little boy moves around ALOT... (well all the time)..it hurts me and makes me really tired..and i lose my appetite... is it normal..any suggetions on what to do?

2006-09-20 11:45:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last night I lost my mucus plug and they sent me home because contractions were not happening as much. Today I noticed there is still some yellow mucus stuff coming out and very very very light spotting when I use the bathroom. What could this be? Can you loose your mucus plug and loose more of it afterwards,or does this mean labor is VERY VERY close?? I am 37 weeks,have had cramping and back ache most of the day but nothing MAJOR. But it does hurt. Is it also ok to feel tired and have a head ache when labor is CLOSE. And by close I mean right around the corner,not weeks away.

2006-09-20 11:43:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, I'm wondering, what is the difference between a pregnancy test and a ovulation test. I know the obvious but what does an ovulation test detect? If you are pregnant, would you get a neg ovulation test?

2006-09-20 11:31:42 · 4 answers · asked by caz483 2

back in july i got two positives on the test and so now its sep. and ive been having nasal problems and my period still come but they are abnormal. could i have lost my kid and got pregnt all over again?

2006-09-20 11:31:13 · 6 answers · asked by adamsgurl 2

I was wondering I have been told by many people that the heartbeat count can tell you the sex of the baby. I was wondering if this was true for any of you and if so what was the heartbeat count and what did you have. For those of you who want to know I am about 14 weeks pregnant. Also when did you feel movement with your first?

2006-09-20 11:24:50 · 15 answers · asked by crystal_d_c 2

on saturday i mean real heavy and then by the end of the night nothing not even spotting! and now it is wednesday and still nothing the bleeding was 28 days after the forst day of my last period so i was either a week late or right on time some months I go 21 days and some months I go 28 it is so wierd...So my question is do you think I could be pregnant? I don't think this was implantation bleeding! I was way to heavy for that

2006-09-20 11:22:50 · 5 answers · asked by JUst ask 1

I had my first transvaginal ultrasound two days ago and my next anywhere between 18-20 weeks. Is that when I find out? How do I know everything is ok between now and then? That is 12 weeks from now. I am currently only 8.3 weeks. Can I fake stomach problems to get an earlier check up ultrasound? I wouldnt want to fake something like that but I am a very big worry wort and I dont want to have to wait 12 weeks for the next ultrasound.

2006-09-20 11:10:18 · 31 answers · asked by plaster_employment 2

Ok I am 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I was told that once you are over your first trimester you are basically out of the clearing for miscarriage and that as long as you are keeping healthy you should be ok. Is this true? Im just alittle curious as to this, wondering if it is proven fact or fiction.

2006-09-20 11:04:48 · 17 answers · asked by plaster_employment 2

No funny answeres please. I am looking for real proven pacts. Some people (doctors included) say dont smoke while pregnant and others say the stress of quitting will send you over the edge and could make you miscarry. So please tell me who is right and who is wrong. What actually happens? Many women smoke while pregnant others quit cold turkey. How can someone quit cold turkey without their stress going through the roof? I need help on this one.

2006-09-20 11:00:19 · 17 answers · asked by plaster_employment 2

n tday i saw a very mild blood coloured liquid on my panty for the 1st time .I m scared .what is it?did anybdy experienced like that n then had a normal pregnancy afterwards.The stain was for namesake only.please help me what it is?

2006-09-20 10:50:04 · 18 answers · asked by dimpy 1

he wanted me to have an abortion and i would not now he has left me heartbroken what should i do

2006-09-20 10:42:39 · 18 answers · asked by sadandlonely 1

I know I need a blood test but cannot afford it at the moment because no one accepts my insurance in this town and my insurance will only cover a trip to the ER (which I am absolutely trying to avoid), has anyone ever been pregnant despite negative pregnancy tests even one administered by a women's care center (ie Planned Parenthood)? I haven't had any spotting or discharge. My breasts are sometimes tender, I have headaches all day, I'm bloated, extreme fatigue (in which I don't care to move from my bed at all) and slight nausea. My periods are never this late and I don't believe I had sex during the "ovulation" days... could I still be pregnant? Please help. :(

2006-09-20 10:42:12 · 13 answers · asked by Jazzminesmommy 1

Id rather have a little girl

2006-09-20 10:40:48 · 32 answers · asked by Angel_Anton 6

I woke up this morning with a craving for icecream and ended up putting vinagor and pikels in it i have a son who is almost two and a step daughter who is 12yrs old already. My husband is 27 and i am 21 going on 22 i am also 7 credits short of my BS degree and will be starting work in an Insurance company imediatly after so i am concerned this would be really bad timing. I have been only back on the pill for 2 months now am nervous.My period is due in a next week when can i have a blood test?I was also on some cold medication.

2006-09-20 10:39:36 · 8 answers · asked by Jennifer c 1

Are there any ladies out there that are pregnant or have children who started to get menstrual feeling cramps about a week before your period and found out you were actually pregnant?? I am due around the 24th and I been getting cramping like I am going to start my period but I know I can't yet. Any one get this too and found out it was pregnancy?? Thanks!!

2006-09-20 10:37:29 · 14 answers · asked by Cakoo4cocopuffs 2

hey people my nipples hurt for 2weeks now today it's not that bad right now but they are alittle darker then before and also i didn get mine period yet. I was suppose to get it on the 14th but i didn get it yet and it's the 20th?i just would like to know what you people think thax!

2006-09-20 10:36:00 · 9 answers · asked by adamsgurl 2

Banking your baby's stem cells (cord blood). It is shown that these cells cure over 40 diseases. Its kind of costly though...just wanted to see what you all though about it.

Thanks for your answers.

2006-09-20 10:35:49 · 7 answers · asked by CMA 4

if you had a ecoptic pregnancy would it hurt when you press on your lower stomach? i dont know if i'm pregnant yet. i'm taking a test today when i get off work. if i am i would be about 4-9 weeks whenever i conceived my last period was light and short. it lasted 5 days and i'm usually 7. Also it just feels like i have alot of gas in my stomach and my back hurts. NO BLEEDING. and like ovulation pains. my period is due in 2 days if it comes. Does this sound like a ecoptic. i have a doctors appointment on friday. but i'm trying to get in tomorrow. THanks.

2006-09-20 10:24:40 · 12 answers · asked by Lisa S. 1

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