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Pregnancy - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I really want to have a baby but i'm only 19 and my boyfriend of 8 months doesnt think that he is mature enough to handle have a child. For some reason, in these last couple of weeks I've realized that I dont want to miss out of anything. I really do want a baby, and I think that I am a strong enough person to have a baby and contiune to go to college. What should I do about the boyfriend, I feel like we want two different things, and that we are not a the same points in our lives.

2006-07-20 11:46:26 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

had a natural birth? my mom had me and my 2 brothers naturally. Is it difficult? I don't handle pain very well and I'm due to give birth anyday now. I am scared because I don't know what to expect. This is my first child. I am 38 weeks and she weighs 5lbs 15 oz right now. I also have gestational diabetes, obesity.

2006-07-20 11:44:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Arnt you suppose to get it before you have your six week check up so if you want to start birth control they know for a fact you cant be pregnant again?

2006-07-20 11:44:25 · 8 answers · asked by JustWondering 3

I'm 16 weeks along and doing "great" my doc says. But still hearing those women talk about 2nd trimester miscarriages is worrying me a little. I've never had one and neither has anyone in my family, and I'm in excellent health, and the babies heart rate was 155 on wednesday! This is my 1st pregnancy am I just worrying for no reason?

2006-07-20 11:43:58 · 14 answers · asked by Melissa t 2

When will this go away? I thought it just went away after it came in and wasnt used up.

2006-07-20 11:41:38 · 15 answers · asked by JustWondering 3


that after you have your first child, even if you have had trouble with miscarriage(s) in the past, that you will be more fertile and have a better chance at getting pregnant again? also my husband and I since we've been married have never used a condom. It took us five years to get pregnant, should we use protection after the baby is born or just do what we have always done? we do want another child but not too soon.

2006-07-20 11:40:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been advised it would affect my health by my midwive and will get a letter from my doctor next week so it is official, but does my employer have the right to deduct my night shift allowance now I will not be working nights but working day shift instead. I want to get my facts right before I tell my boss.

2006-07-20 11:36:12 · 21 answers · asked by milly75 1

Me N my bf were messiN around for the first time and we were just having dry sex at first...but then he took my pants off and his and kept doing the same thing but never ever stuck it in....he busted tho but jus a very lil bit on the outside of my vagina....can i be pregnant still?..

2006-07-20 11:15:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does one increase their odds of concieving a child?

2006-07-20 11:07:49 · 12 answers · asked by will help the best I can... 1

I'm in my 2nd trimester now and still am sooo tired and have been getting headaches, like around my temples and back of the neck. My blood pressure is EXCELLENT, so I know it's not that. Has anyone else ever experienced this into their 2nd trimester? Thanks 1st time pregnancy!!!!!!!

2006-07-20 11:06:17 · 8 answers · asked by Melissa t 2

about three weks ago i was date raped...the guy couldnt get in me cuz i was strong fighting him off but im afriad he might have gotten me prgnant becuz he was precuming near my vagina...help plz

2006-07-20 10:57:45 · 13 answers · asked by maha t 1

I'm 11 weeks pregnant and when I wake up usually both of my arms are asleep and today both my arms and my one leg were asleep. Is it normal to have circulation problems this early? This is my second baby and well, this pregnancy is nothing like my first so I'm not sure what to expect when now. Thanks in advance.

2006-07-20 10:26:01 · 2 answers · asked by ktpb 4

ok so like i said, i havent had my period for 2 months [yes i had sex with my bf then].. ive been extremely crampy, in pain at times, dizzy, nauseous, all the above and i keep getting negative results.. now ive read everywhere that sometimes the hormone doesnt show up until later but im not sure if i should just give up because maybe the results are right and somethings wrong with me or if i should try to find out again because i may be.. i need help.. ive been dealing with this for about a month and a half and im getting a little annoyed now.. what should i do??

thanks in advance!

2006-07-20 10:21:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay so This is kinda with my other question but okay ...me and my bf we were jus having dry sex until he took my pants off and we continued doing the same thing for a couple minutes without sticking it into my vagina....he eventually busted but kinda of outside my vagina...CaN i still get pregnant even though he didnt even stick it in me.....?

2006-07-20 10:11:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I plan to get pregnant in about 9 months when I am 24 and he is 26. A friend gave us a bouncer seat and bassinet since her baby just grew out of it.

The baby items were sitting in our living room and my father dropped by unexpectedly and saw them. My husband told him that we weren’t hiding a pregnancy, but we had the stuff so we can prepare for a baby. My father didn’t seem upset.

This is why I am upset: I know my dad went home and told my mother. My mother has a HUGE problem with us having a baby, that’s why we weren’t telling her anything. She thinks I should wait until I am 30 and she seems to not want to be a grandmother in her late 40’s.

I didn’t want her to know because she will just say negative things and make me upset about planning a baby.

She did this with my engagement too!

Its done and over with but I am still depressed that my mother knows. I think I am going to avoid her for a while.

What do you think? What should I do?

2006-07-20 10:06:03 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

i came off the pill on the 1st july and since the 15th july ive been having period like cramps i had sex twice with a condom on the 18th and we know they didn't break. and i'm stil gettin stomach cramps. my CM is not like it usually is as well.... ive had headaches and ive felt sick a lot but i put that down to the heat.

i did have sex quite alot in june i had sex about 10 times but i was on the pill then so i don't think i'm pregnant. i was wondering if any1 has had anything like this when they came off the pill

2006-07-20 09:54:34 · 10 answers · asked by pretty_pink_gal2004 3

I am 32 weeks pregnant and have been having this pain and discomfort in the pelvic area especially when I get up from sitting position and or sleeping position. It seems to fade away after I walk a bit? Could it be SPD? Is there anything that can help relieve it? I am just worried that I have to put up with this for 8 more weeks.. I didn't have this with my last one.. hope this won't make my labor and pushing harder. Anybody with similar symptoms.. what worked for u? Please reply

2006-07-20 09:48:43 · 8 answers · asked by vgulla 2

I am 6 days late for my period, i have had strong cramping for the past 6 days and started to bleed brownish dark red blood. Does this mean I'm pregnant or could this be my period being brownish from being inside me so long?

2006-07-20 09:40:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anya77 2

I'm pregnant with my second child and I'm wondering if I should breastfeed or not. I couldn't with my first because of depression, but I really want to with this one, my only problem is when he is born I have to get major work done on my teeth that is going to require alot of meds. So should I or shouldn't I?

2006-07-20 09:40:23 · 15 answers · asked by Chelle's Belle 4

that he wasn't able to keep an erection bcuz he had too many concerns regarding being a new father on his mind, would u believe him? He says it's bcuz he grew up w/out a father, and now he's worried about what kind of father he will be. This xcuse concerns me only bcuz I'm wondering y this would b going through his head EVERY time we have sex!!! It doesn't make sense! Could it be a lie?

2006-07-20 09:23:21 · 24 answers · asked by SADN W 1

On the 14th I had intercourse with a condom. It was day 19 of my cycle, so I'm pretty sure conception was not possible.(I have between 25-28 day cycles)I wasn't sure if the condom was used correctly,so I took the morning after pill about 7 hours later to be sure, seeing as how my cycles can sometimes be screwy and I was worried I may ovulate later. I spotted for a few days after taking the pill, and on cycle day 24 (yesterday),I started my period about 1-4 days early. I had my normal cramping, but slightly less blood than usual. Today I am still bleeding,but just a little less than normal. I have had messed up periods like this before,especially in recent months. Would Implantation bleeding be this heavy?This is gross, but would blood drip into the the toilet (as with a period) while using the restroom,or would it be just slight spotting? The literature included with the morning after pill is can cause early/late periods that may be heavy/light. Is this likely an affect of the pill?

2006-07-20 09:20:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a program that collects your child's cord blood cells and stores it for medical purpose. I think that's what it is. If you have enrolled in this kind or program before, can you tell me what you know about it so I can make a decision whether I want to do the same thing? Thanks a bunch.

2006-07-20 09:15:37 · 4 answers · asked by cindy 1

I am 8 weeks pregnant with my first and so excited. When should my first doctor appointment be? At what month do women pregnant for the first time start to show???

2006-07-20 08:59:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

are preggos still hotties? I say so, ur thoughts and discussions

2006-07-20 08:47:30 · 12 answers · asked by Joe S 1

my period was due july20 but it came early on july17 but has just been spotting for 4 days no cramping or anything it is also very very light i took preg test last night 2 lines came up one bright the other very faint is is possible i am pregnant?

2006-07-20 08:44:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

well my girlfriend got horney and so i gave to her i use a condom and did it. but then when sperm was about shoot out i pull it out. what the chance percentage?

2006-07-20 08:41:20 · 9 answers · asked by INEEDHELP 1

2006-07-20 08:32:35 · 15 answers · asked by monkeytail_77 4

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