I had a tubal ligation 12 years ago, my cycles are every 28th day on the dot, this month my period was supposed to start on June 12, but I only had a spot, like a brownish color that day that only lasted for a couple hours, I had some cramps, the next day on June 13, I had heavy bleeding, that started around 7am. and lasted problable until 10pm the next morning on th 14th I only had dark spotting again, and lasted probably for a couple hours, and then it disappeared, on Saturday the 17th I went to the bathroom to pee, and noticed that when I wiped myself I had some light bleeding with mucus, other than that my breast feel fuller, and they are sore, I get nauseated sometimes by looking at the food, my mouth gets full of saliva especially in the morning with a bad taste, and I feel tired almost all the time, did 3 pt and tested negative, I have had 3 pregnancies in the past and they were all healthy and decided to get a tubal after the last one was born thru c-section. can i be pregnant?
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