I have a 2 month grandson. Tried different formulas, goats milk, soy is worse. nothing we tried will stay down. He eats fast so, we slow him down. You move him and it will come back up, sometimes even through his nose and scares him. He hold his breathe. When he wakes up his nose needs sucked out..Tried Rice Cereal it seems to stay down better. He developed thusher. Get it cleared feed him formula and it is back..
So tonight a friend of mine told me to try reg milk and water it down good. So I tried 1 oz to 3 water. He drank it, burped good WITHOUT throwing it up. He slept for 4 hours. (usually not more than 2 hrs at since birth.) So good I got worried about him and woke him up. he was hard to wake up. I changed his diaper, tickeled him, he responded but asleep. He seemed clamy and pale. No white spots and didn't have to clean nose out. Eat formula, threw it all up. had to clean nose and mouth Will the diltated milk hurt him. Is there a reaction happening of some sort
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