hello everyone,im amanda andf i a 19 years old,me and my boyfriend have only been trying for a baby for a month,it was bang on the time i was ovulating when we decided it was the best tie to try,only last week i took a home pregnancy test which came back with too lines,(positive) it even said that if there was a faint line still to include it as positive,i am now 2 weeks late for my period and that for me is so unusual as i am always on time.i even have slight symptoms of pregnancy including,really sore boobs,even down to the size,feelig sick all the time from getting up to goin to bed,im tired all the time and have slight stomach cramps.i did a test at the doctors yesterday which today came back negative,they have booked me in for another apointment tomorrow for a blood test doing to try detect the pregnancy that way,im so upset and confused now that this result has come back,can anyone please help me in anyway thankyou i will be so greatfull for any information.x
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xXxAmanda & JoexXx