This question was inspired by the countless posts from Liberals who presume that all Conservatives simply must get their beliefs from right-wing radio or FoxNews . The ideology that it must be impossible for anyone to even have Conservative beliefs without there being a culprit involved . A Limbaugh, a Drudge, an O'Reilly, a Hannity . . . .. UTTER NONSENSE .
Then, in an effort to further diminish the veracity of a Conservative view, some liberals will tread upon us personally by proclaiming that we're all NASCAR fans, or hillbillies, trailer-trash, and uneducated . BTW, on a really funny note, they also claim that Conservatives are all corporate people and have all the money, while at the same time claiming that they themselves are poor. . . . . . so how does that jive with who does and does not live in a trailer ? LOL . And how does living in a trailer translate into being either Conservative or Liberal ? LOL.
Do Liberals Understand Conservatives ?
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