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Politics - 8 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-07-08 09:17:31 · 37 answers · asked by the d 6

Seems like YA is full of non-believers, They don't believe in Global Warming
Organized Religion
Governments integrity
History (as recorded)
Their fellow man
personal accountability
The war on terror
The sky is blue
The earth is flat or round or square, whatever
The right to this, or the right to that...I'm just a guilty as everyone else, many things I just listed I do not believe in, some I do...It just seems like we are spending all of our time yelling about what we don't believe in or how wrong the other party is.
Is there ANYTHING that we can all agree that we believe in and maybe solve even ONE issue in this forum...even if it's only between the YA users? DO we all just need SOMETHING to believe in?

2007-07-08 09:01:05 · 10 answers · asked by Erinyes 6

Would you choose to have sex with Yao Ming or Communist leader? Why?

2007-07-08 08:51:03 · 14 answers · asked by Lebron Yao 1

This individual named 'taco' has to insert the word Jew in a derogatory form in each question he asks. Here are two recent examples



Is this normal for liberals or is this guy a special case? I am particularly interested in what liberals have to say about this behavior.

2007-07-08 08:48:21 · 9 answers · asked by A Person 5

in order and drawing up our last wills and testaments? WE'RE DOOMED!

2007-07-08 08:45:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

If it is Hollywood - then who controls them ?

2007-07-08 08:40:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

information on
Ron Paul?
what he's about and what he stands for.

2007-07-08 08:37:33 · 8 answers · asked by bgdadyp 5

With all the Fox News Bashing (Never have seen it myself) by the Libs.
Does it bother you that Fox News Owner Rupert Murdoch raises funds for Hilary's Campain?
Surely she would never accept any tainted money right?
So since the owner of Fox is a Lib Fund Raiser, does that mean you can no longer support the Candidates he gives money to?

2007-07-08 08:35:55 · 11 answers · asked by Ken C 6

Was that Fair and Balance?

2007-07-08 08:33:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Republicans use the war on terror and terrorism, but the Democrats use global warming, do they not both create fear?

It seems politicians have found that they can get votes just by creating an issue or concentrating on an issue, that gives people a cause to fight for.

The Republicans seem to be concentrating on terrorism, while giving little attention to global warming. The opposite seems to be true of the Democrats. They are concentrating on global warming and reducing the number of troops fighting terrorist.

In my opinion, terrorism is a much larger and more obvious problem right now. Which frightens you more, the average temperature going up some 2-3 degrees over the past 100 years or Islamic extremists carrying signs proclaiming that Muslims will dominate the world, and England’s 9/11 is on the way, while protesting in the middle of London?

2007-07-08 08:28:12 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


Back in 1979, the Communist Worker's Party of America was having an anti-racism rally. The American Nazi Party and KKK joined forces and massacred 5 unarmed communists and injured several more. This was called the Greensboro Massacre. None of the perpetrators were punished.

The five killed were:
- Sandy Smith, a nurse and civil rights activist;
- Dr. James Waller, president of a local textile workers union who gave up his medical practice to defend workers;
- Bill Sampson, a Harvard University graduate in the school of divinity;
- Cesar Cause, an immigrant from Cuba who graduated magna *** laude from Duke University;
- Dr. Michael Nathan, chief of pediatrics at Lincoln Community Health Center in Durham, NC, a clinic that helped children from low-income families.


2007-07-08 08:27:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

LOUIS FARRAKHAN is the PRESIDENT of BLACK AMERICA.how about white america?

2007-07-08 08:02:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it a simple selfish slavery to one's own point of view?

Why is compromise considered weakness?

2007-07-08 07:59:19 · 6 answers · asked by megalomaniac 7

You Pro Bushies, I know where you stand but I really want to hear from people who are not afraid of being angry at this President.

2007-07-08 07:51:42 · 16 answers · asked by donronsen 6

That may be the only way to fix US foreign policy and make our country respected again.

2007-07-08 07:50:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-08 07:47:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Television has had a considerable influence on society. Some people accept the news they read in newspapers and watch on television as the gospel truth. Is such trust in our mass media justified? Do you really know who's telling you what to think and why? Today's media radio, television, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, and the internet shape our perception of reality. But how accurate is that perception? Is it true? Sometimes media moguls would like us to believe that our perception (a perception they carefully craft and provide), is reality.

2007-07-08 07:40:01 · 10 answers · asked by Liberal City 6

the American people have become enslaved and have been down trodden so long that they accept alost any thing any more , they have no pride in their country nor them selves, and for good reason , our gov, has taken away their pride and made them nothing but property (slaves) the same thing happened in germany, then Hitler came on the scene and gave the people back their pride in being German, and look what happened, so when and if a strong man comes along with the finness some one like David Duke who was to early for his time will the people folow him and things end up the same way they did in Germany? I can see where so many people have just given up because our gov, has became so crooked and do not represent the people as they should , and the people are really looking for some one to lead them, and give them pride in their country and self, our gov, had better take notice and make the neccessary changes in their policys.

2007-07-08 07:38:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The longer he stays in office the more threatened I feel. More motivation for terrorists. More erosion of civil liberties. I think his incompetence is a threat to us all !

2007-07-08 07:37:37 · 6 answers · asked by ? 6

Every liberal who has had an abortion feels compelled to defend abortion for all women; every Air America listener who can’t stand the USA feels the need to defend Saddam ; and every Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton feels the need to defend duplicity, adultery, lying about adultery, sexual harassment, rape, perjury, draft dodging, obstruction of justice, kicking the can of global Islamo-fascism down the road for eight years and so on.

Usually the nonsense liberals spout is kind of cute, but in wartime their instinctive idiocy is life-threatening.

2007-07-08 07:35:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan:
In Their Own Words:

"Enemies from within are destroying the United States of America. An unholy coalition of anti-White, anti-Christian liberals, socialists, feminists, homosexuals, jews [sic] and militant blacks have managed to seize control of our government and mass media. This gang of criminals and degenerates has declared war on the hard working, tax paying, White citizens … The American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan plan to change things for the better. We shall liberate our nation from these savage criminals and restore law and order to America."
(from the American Knights’ Platform)

2007-07-08 07:32:37 · 13 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

Mr. President,

I am a Sophmore at UCSD majoring in finance. My father tells me that the tax cuts you signed into law have it it possible for my tuition to be completely paid for with taking out any loans. Thank you for letting my dad keep more of his hard earned income. As he always says "I can spend my money better than the government can".

Also, thank you for brining Honor & Dignity back to the WHite House after the last president was impeached then disbarred.

Thank you for keeping us safe after 9/11. The terrorists have hit Spain, London, Bali & others but can't strike here thanks to your steadfast resolve.

Sam Alito & John Roberts!!! The days of judicial activism are gone.

Because of your tax cuts for working people like my dad, the economy did NOT slip into a ressession after 9/11 & Katrina.

Democrats Nagin & Blanco sured screwed the pooch on that one.

God Speed Mr. President.

~ P

2007-07-08 07:10:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

He has significant leads in Iowa and New Hampshire polls.

2007-07-08 07:08:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, explain so they know how you feel.

2007-07-08 07:04:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep looking on Fox News for convincing news that the war in Iraq is going well, or even getting better. All the cons say the liberal media will not cover the positives in Iraq. I'm not seeing any conservative media doing it either. I'm not including the news personalities such as Rush or Hannity. I'm talking about hard news, video footage of the positive changes we are supposedly making. Is there any?

2007-07-08 06:58:09 · 15 answers · asked by wooper 5

...what exactly did his father do that makes them believe he's worthy of that dignity?

2007-07-08 06:48:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think she's smart enough to run the country?? OR... if she was lying about not knowing, would you want a liar in the White House?? (Scuse me... ANOTHER liar)

2007-07-08 06:44:10 · 16 answers · asked by Kemosabe 1

2007-07-08 06:41:46 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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