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Politics - 10 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-06-10 16:21:19 · 13 answers · asked by tkpartida 2

'Bush the (the best name will get 10 points)'

2007-06-10 16:19:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've never felt this way. I always thought of myself as a lifelong liberal. I told several good friends to immediatlely kill me if I became conservative....

I'm 18, and going to university next year. I don't want to take out student loans that will haunt me later in life so I got a full time summer job. But that wasn't enough money, so I got a second job part-time. I now work a total of 60 hours a week (hardly the lazy liberal). Last time I got my paystub, I got enraged at the taxes on it!! I mean I have s*** to pay for!!!

Also, after hanging our in the Ethics section, maybe capital punishment is on to something.....perphaps abortion really is murder....

With my time-consuming jobs I no longer have time to smoke pot. I save all my money, hardly spending any on the useless stuff I used to. I no longer give quarters to the homeless, and constantly complain about the price of gas....

OMG, I think I might be becoming conservative....

What can I do about this???
Please Help

2007-06-10 16:19:43 · 26 answers · asked by Go Leafs Go 2

You felt it was more beneficial to have it deleted.
Typical Republicans.

2007-06-10 16:15:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

In fact, the Constitution is far more than 'outmoded,' according to President Bush who rebuffed GOP leader's request to soft pedal some parts of the 'Patriot Act' by saying: "I don't give a goddamn . . . I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way." Then, responding to an aide who stated: "There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution." Bush screamed back: "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face . . . It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"(

2007-06-10 16:12:50 · 21 answers · asked by Fluffy Wisdom 5

A.democratic forces in the US were temporarily on the decline
B.candidates from wealthy backgrounds still had a lock on the presidency
C.the western section of America was still a weak force in the national politics
D.political power was more evenly divided between rich and average Americans.

I think the answer is B or C.But i dont know which one is best~

2007-06-10 16:07:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The basic necessities of life are:

1. Air to breath

2. Clean water to drink and clean with

3. Simple food

4. Simple shelter (with minimum heating and lighting)

5. Basic clothing (to stay warm and decent)

6. Medical care

7. Civil order (some type of justice system)

These seven simple necessities are not more or less then a prisoner would receive in an American jail.

Should all citizens be granted these life minimums?

If society’s worst are granted these minimums, shouldn't the sick, feeble, children, unemployed, etc. receive the same?

2007-06-10 16:00:05 · 15 answers · asked by stupidity_of_pride 4

2007-06-10 15:52:57 · 31 answers · asked by Son of George Bush 2

I was hoping that people would see that getting government and insurance companies out of the way would save our health care industry .
Let doctors regulate prices and do as anyone who gets a bad check does .
Bring back debtors prison .

2007-06-10 15:52:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

perhaps they can throw in Ashcroft, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Hasstert, Rove, Inhofe, Cunningham, and Hunter while they're at it!

2007-06-10 15:49:15 · 24 answers · asked by vtboy99 1

Obviously he has already passed go with that assertion, but really, would you miss it?

2007-06-10 15:47:53 · 8 answers · asked by Scott B 7

And how it all seems to have gone bad for the countries we granted independance to.

Well, seeing as how the US was founded by us (that's us not US), do you see my point?

2007-06-10 15:46:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are in a 401k or some other investment program for retirement, does this make you just as guilty as those you accuse of doing so. Many investment firms put money from retirement funds in oil companies. Do you know where your money is being invested? Are you making money from oil profit also?

2007-06-10 15:41:22 · 11 answers · asked by doctdon 7

And pathetic losers like Giuliani, Romney, McCain, Thompson, et.al. have a snowballs chance in hell of winning in the general election.

Obama 08'!

2007-06-10 15:34:26 · 31 answers · asked by vtboy99 1

Thomas Jefferson portrayed Alexander Hamilton as an elitist in the late 1700's, as George W. Bush had portrayed John Kerry as an elitist.

Of course we ALL know that Jefferson and Bush were the TRUE landed gentry elites, and pandered the ignorant, uneducated voters through "populist politics" in order to underhandedly gain the support of the majority.

2007-06-10 15:25:24 · 11 answers · asked by vtboy99 1

Clinton is the Democrats answer to George Bush. If she gets the nomination, we'll have another 8 horrible, destructive years in America. Considering the Republicans have no chance of winning the presidency, the Democratic primary is the one opportunity to defeat Hillary. She is proposing an ASSET TAX on SAVINGS now and wants to escalate the Iraq war to the extent that she has implied that she wants to bring back the draft. Plus, it would be grounds for a potential coup if a woman instituted an all male draft, and a coup would destroy the country. Well, that some of that stuff is a little over the top maybe. She also won't criticize China.
But her complete idiocy and lack of awareness when it comes to solving problems and understanding rivals Bush and the nation cannot sustain another one. How do we beat Clinton?

2007-06-10 15:22:22 · 22 answers · asked by McKevel 2

And why aren't other states taking the heroic step that Vermont is taking in order to preserve their freedom from this repressive, fascist regime.

2007-06-10 15:21:24 · 13 answers · asked by vtboy99 1

... and seemingly biased as to what the Black Caucus in our Congress thinks??


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I have no idea why you won't let me post (1) a fact that black leaders
say that jobs go to illegal immigrants and (2) a question as to whether
that will cause the amnesty bill to die.

What is wrong with that?????

"Black Causus is Angry Over Illegal Immigrants! Black Leaders Say
Illegals Steal Jobs from Blacks.?"

2007-06-10 15:14:31 · 12 answers · asked by tip zz 2

This is an answer a liberal gave to a previous question:

"I hope these terrorists find their way over the the US with their new weaponry."

2007-06-10 14:59:01 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous


Inmates Sue After Prisons Ban Religious Books
The removal of the books is occurring nationwide -- part of a long-delayed post-Sept. 11 federal directive designed to prevent radical religious texts, specifically Islamic ones, from falling into the hands of violent inmates.

Three inmates from Otisville filed a lawsuit over the policy, saying their Constitutional rights were violated. They say all religions were affected -- Islamic prayer books, Christian books, and ancient Jewish texts were among those removed.

Feldman said the study was made out of a concern that prisons "had been radicalized by inmates who were practicing or espousing various extreme forms of religion, specifically Islam, which exposed security risks to the prisons and beyond the prisons to the public at large."

2007-06-10 14:57:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Monday's New York Times will lead with a story by veteran Iraq correspondent John Burns revealing that the U.S. military has confirmed that it is arming Sunni insurgent factions to try to contain al-Qaida in Mesopotamia, RAW STORY has learned.
Sunnis are Al quaeda
Al Quaeda hates the shiites
Iran is shiite and , Alqueada hates Iran.
Whos F+cking side are we on here?
Is this like the US government funding the Afghan "freedom fighters" in the 1980's that gave us the Taliban in the 90's. The enemy of my enemy(iran) is my friend but give it 10 years for the blow back?

2007-06-10 14:54:45 · 5 answers · asked by citizenjanecitizenjane2 4

2007-06-10 14:47:25 · 9 answers · asked by kunlex 1

2007-06-10 14:45:25 · 20 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6

My son's unit stopped a suicide bomber today. They took the bomber into custody and are still dealing with a dumptruck filled with 8000 pounds of explosives. They have tried to get news coverage of this. But so far noone will....What gives? Our brave soldiers do good and it's not reported!!!! Surprise! Surprise!

2007-06-10 14:36:07 · 20 answers · asked by freeatlast2200 3

The American dollar may soon be replaced with the "amero," a suggested new currency (similar to the "euro"), allowing Canada, the US and Mexico to move toward a "North American Community" -- a union similar to the European Union. Someday soon, borders will be open, requiring no passports or visas. Instead, an embedded mark in the hand or forehead will be used for instant personal identification. The problem of illegal aliens will be solved. We will all be one big happy family.

Are you wondering why such moves are being made without asking for a vote of the citizenry? The answer lies in the United Nations’ move toward one-world government. Plans are afoot to divide the world into ten economic/political regions. The United Europe is one region, and the North American Community is another. Around the world, regions are currently being developed. Some are further along than others, but 2010 appears to be an achievable goal for the emergence of world government

2007-06-10 14:17:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Doesn't it seem that lately politics seem to be in a stand-still. I'm not referring to GB, but I mean, it seems like nothing ever happens anymore.

Is it just that the Democratic Party and Republican Party are actually the same party at heart with a few minor differences. Because it doesn't matter what one canidate will say on a debate, are they really going to actually do what they say? No, because they never do.

So now that both the prime parties are in a sense worthless and doing nothing at a viewpoint. What do you do? And Who do you vote for?

2007-06-10 14:11:35 · 9 answers · asked by MB 2

Farenheit 9/11----- FICTION
Inconvenient Truth------- FICTION
Sicko------- FICTION

Have you seen Men in Black? Are you waiting for the Aliens to come?

2007-06-10 14:11:05 · 14 answers · asked by TRUE PATRIOT 6

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