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Politics - 3 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I really can't understand why the electoral college is still in place. It failed us in electing Bush by him not winning the popular vote, and after so many years why is it still in place? It was originally put in place because most Americans at the time were not intellegent enough to make the choice between which person was the better to elect and also because at the time elections were not something that broadcast over mass-media like it is today.

But seriously why is this still in place? Do you think that when the next president is elected they will try to remove it? Or do you think another Bush will come along to screw up our country even more?

2007-06-03 17:59:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

for their belief that it is keeping our country safe, where would all the tax revenue come from to support the troops and all of their little entittlement socialist programs?

I ask this because libs believe YOU MUST fight in the war if you back our troops and our reasons for being there. Right now the military is all volunteer, there has not been a call for the draft so obviously the military believes there is plenty coming in from the recruitment pools.

I know there are plenty of liberals as well as conservatives that believe we should secure our borders. I am not sure I saw every liberal or conservative pick up and go down to the border to stand gaurd. Does this mean you really can't support it? or should I yell at you and call you a coward for not going down to Texas or Arizona or California or New Mexico to stand gaurd?

2007-06-03 17:58:56 · 8 answers · asked by Mr. Perfect 5

If you know write your state and the amount.

2007-06-03 17:52:52 · 5 answers · asked by Miss Kitty 6

For several years when I took my children to the doctor for a common ear infection or a cold that I knew needed an antibiotic it drove me crazy that I would get the physicians assistant instead of the doctor!
In fact I really could not tell you what the doctor looks like ....I have never seen the man!

Luckily for us my husbands company was bought out and the new insurance allows us quite a few more options for medical care!

Has anyone else had this experience?

I didn't think I or my insurance company should have to pay $100 to see the doctor when we actually didn't "see" the doctor!

2007-06-03 17:45:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Save the worse ones, that'll be my next question.

2007-06-03 17:45:19 · 10 answers · asked by Caninelegion 7

Everybody relies on the government to help us.

2007-06-03 17:41:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


WASHINGTON - Members of the 110th Congress consider yourselves warned: Mike Rogers is making his list.
Rogers is a muckraking gay blogger who uses his insider's knowledge of Washington politics and broad blanket of contacts to "out" gay politicos — but only, he says, if they are undermining gay rights. Critics call his tactics divisive and politically motivated.
He's outed so many closeted gay politicos, he's starting to make Capitol Hill look like Brokeback Mountain. All of them, he says, use their positions to actively oppose the equal rights of gay citizens while at the same time, secretly live a gay life.

Is it okay to be gay yet be against gay marriage? This man is ruining careers because he doesn't think so.

2007-06-03 17:35:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-03 17:33:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Nobody can claim that Western foreign policy is perfect in regards to the Middle East, in fact sometimes it's just plain stupid. Yet we don't intentionally target civilians when we go to war. We fight governments, soldiers and lately terrorists which despite what some people say, are not soldiers in the traditional form and therefore the Geneva convention does not apply to them. I supported Afghanistan yet am against Iraq. So unlike some people who think we are right in everything we do I know we are not. Yet the one thing all of us in the West can agree on is that we don't intentionally target civilians. Yes civilians die in war it's a fact of life, but unlike the common terrorist we don't see civilians as having targets painted on their backs. People often bad mouth Israel and sometimes it is justified, but I am yet to see an Israeli strap a bomb to their chest and walk into a cafe. They target the men with guns and bombs, not a family sitting down for a cup of coffee. Your views?

2007-06-03 17:30:32 · 10 answers · asked by Dale 2

A recent study of the top 15 medical professional liability insurers completed by the former Missouri Insurance Commissioner found that there is NO CRISIS.

Instead, it found that insurers have lied to the American public and price-gouged doctors by artificially raising their premiums. And the Bush administration has willingly gone along with the lie, touting a "malpractice crisis".

-The medical malpractice insurers saw losses and projected losses plummet by 48% over the period 2003-2006.
-These incurred losses have declined every year for the past five years.
-These insurers’ 2006 surplus is 43% greater than their surplus in 2003 – five times the state-minimum surplus for insurer stability.

So once again, the corporate big business machine and the Bush administration have BAMBOOZLED a gullible American public into thinking there's some crisis when THE TRUTH IS THAT THE INSURERS THEMSELVES ARE THE ONES CREATING THE "CRISIS".

2007-06-03 17:17:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

and that our policies actually cause more poverty?

Ever notice how they never provide the evidence to back it up?

In fact, the opposite is true. People tend to rise out of poverty faster then Democrats run the country.

Here is the percentage point change in poverty for various presidents:

JFK/LBJ -9.40
REAGAN +0.00
BUSH SR +1.80 (88' to 92')
BUSH JR +1.30 (00' to 05')


2007-06-03 17:14:26 · 11 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

Currently Japan holds 644.3 billion in US government debt, China 349.6 billion, the United Kingdom 239.1 billion, according to the most recent December 2006 statistics from the US Treasury.

Could they pull the rug out from under us?


2007-06-03 17:11:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What government does about global warming... That is a political issue.

Whether man made global warming is happening is up to the scientists engaged in geologic, climatic, and meteorologic research. Political pundits don't get a vote. The scientific consensus is established through observation, experimentation, modeling, and PEER REVIEW. Peer review means that scientists publish their work in scientific journals. Other scientists review their work and try to replicate results. If results cannot be duplicated the theory is debunked. That's the way it works.

So when somebody proves the vast majority of scientists engaged in climatic, meteorologic, and geological research support man made global warming, it means something.

Cons say consensus proves nothing. The fact is that concensus based on the EVIDENCE does.

2007-06-03 17:09:39 · 16 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

...any time past the second Tuesday in November?

Since when has any 'poor' person gotten ahead with Democrats in charge without just getting a hike in their welfare(welfare: code for stealing from middle class people that work and giving it to people who don't care enough to better themselves).

Do you really think Hillary, Edwards, and Gore would stand in line with the rest of us to get our rations? No, They will be first in line to take ten times their needs then leave us 'paupers' half of what we need.

2007-06-03 16:59:22 · 15 answers · asked by TJ815 4

For that matter, Tony Blairs? Gas prices? North Korea's status? Or.....?

2007-06-03 16:36:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems like a crappy argument to me. Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt both came from priveleged families, and yet there is no doubt they cared and did alot for the average joe in this country.

John Edwards didn't even come from a priveleged family. His father was a textile worker and his mother a post office carrier. He was the first in his family to go to college. He graduated with a degree in textile technology and later recieved a degree in law. He graduated with honors in both cases. He worked hard and became succesful. He wasn't born to some elite family.

That is something to be proud of.

2007-06-03 16:30:49 · 20 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3

2007-06-03 16:29:58 · 4 answers · asked by billafer204 1

He would look YEARS younger. Hope Hillary is on here tonight!

2007-06-03 16:06:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

How important is religion (any) in american politics. What kind of role does it play?

2007-06-03 16:00:18 · 8 answers · asked by Spotlight 1 1

Why do Democrats:
-Never give credence to opposing views
-Always assume they are the superior mind
-Always consider their opinion as the final word
-Always look for a way to insult the opposing party
-Always claim they are "open minded" to all views, when they are clearly NOT!

Is this not the definition of insanity?

2007-06-03 15:59:33 · 15 answers · asked by tkpartida 2


let me put this out there for all of the people that believe we went to iraq for oil. why is it that gas was a little over a dollar a gallon when we first went to war but it is now over 3 dollars a gallon this long into war? you would think that since we went to iraq for oil then gas would be so cheap cause we got so much from conquering iraq right? wrong...

oil companies are gouging us, most oil companies made the highest quarterly income in history this past quarter. the price per barrel of oil has not gone up very much at all. wake up people and think about how illogical it is to say that we are in iraq for oil, come on i am 18 and graduating from high school next week and even i can see whats going on...wake up!!!!

2007-06-03 15:56:09 · 9 answers · asked by suorangelax1 2

Like the commercial says - "Don't Hate Me "cuz I'm Beautiful" Shame on you people!

2007-06-03 15:52:31 · 17 answers · asked by GOPanic Is Funny 2

2007-06-03 15:38:53 · 2 answers · asked by liberalzzzz 1

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