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Politics - 1 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2006-07-01 05:34:59 · 7 answers · asked by tangerine 7

Yes, this is the real Michael Moore, just check out my profile.

2006-07-01 05:33:21 · 29 answers · asked by Michael Moore 1

Global warming is a left wing conspiracy!

2006-07-01 05:30:29 · 24 answers · asked by chukecheze 1

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

-Teddy Roosevelt

I suppose if he were alive today some of you neo-fruitcakes would be calling him a commie liberal baby killer because he's encouraging honesty and accountibility in government?

2006-07-01 05:28:43 · 7 answers · asked by Doc Watson 7

2006-07-01 05:28:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why Pro American Media try to hide the words of Bin Laden? Osama always says that we're fighiting against American army and with those who they support them, we do not fight with those who are neutral, but every car bomb which kills civilians media put on Al-qaida why ? what proof does meida have against Al-qaida. So its mean.....................................

2006-07-01 05:21:13 · 6 answers · asked by bashar 1

I happen to think Stephen Colbert is because he just makes it look so easy to show the conservatives for what they really are aggressive dorks and incompetent imbeciles

2006-07-01 05:07:08 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2

There are many Iranians without any guilty that could not use their international rights because of this imagination of Iran.

2006-07-01 04:47:12 · 10 answers · asked by H.B. 1

The Zapatistas planned to hold a national Other Campaign assembly in Mexico City on June 24 and 25, and then return to the jungle in Chiapas to spend the days surrounding the presidential elections at home, away from the polls and the television cameras.

No more.

In response to the brutal repression in Atenco, the government's continued denial of the extent and nature of the violence, and the continued incarceration of 31 people detained arbitrarily in Texcoco and Atenco on May 3 and 4, the EZLN and the Other Campaign, are betting everything on taking to the streets in protest on election day.

The risk is high, they need international support.

2006-07-01 04:45:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is truely sad when people here know nothing about the very important things going on elsewhere. I am sure many will answer this question with hate, ignornat of what they are talking about. BUT the fact remains that this stand in Mexico City that is taking place right now is very important. Depending on the election results, the course of history will change. If the military is called in to crush the Zapatistas there will be a tragic loss. Read the writings of Marcos, please. The message of the Zapatistas is perhaps the most important idea to grasp in regard to globalization, NAFTA, indigenous rights and the rights of all people INCLUDING US citizens who are (in different ways) under the gun also (whether you feel it yet or not, you are).

follow this issue for a real-time history lesson. My prayers are with the Zapatistas this next week and always.

2006-07-01 04:39:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think she's so bitter and condescending when interviewed because she looks like a horse? Do you believe she's afraid she'll have hay and oats in her dressing room at any given studio?

2006-07-01 04:35:22 · 11 answers · asked by FieldMouse 4

2006-07-01 04:32:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Supposedly Osoma Bin Laden was behind 9/11. Why is it The U.S. went after Saddam Hussien and not Osoma Bin Laden? Where is he at? Why did we really go to Iraq in the first place? What happened to the weapons of mass destruction? I am really confused on this whole war on terroisim?

2006-07-01 04:27:02 · 7 answers · asked by delawaregirl83 3

2006-07-01 04:19:58 · 7 answers · asked by MrCool1978 6

During the American Revolution it was...

Conservatives: "We should remain loyal to the King of England!"

Liberals: "No, we need to create a new land of liberty and justice for all!!!"

Or the American Civil War:

Conservatives: "Slavery is the American way!"

Liberals: "No, our land is a land of liberty and justice for all!!!"

Or women's suffrage (the right to vote):

Conservatives: "The Bible says women are the property of men!"

Liberals: "Hello, all you conservatives need to get with the program! Our laws are derived from the will of the People, not God. Our land is a land of liberty and justice for all!!!"

You get the idea. Why is it that they are forever fighting against the improvement of our society and achievement of the great American ideal of liberty and justice for all?

2006-07-01 04:18:40 · 13 answers · asked by ideogenetic 7

2006-07-01 04:09:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean he is a NEOCON, non progressive , hate filled hypocritical uncle Tom and he couldnt even win a senate race?

2006-07-01 04:06:16 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

I think I will.

2006-07-01 04:00:56 · 8 answers · asked by ? 6

and also Vice President

2006-07-01 03:52:34 · 12 answers · asked by GIDDYUP 4

2006-07-01 03:47:20 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our government seems oblivious to the fact that many Middle Easterners do not see the huge difference between our actions and those of the terrorists. They think there is some moral equivalency. When our soldiers are attacked, they say we're just reaping what we sow.

How can we get these people to understand that we are trying to promote freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights so that they can have a better life? Why can't they get it through their heads that we WANT to leave these countries as soon as they are strong enough to sustain, govern, and police themselves?

2006-07-01 03:36:22 · 14 answers · asked by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7

Historically have economies of nations that have high levels of government spending to finance a war , relative to GDP experienced high levels of inflation for years during and after ear ends ??

2006-07-01 03:21:38 · 7 answers · asked by mayigniteunderpressure 3

We Americans are very good and working for Democracy and we want liberty for people who they are living in Muslim countries. People in such countries are Muslims and they need western democracy, which we think is right for them because in our system we introduces fine banking system which is based on interest and usury, although this kind of banking was rejected by all Prophets (peace be upon all of them) including Jesus (peace be upon Him), but as every one know, we are secular state which does not allow God either in our banking system nor in our daily lives, God should live in Church. Second thing which I want is liberty for Muslims, So we want their women naked by the name of liberty even on TV as we do with our women, we think their women is not happy, so we try our best to reach in their homes through our satanic media, which tells them real meaning of liberty. We don’t want rapist to be punished in Islamic way, this is the reason our society has a big amount of rapists and one can see some in Iraq too. We are controlled by sex and we want them to do same. We want Muslims to eat pork and drink liqueur as it was prohibited by Jesus (peace be upon Him) too. We have very fine media which works 24 hours a day to protect our system and to prove them terrorists, of course we also do home work to divide Muslims, if we don’t do all of this then who will fight for us in their countries?

2006-07-01 03:18:56 · 7 answers · asked by bashar 1

Media reporting, to me always seems slanted to the left. They keep a body count to back the liberals in the Iraq war, but you have no body for the less controversial Aphgan war. They criticize 16% fraud and waste in progams that had to be thrown together in a situation no one (even democrats) seriously expected from Hurricane Katrina. They are strangely silent though on the 10% fraud rate from the welfare program, which was started by democrats and managed with this percentage for years by democrats as well as republicans.
Why is 16% waste not acceptable after a few months of an unexpected catastrophe, but 10% waste after 30 years in progress seems to them to be O.K.?

2006-07-01 03:08:28 · 13 answers · asked by chuck3011 3

I believe if the BNP ever managed to manipulate the voting process in the way the Nazi's did. Nick Griffin would die his hair black and grow a little moustache. I am biased though even though born in Britain as were my parents and grandparents because my great grandparents came over from Mayo in the republic and i am a catholic i will be classed as a Tarrier(irish insult) well i think they should be banned ASAP before they grow strong enough to do any proper harm to our country and it's people. What do you think? in the same way the KKK spreads hate the BNP does the same a few years ago a young black boy named Damilola Taylor was set upon by some of it's supporters three to be exact they butchered this kid for the colour of his skin to me this cant be condoned we must fight facism now! smash the BNP

2006-07-01 03:02:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-01 02:50:58 · 63 answers · asked by ciyire 2

2006-07-01 02:47:20 · 13 answers · asked by legalboozer2003 2

Why would someone who makes millions of dollars run for a job that only pays a fraction of that? and don't say civic duty, or a sense of patriotism.

2006-07-01 02:40:42 · 6 answers · asked by Rick S 2

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