Clinton's war crimes, due to his policy of sanctions on Iraq, and regular bombing attacks that resulted in civilian casualties. UNICEF reported that in 1999 more than 1 million Iraqi children under 5 were suffering from chronic malnutrition, and some 4,000-5,000 children are dying per month beyond normal death rates from the combination of malnutrition and disease. Death from disease was greatly increased by a shortage of potable water and medicines, that led to a 20-fold increase in malaria (among other ailments). This sanctions system, caused more than a million excess deaths, and it is claimed by John and Karl Mueller that Clinton's "sanctions of mass destruction" have caused "the deaths of more people in Iraq than have been slain by all so-called weapons of mass destruction [nuclear and chemical] throughout all history" (Foreign Affairs, May/June 1999). U.S. mainstream reporters somehow never reported the thousands of malnourished children caused by your lying, impeached, dishonored and disbarred rapist president Clinton!
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