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Other - Politics & Government - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government


2006-07-20 04:21:34 · 8 answers · asked by Chapparo 2


i really wonder if the world should change the term terrorist to something more extreme

2006-07-20 03:49:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

israel -hezbollah war should be seen as war in israel-iran.oil prices will rise.

2006-07-20 03:43:13 · 3 answers · asked by ss oberoi 1

Do you think the same logic can be applied to the Lebanese who are having their children killed by the bombs of the Israeli's. I dont know if its true but they are quoting a figure of a third of the deaths of civilians so far have been children.

If the logic is yes to that , would it then follow that any indisrcriminate bombing where people cannot get justice will lead to more terrorist violence.

2006-07-20 03:34:22 · 9 answers · asked by dopeysaurus 5

i dont mean to be rude but there is nothing wrong with it at all it is just southern people representing things they love it is just a symbol for the south ya know? there is nothing wrong with it... so why does it offend people?

2006-07-20 03:32:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who is who in the war..Israel is good/bad?Hesbullah...I know is bad...Jordan?? I'm so list..you miss the first few days and they never go back and talk about it.

2006-07-20 03:18:46 · 8 answers · asked by gooterscooby 3

why do people consider Bush a good president when he shoots so many things down, like stem cell research, alternate fuel sources for cars, perscription drugs from canada, staying in Iraq, believing that god has chosen him to end the world?

2006-07-20 03:15:24 · 16 answers · asked by jhnedrmr 3

2006-07-20 03:10:51 · 54 answers · asked by aliviel27 3

Just wanted you folks to check this guy out. He's a truck driver from Ponchatoula, Louisiana and he is "for real". He is running for President in 2008 on a platform that Americans need cheap fuel. He has it all lined out on how to get it. He knows he's not going to win, but he wants to be the voice of the average being screwed at the fuel pump on a daily basis!You have to say the guy has some guts!
A quote from Jeff (Petro): "I'm hearing about gas prices in South America at $0.20/gallon and in Kuwait at $0.14/gallon. Why don't we just hire tankers to go and fill up at their stations and bring it over here. I know it won't cost more than $0.50 to transport it so we'll be at the $1.25/gallon now." Please pass this on to all of your friends! Get the word out!

Check out: cheapgasforamerica.com
Or write to Jeff at: petro@cheapgasforamerica.com

2006-07-20 02:35:05 · 2 answers · asked by Sassy OLD Broad 7

Get mad money, and help the American economy get back on its feet. The harder we work for more money, the quicker our American economy can get back on its feet. It can be done regardless of the situations America is in right now. You have to be willing to get out there and bust your a** to get that money! Crime rates will go down, if everybody has a job. Prisons will empty, schools will fill up. Charities will be donated more, people will respect each other more. It will build a nationwide morale up to its highest level ever. Taxes will be lowered significantly. If everybody does their part we can change the world! Damn, I should be governor or mayor of my city! However, I'd back mine up. It's obvious these things need changing and it's starts out small and we work our way up to building a better America. Who thinks the same and whose willing to go about it with me?

2006-07-20 02:21:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

as in besides democrat & republican

2006-07-20 02:13:22 · 13 answers · asked by hi 2

2006-07-20 01:57:43 · 3 answers · asked by frustratedrockers 1

About 70% of our country's national budget is for debt payment (interest alone is about 30%)...> Which leaves us only 30% percent to work for in a nation of 80 million people...>

2006-07-20 01:45:53 · 6 answers · asked by Alexis A 1

kindly giv ur views not more then 20 words plz

2006-07-20 01:39:21 · 8 answers · asked by Rosh 1

If not why not

2006-07-20 00:58:39 · 23 answers · asked by gerryq1959 1

I've read many answers to the questions regarding Iraq and the muslims in general. Most of the Americans think of nuclear striking, eradication of the Muslim and so on... Don't you think this is a criminal mentality?

2006-07-20 00:55:25 · 19 answers · asked by ♫Pavic♫ 7

Please write any experience you have had.

2006-07-20 00:52:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-20 00:45:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

all american presidents have been white who do you think would make it first from the choices provided?

2006-07-20 00:42:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a skeptical connesuer of conspiracy theories and I have been reading up on 9/11 conspiracies. It is alarming how much circumstantial evidence in this case there are. As early as 97' there are manuals by FEMA depicting the WTC in crosshairs. The Project for a New American Century, written by many in the White House, talks about building a military will take a new Pearl Harbor. The plane crashes at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania are first ever without any wreckage. The pilot who was flying the 757 that flew into the Pentagon worked there a year prior & participated in exercises simulating such an incident.The leasee of WTC got a $3.5 billion insurance policy specifically covering acts of terrorism several weeks before the events.
I could go on, I'm sure you've heard your share of these. Tell me if some of these and others can be disproved, if they are blatant lies. Informed answers please! If even a few of these are provable it's scary! Where there's smoke!

2006-07-20 00:39:09 · 15 answers · asked by nukecat25 3

If mankind descended into world war 3 would you fight for you country or flee. Personally I dont agree that just because of some warmongering caused by religion, greed etc broke out that it is my responsibility to fight. At the end of the day wars solve nothing and fighting in one also solves nothing. As long as I could protect my loved ones thats all I care about, I cant see how dying in a ditch somewhere does that. i could be wrong and am ranting, what do you think/ what would you do?

2006-07-20 00:32:56 · 7 answers · asked by Octavius 2

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