My husband is at Basic Training right now, and he's only been gone since March 6th. He graduates May 18th, and I'm really getting depressed. I'm trying to stay supportive.. I send at LEAST one letter a day, but when I talked to him I can tell we're both depressed. We're the types that can't even stand being away from one another for a night, let alone this. He only joined to help support our family. He didn't have a "passion" for this.
How do I keep holding on? If I'm like this now, what do I do when he's deployed? We were married only 3 weeks before he left, and we have 2 children. How do you military wives do it?
My husband wants us to move to be close to him during AIT in Fort Eustis, VA, but will I even be able to see him?
Help... I feel very alone, and my husband, who is also my best friend, isn't here for me to talk to (obviously, I wouldn't be alone then!!).
Please.. if you have something mean to say, go elsewhere to say it.
24 answers
asked by
Ashley D