I refer to George Bush the private person- in terms of
- his ranch has internal geothermic heating
-his ranch has a wide range of plantation programs
-under his reign, the White House has been retrofitted with cutting edge energy conservation and renewable energy fittings (more efficient lighting, solar panelling, cutting down on central heating use and insatlling more efficient heating and cooling).
-Air Force One has been retrofitted with engines that are 20% more efficient
He does not hire personal private business jets- but instead all his entourage and hangers on travel on one chartered aircraft- like a giant VIP bus- so he unwittingly is being more transport efficient?
The Republican government corrected water contamination issues that were a legacy of the Clinton administration (these comments all gathered from the Michael Moore book, "Stupid White Men").
Under Bush- alternative energy research, biofuel factories, etc have accelerated massively.
Your views on this odd paradox?
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