Republicans are real and complex
1. Staying in the war because of information from General Petreaus saying there is hope. It is moral hence Iraqi Freedom. Soldiers are not dieing for nothing, they are dieing to save a whole entire country.
2. Against Amnesty. It's immoral letting people who sneak in citizenship and not allow people who have been waiting for years citizenship. It also takes away jobs, and raises taxes.
3. Gay Marriage. This is just furthering immorality. More? It's false living, unstable, abomination, unresponsible, and destroys oppurtunities.
Democrats are wishy washy, light minded, immoral.
1. Out of Iraq because people want to. We will sit down and talk with Iraq.
2. Lets allow Amnesty so our economy will grow, supply and demand. more demand = more supplies.
3. Why not?
Alot of other things i can mention but I'm out of room. So someone proove me wrong, or be a Republican, no siding with both.
Prove me wrong on any of these things.
8 answers
asked by
jared l