It's should be the responsibility of the people who represent them to put all important issues before them and then, let the people decide. I consider important issues as those that will effect people most directly and signifigantly, like our nations security, crime, gas prices, perscription drug prices, taxes, jobs etc. Such legislation can and should be simplified and shortened. Get the lawyers language which is only used to create loupe holes out of Capitol Hill. If in the end, the majority is wrong, then all will have to shoulder the burdon for their mistakes. But, it's their mistake, not the representatives. I would put the ball in their court. If they want change, they'd have to get off the couch and finally get involved. That's what true Democracy is all about. When I was very young, my father and mother taught me to accept the consequences for my mistakes whether I liked it or not. The voters have to be accurately educated to the issues. I
1 answers
asked by
david r