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Elections - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Elections

how could she stay with a man let alone the president after humiliating her and their kids? If your going to screw around couldn't the PRESIDENT keep it under the table instead of showing children what kind of person run's the world and cheats on his wife showing it's okay to screw around . she obviously couldn't handle her man and shows no self respect which shows me that she could never handle it , she should have dumpt the bastard!

2007-05-14 07:51:37 · 21 answers · asked by arls 2

If he ran as an independent would he take more Republican or Democratic votes, and why? What percentage of the vote would he have if the election were today?

2007-05-14 06:34:30 · 7 answers · asked by Frizzer 7

2007-05-14 05:19:09 · 2 answers · asked by tremaeve 1

2007-05-14 04:47:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why not take five dollars a week out of everyones paycheck and hire a few lobbyists. I do believe it's the only way we'll have a voice in what's going on in what is now their government and not ours. If people do not start taking the time to get informed. They can only blame themselves when they have to start looking for a nice refrigerator packing box to live in. When they lose their jobs, and way to support their families, they just might lose their families too. Then all would have been for naught. The main reason for divorce in this country usually centers around money, or more accurately, the lack of it.

2007-05-14 04:30:50 · 1 answers · asked by david r 2

Do you think that we are ready for a woman president? Do you think she is the right one for the job? Why do you like or dont like about her? I want to hear all opinions.

2007-05-14 03:41:50 · 16 answers · asked by jake 1


It's should be the responsibility of the people who represent them to put all important issues before them and then, let the people decide. I consider important issues as those that will effect people most directly and signifigantly, like our nations security, crime, gas prices, perscription drug prices, taxes, jobs etc. Such legislation can and should be simplified and shortened. Get the lawyers language which is only used to create loupe holes out of Capitol Hill. If in the end, the majority is wrong, then all will have to shoulder the burdon for their mistakes. But, it's their mistake, not the representatives. I would put the ball in their court. If they want change, they'd have to get off the couch and finally get involved. That's what true Democracy is all about. When I was very young, my father and mother taught me to accept the consequences for my mistakes whether I liked it or not. The voters have to be accurately educated to the issues. I

2007-05-14 03:35:56 · 1 answers · asked by david r 2


If I ran for office I wouldn't consider myself a liberal or a conservative. That's a label that would be put on me by others who disagree. First of all, a politician is supposed to be just the voice of the people who elected him. ANY decision I made would be based on the input I received from all my letters and e-mail. Whether I liked the decision determined by the number of letters etc. I would vote with the decision made by the majority. I do have the right to explain the bill but the final determination should be made by those who write in. We elect people to be our voice, not to do what THEY want or would like to do. Now, a problem surfaces when money is needed to give exposure to any potential candidate. If we could persuade the news media television and radio to give equal free air time and coverage to any serious candidate. We could keep big money out of the picture at least concerning the electing of a candidate. We the people have come to a crossroad. We have to take a chance.

2007-05-14 01:46:25 · 1 answers · asked by david r 2

Everybody's fed up of political votes, even the english speaker was taking a piss out of it (as usual). This is putting the reputation of the show really down. There was only one eastern european song that was good, the one from Bulgaria, and by no means Portugal would vote 12 for Ukraine, which means that the millions of Ukranians that live there just mass voted for their own country. The portuguese would never vote so much for something so gay (we are very conservative people). The show is loosing it's meaning. They should have a panel of judges from each country to vote, not the entire population of the country because it will turn out as political votes. It's not fair for the UK to be classified within the last positions when their song was far better that most of the eastern block countries', ok, having trolley dollies is not a great way to get votes, but the song was not that bad this year, compared to last year.

2007-05-14 01:10:23 · 6 answers · asked by oxyzenium 2

?? I'm just wondering what in the world this has to do with anything. Of course, the answer was NO - but if that wasn't the case, would they try to say he shouldn't be elected? Does that mean ALL candidates who have had premarital $ex shouldn't be President? That's the only possible reason I could think for someone to ask such a question. BTW - how would we ever find a president for our country?

2007-05-14 01:03:43 · 15 answers · asked by Roland'sMommy 6


2007-05-13 22:22:17 · 2 answers · asked by brian e 2

Now that is confidence . Too much I would say, so why do they say this. They get introduced as the your next future President of the United States before they are even voted in .
Gore was introduced this way, Kerry was, and I'm sure McCain and Obama will do the same. I wonder when this started . Don't they feel dumb afterwards ?

2007-05-13 20:44:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is that because there were people voting multiple times for their favorite Idol contestant, whereas you only get one vote for elected officials? Or were their actually a greater number of voters for the Idol comp? Clear as mud?

2007-05-13 18:47:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-13 18:07:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

The White backgound signafies Defeat and historical ties with the KKK.
The Jackass signafies Incompetance beyond the Stink from the Smelly Behind.
Flying at Half Assed is in keeping of Tradition with the way Democrats Think - HALFASSED!

2007-05-13 17:55:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm running for student council president, and I need some ideas for what to include in my speech.

2007-05-13 17:07:11 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think Obama is the future, Hillary the past...but Can Obama beat out Hillary? Bush has shown how important name recognition is to winning elections.

2007-05-13 17:01:04 · 22 answers · asked by JoJo 3

2007-05-13 16:42:19 · 1 answers · asked by Solomon 2

Im running for vice president of my class for next year and was wondering if anyone has any advice for me. we will be juniors next year. I need mainly advice for my speech because im kind of nervous.

2007-05-13 15:32:23 · 2 answers · asked by Steve 2

2007-05-13 14:40:05 · 11 answers · asked by Gone 4

Who are the Hillary Haters? Comment on these people:
-Right Wingers (Republicans who fear their party's destruction because Hillary is just the candidate who will send them to the abyss with facts, and those who hate everyone who isn't white and Christrian)
-Women Haters (people who plain hate women, and don't want them to have power),
-People who can't accept change ( people who are stuck on stupid and still choose PC over MAC because they fear change)

2007-05-13 14:28:11 · 5 answers · asked by Monte B 3

2007-05-13 12:32:17 · 20 answers · asked by bushski 1

Draft Al Gore.

2007-05-13 11:18:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been dating this hot guy for 6 weeks now but found out he is a Republican . I know its bad too think this way but I cannot believe he would be so ignorint. I mean like his parents get welfare and he has a gay bother and everything . I am so shocked, would should I do ?

2007-05-13 09:32:38 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I haven't heard anything on the news but are the dems planning on having their 08 convention in Denver, Co? I'd heard something about several unions not getting certain demands and that would hold up the dems from going to Denver...so is the democratic party convention going to be held in Denver, CO?

2007-05-13 09:28:13 · 1 answers · asked by e j 2

pro choice ? or pro life ? that is the question . if you are so mean , cold , and cruel that you support killing the most innocent and helpless among us , then vote for the abortion queen , hillary. if you love and respect life , then vote republican .

2007-05-13 08:56:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

When Bill was in office how did he fill the role of party leader?

2007-05-13 08:28:59 · 7 answers · asked by Chase 1

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