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Who are the Hillary Haters? Comment on these people:
-Right Wingers (Republicans who fear their party's destruction because Hillary is just the candidate who will send them to the abyss with facts, and those who hate everyone who isn't white and Christrian)
-Women Haters (people who plain hate women, and don't want them to have power),
-People who can't accept change ( people who are stuck on stupid and still choose PC over MAC because they fear change)

2007-05-13 14:28:11 · 5 answers · asked by Monte B 3 in Politics & Government Elections

5 answers

Wrong on all counts you racist misinformed fool ;
She has proved that she is a liar, a thief, and a cheat. She is a socialist, and just a plain mean b$tch.

I would appreciate you never attempting to try and pigeon hole people in the future. You suck at it.

2007-05-13 14:34:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

The world will not trust another white man in a custom made suit. We will take a deep breath when she is elected President, and yes I have a MAC.

2007-05-13 22:48:35 · answer #2 · answered by GO HILLARY 7 · 3 0

She has the qualifications to be President like I have the qualifications to be the space shuttle pilot.
I have no problem with a woman being President, or a black person being President.....IF they are qualified!
Her Thighness is a liar, hides documents, and wants to take over all businesses in the U.S.
She wants everyone in this country to be totally dependent on Govt. I on the other hand want less Govt, and don't want my hard earned money/taxes to be used to support her personal goals, nor to be used for lazy or illegal people like she wants.

2007-05-14 00:56:07 · answer #3 · answered by jonn449 3 · 0 4

And then there are those who have evaluated her credentials, experience, and performance, and decided that they don't consider her the best person for the job.

2007-05-13 21:37:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Because she's a idiot

2007-05-13 23:13:23 · answer #5 · answered by 1st Buzie 6 · 0 4

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