Congress could be a hot bed of feminists!
When you go to the polls to vote, cast your vote for the candidates you support.
For the elected offices and candidates that you are less certain about, favor the female candidates.
Rethink the criteria you consider when casting your vote.
Balancing the amount of power and knowledge and resources in the world in a fair way is a necessary goal. The world is far from being as fair as it can be. Seriously harmful imbalances between different groups of people still exist. Some voices are not being heard. Human potential, undefined.
The most glaring disparity is that between the governing power and authority men wield in the world – and the governing power and authority women wield.
Fortunately, most countries today are democratic and an increasing percentage of those who get elected to public office are women. Yet we still find that men dominate elected offices– even in the United States, which claims to stand on a foundation of equality, (US Congressional representation by women hovers near 15%)
It is critically important to ensure that social progress keeps pace with the technological progress we are witnessing. Equalizing the percentages of men and women in elected offices will help to resolve all of our most pressing issues.
Answer the following question: How can a room full of legislators that are 85% male resolve an issue like abortion? I consider it fact that such a resolution cannot be possible until the percentage of males and females in such a room equals the percentage of males and females that it takes to create such an issue.
I believe that you will find the same is true for every social issue we face, and we face many.
Make the world a fairer place.
Resolve abortion, gridlock, disease, hunger, hate crimes, homelessness, war.
Accept democracy in practice, not in theory alone.
13 answers
asked by
wanda gag