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Politics & Government - 27 March 2007

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Please, tell us about it.

2007-03-27 18:15:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The progressive 100 years ago would look embarrassingly close-minded and socially conservative. The trend has been for an increase in personal freedoms the last 400 or so years in the Western world. So why bother advocating for what is destined to be the losing belief?

2007-03-27 18:06:50 · 12 answers · asked by hyungbinkim 3 in Politics

Because both NIST and the official FEMA report either can't explain or completely ignore WTC 7.

PLUS, CNN and the BBC, plus countless firefighters and police had prior knowledge it was going to fall.

See the videos here:You won't watch it, but even if you do, you can't debate it or dubunk it. Good luck though sheeples.



2007-03-27 18:06:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Why is it when The Clinton administration fired all the atty's during his admin . and installed his political comrads...noone batted an eye...Bush admin fires 8 and it's conspiracy time.
Meanwhile Ms Clinton has stated she would fire all of them if she were elected....and no one says a thing.
This only proves this is nothing more than another get Bush and the republicans game.
What's next...he forgot to put the toilet seat down and this proves he is against women?
How low can they go?

2007-03-27 18:05:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Please do not go off with how many terms each served, just want your opinion is all.

2007-03-27 18:04:52 · 9 answers · asked by Chase 5 in Politics

Without touching them, that it. Let's say Joe wants to leave a building, but Fred is angry with him and is blocking the door, yelling at him. Joe explains that he wants to leave and go home, but Fred is clearly obstructing him and becoming increasingly hostile in his speech and mannerisms. Fred tells him that he may not leave. What law(s) is Fred breaking?

2007-03-27 18:04:02 · 8 answers · asked by Down With Crack Whores And Pimps 1 in Law & Ethics

next to a liberal..ind..or neo-con...Well.... this could take some thought...I know another notice....what to do??

2007-03-27 18:03:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

China - which is run by the Communist Party.

2007-03-27 18:01:21 · 29 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

My sister got a ticket for doing so yrs ago. Was wondering if it was legal because we have that problem. Neighbor parks there all the time and they tried blaming a dent on us.

2007-03-27 18:00:42 · 9 answers · asked by Crystal S 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-03-27 18:00:22 · 4 answers · asked by Roary W 2 in Military

The individual was possibly arrested in the last 30 days.

2007-03-27 17:59:08 · 1 answers · asked by The Judy Girl 1 in Government

Or Tillman for not growing up and thinking that playing cowboy in the army was like playing ball, maybe he saw to many rambo movies.!!?Are the marines that killed Tillman heroes for the well executed mistake? or marines are as retarded as Tillman for joining?.

2007-03-27 17:58:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Now everyone is all like "im gonna vote 4 Obama becuz hez blak and it would be the first blak dude er somethin" or "im gonna vote 4 hilary cuz shez a girl and dat wuld be the first woman prez". but regardless of being the first anything, who would you really really vote for and explain why?

2007-03-27 17:58:36 · 13 answers · asked by Felipe A 1 in Elections

Here is the situation, my fiance is trying to get custody of his 1 1/2 yr old daughter. Our consultation with the lawyer is Thursday and we are trying to get some good questions together.

Scenario: He was never married to the mother, when he left the mother, she abandoned their daughter to her mother (grandma.) When we found this out we went to the police station to see if we could go get his daughter, but we were not legally allowed, because the child support had not gone through the court system yet, to declare him the father, so he was not declared the father, so he had no right to take the child. Before the child support went through, the mom showed back up, and moved back in with grandma, and child, and then the grandma took mom to court for full custody of child, because the mom has epileptic seizures, refuses to take her medicine, not allowed to work, or drive, well the grandma now has full custody. Now that we have the money we are going in for custody.

2007-03-27 17:57:35 · 9 answers · asked by Christina T 1 in Law & Ethics

...And is it the government's place to step in and ban it? I mean, isn't it an attempt toward prolonging our existance here as a species?

2007-03-27 17:56:20 · 7 answers · asked by Snap J 2 in Politics

This is for my sociology hw. I need opinions from people who live in the first world country (ex: rich countries such as US, Canada, Japan,...)

2007-03-27 17:55:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The scenario: You're on vacation, when emergency surgery is needed. You have the surgery, it's successful. You come back home, after a doctor's visit, you realize that surgery never took place, only partly, it wasn't completed. But, the surgeon who operated on you, while on vacation, told you it was a success and never let you know that he/she didn't accomplish it competently.

In the surgeon's report and medical records the complete truth is written, but he/she never let you know, he/she misguided you verbally. Do you have a case here for a lawsuit?

2007-03-27 17:54:07 · 4 answers · asked by CuriousCat 3 in Law & Ethics

We bring the troops home, and allow them to shoot illegal immigrants on sight. Sound fair?

2007-03-27 17:53:43 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-27 17:53:07 · 13 answers · asked by blackwindzovdeath666 1 in Other - Politics & Government

...And, is it the government's place to step in and ban it?

2007-03-27 17:52:47 · 8 answers · asked by Snap J 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-27 17:50:40 · 8 answers · asked by Studbolt Slickrock Deux 4 in Military

The Media loves Democrats because they create drama, and that sells.

What can we do as True American citizens to unite the good people of our country to form a government that does the right thing (not politically correct) and save our country from it's corrupt ways?

and please don't play the race card on this question, it's old.

2007-03-27 17:49:46 · 24 answers · asked by Mojo 2 in Government

The communists have taken over the democrat party. Go to this link and read the platform of the communists:



2007-03-27 17:49:12 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

They might have taken or obtain the SSN illegaly, but they do pay into a system that they will not be able to receive the benefits of those that pay it legally. By the way, Social Security is in a doomed future and if it were not by the illegals paying into it, you who sit around receiving payment, would be S.O.L.

2007-03-27 17:48:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Al Gore stands and rants about global warming while his own electric bill is $30,000. How can anyone stand with him who cares about the environment when he clearly is a hypocrite?
He flys his own private airplane, rides in limos but tells us to drive a Prius.


2007-03-27 17:48:31 · 25 answers · asked by Da Coach 2 in Elections

Seems like he can manipulate the Whole Nation to support his cause by using key words aka Jingoism.
I seemed to follow his speeches carefully and noticed that he uses "freedom", "democracy" "Al Qaueda", "Islamic Fundamentalist" "Saddam Hussein" "Iran", "Middle East", "terrorists" "soveirn nation of Iraq" "free elections in Iraq" and his KEY TERM that always uses to end his speechs *"I have talked to familes of soldiers of those who have lost their lives"* I noticed that he uses these terms every few seconds. Seems like that when he is finished with his speeches, he has whole America feeling like they must go enlist in the military right now and join the fight and fight for their country immediately.

2007-03-27 17:48:09 · 28 answers · asked by PROUD TO BE A LIBERAL TEEN! 4 in Politics

Well maby I dont realy care for the guy but I question the Iq of someone that does.

2007-03-27 17:48:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Because the NIST and FEMA reports admittedly explain the collapse of WTC 7! It's written in the report. But most of you are too lazy to read it, so you go on an on about bigfoot, tin foil hats and the usual BS.

Really, it's you that are wearing tin foil hats; believing some random guys from Saudi Arabia outsmarted the greatest military and defense system in the world. You were traumatized, coerced and brainwashed by the TV and you can't even realize it. I pity you.

2007-03-27 17:47:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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