GO BY WHAT I WROTE @ http://www.sorryaboutourpresident.com/ BELOW:
It's sad for me to say, but as of now, i'm not all that proud to be an American... and i'm certainly not proud of our president.
When BUSH was brought into office I was just becoming a teenager (I am 19 now).
I was carefree and innocent, unaffected by the reality of everything that was happening around me. My mind was devoid of the truths of this world and the injustice within it. It wasn't until 9/11 that I began to wake up and notice the world around me.
As I grew older, I realized the true nature of my country and it's president.
Not only my country, but the state of OUR world.
I am one person.
One person in a world of nearly 7 billion (7,000,000,000) living human beings. I didn't choose which country, city or town to be born in, and neither did anyone else.
9/11 was terrible, indeed... but in the grand scheme of things, it was small in scale compared to things America itself had done before. 200,000 people have died as a result of the Hiroshima bombing, though that is besides the point.
The main things that are halting our progress as a civilization right now are:
1. The widespread intolerance of each others religions, and the mixing of these view points into the realm of politics.
2. The boundaries we have set between each other- country borders, religion, race, generalizations and ignorance. No one is worthless, everyone whether they realize it or not, has attributes that allow them to be useful in certain fields.
3. Greed, hate, lack of effort and care.
I think i'm getting a little too passionate with this, i'll just lay down my main concern:
The demand for food on this planet greatly outweighs the supply. We need to figure out ways to up the production of food, and somehow fairly regulate the population of the world...
I'm afraid it's too early for these things... hardly possible now. For this to work, we would need a true sense of worldwide fellowship of which I hope to see within my lifetime.
We need to break our boundaries and realize we are all human... to leave our archaic methods of running this world behind, and move on to much more intelligent and humanitarian based structures.
I know it's far off, but here's a tip of advice for our current world leaders-
The "War on Drugs" is a sad facade for an organized business of many, many greedy individuals.
Summon the courage to make the world a better place. All drugs should be legalized... free will is key.
If one wants to do harm to their own body, let it be done. As long as one does not interfere with the free will of another, then all is fine: that is the way of the future.
The trillions, and trillions of dollars saved from this can be used to begin a TRUE start to the bettering of the lives of unfortunate people around the world.
I have hope for the future, and if you do too, than anything is possible.
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