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Politics & Government - 7 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2 months ago i got a underage consumtion of aclohol citation. I went out to eat some people that i know. Once we started going back to my friends house, we were pulled over for speeding, the officer insisted that he smelt alcohol on the driver so he proced to ask him questions the driver said that he had nothing to drink and he blew a .00. the passager admited that he had 2 beers but he blew .00. i admited that i had 2-3 beers and i blew a .02. i got a underage consumtion of alcohol citation. then the officer asked us were we drank at. the officer went to his house and ended up giving him a citaion for serving alcohol to underage people. he got a lawyer and we later found out that we both have the same court date. I am confused about if i should plead no contest or guilty. i was also wondering if their is anyway i can get away with out a ticket and i dont have any money to pay a ticket. Thanks for your help and any other addional advise that i could get would also really help Thanks

2007-03-07 06:50:29 · 6 answers · asked by Bryant A 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-03-07 06:49:39 · 21 answers · asked by itsdabigbadwolf 3 in Politics

i have heard that many USA prisons do have terrible deceases in them , so i was wondering if it is positive for our society to have them sick ....

please do not forget the main question

if anyone which had live in prison could write about the living conditions in USA prisons i would appreciate that ... thanks

2007-03-07 06:48:42 · 3 answers · asked by game over 5 in Law & Ethics

I HAVE recently searched and searched YouTube for a COMBINED tribute to ALL NATO Service Personnel who have sacrificed thier lives in this recent war on terror campaign in AFGHANISTAN AND Iraq.

I have found many, BUT, I have yet to find a SINGLE COMBINED tribute, whereby ALL NATO countries are EQUALLY credited, instead of individual countries. 1 or 2 show a flicker of the British flag, but nothing as comprehensive as those of the U.S. tributes to thier own.

Can you provide a link for me anyone..please?

2007-03-07 06:48:27 · 1 answers · asked by Hello 3 in Military

I am in a school reanactment as the judge and need to know. THabks

2007-03-07 06:48:05 · 8 answers · asked by cjconrad2 2 in Law & Ethics

If you were to prioritize these things, what order would you put them in?

Healthcare, Education, Senior Care, Employment, Homelessness, The hungry, Medical Research-Stem cells, Space Exploration, Corporate Bailouts, War.

2007-03-07 06:47:01 · 12 answers · asked by dolphinparty13 2 in Other - Politics & Government

would you tell all you knew to the police or would you pretend you knew nothing.

2007-03-07 06:46:24 · 32 answers · asked by looby 6 in Law & Ethics

People who only speak Spanish are paid in cash, and their employers don't withold income taxes from their pay packets, so whats the point of making me wade through all of the Spanish versions of their online forms archive just to get the English ones?

2007-03-07 06:45:56 · 6 answers · asked by Like, Uh, Ya Know? 3 in Government

Ok here is something I just don't understand: if prostitution is illegal in basically every place except Nevada I think ( I'm not really sure about this) then how can states allow escort services to operate? I mean I'm sure every single girl that's an escort doesn't sell herself but from what I've heard a lot of them do.

2007-03-07 06:45:16 · 7 answers · asked by !!! 4 in Law & Ethics

The question's title says it all, really. Would a socialist government be harmful in the long run? In its base principles, there is nothing harmful to find. And don't we want equality, which is the most important principle in socialism?

2007-03-07 06:43:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The Saudis have threatened to lend political support to the Sunni insurgency in the current sectarian struggle in Iraq. This is because the Saudis depend heavily on support from the Wahabi, an Islamic fundamentalist movement with strong ties to Al Queda. Which is odd, since Al Queda's top priority right now is overthrowing the Saudi monarchy. On the other side is the Shi'ite insurgency, supported by the Ayatollah in Iran and Hasbullah in Lebanon, both committed to the violent overthrow of Israel, our other ally in the Middle East. So the playing field is filled with literally dozens of groups who are committed to each other's violent end, and who are willing to ally with us only in so far as we support their immediate agenda: killing somebody else. Does anybody seriously think there's a political solution in there somewhere?

2007-03-07 06:43:02 · 2 answers · asked by abram.kelly 4 in Politics

I'm not condonding vigilantism, but why should the likes of convicted child molesters be allowed to bleat to the ECHR for fair and equal treatment?

2007-03-07 06:42:22 · 12 answers · asked by Buckaroo Banzai 3 in Law & Ethics

I mean, she preaches from an altar in a Baptist church last weekend, quoting the Bible, and talking about - oh, excuse me - talkin' 'bout God wouldn't let her come this far (or some such nonsense). Isn't the Baptist Church opposed to homosexual marriage, a separate Palestinian state, and abortion rights?

I sho 'nuff 'spected her tuh shuffle off'n that there stage and tap dance foh ever-body.

2007-03-07 06:41:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Was the Old Testament written before the New Testament? And for all you Christians out there, do you think the New Testaments views on Capital Punishment are much more up to date? (i.e. being much more against it.)
(This is for an essay, so all serious answers would be appreciated)

2007-03-07 06:41:20 · 5 answers · asked by anon 3 in Law & Ethics

I am his only child and the beneficiary my parent's got divorced when I was 9 so my mom can't inherit. My father passed away from cancer when I was 19. My aunt was named trustee. Will says she has say over what gets paid out. to beneficiary - me - 1/2 at 21 1/2 at 25. I already spent more than half. I bought a house. Legally who owns this money ?

2007-03-07 06:38:11 · 8 answers · asked by primamaria04 5 in Law & Ethics


2007-03-07 06:37:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And moreover, how do they persist in getting away with it?

2007-03-07 06:35:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-03-07 06:35:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I would not feel guilty about conning a big company like Tescos, because they have such a strangle hold on society

2007-03-07 06:34:04 · 14 answers · asked by SCOTT B 2 in Law & Ethics

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) said Wednesday that he was not aware that he had invested in two companies backed by some of his top donors and did nothing to aid their business before the government.

yahoo news (for the full article)

2007-03-07 06:31:00 · 16 answers · asked by to be announced 2 in Elections

Im a senior in HS, and EVERY day during 3rd period we say the "pledge of allegiance" and the "texas pledge" and have our "1 min moment of silence". I dont stand up for the pledges, I dont want to, I DONT HAVE TO. And our teacher made a speech about if you dont stand up you'll get sent to the principle's office. Honestly, thats not right,

CAN you get in trouble for not saying the pledges?

[Yes, I understand certain rights are taken away from you when you go to school, but they cant force you to do anything am I correct?]

The reason I dont say it is because I think its dumb that we have to say it every day for every year of our school lives- its like brainwashing us to love america and texas. I dont believe in god either so I dont agree with the statement "one nation under god" even though, yes I know america being based on religious freedoms.

But they CANT force you to say it, right?

2007-03-07 06:31:00 · 27 answers · asked by destroyedradio 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-07 06:29:32 · 12 answers · asked by Twinkletoes 3 in Politics

I had been out with my younger sister and her mates. My ex turned up. When it was time to leave he got v.angry cos I said that he couldn’t stay at mine. As we were about to leave, we saw him come back down the road with a metal pole. My first instinct was to get in the car and get away. I had only just pulled away from the curb when he arrived. I got out and tried to reason with him but he smashed the car window with the pole. He has been charged with ABH (he broke my finger) 2xassault (my sis and her mate) Criminal damage (car window) and being abusive to a police officer. I explained to the police what happened. I was breathalysed and was over the limit. Now I have to appear in court tomorrow and my legal aid application has been denied. I just haven’t got the money to pay a solicitor, so I'm going to have to represent myself. I’ve been reading that I may be able to get off if I can prove that it was a necessity to drive, but how do I plead? Any other advice would be welcome. Thanks.

2007-03-07 06:29:18 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2 in Law & Ethics

During an April 1995 visit to Tibet, Hillary Clinton met New Zealand’s Sir Edmund Hillary, co-first-climber of Mount Everest. Clinton remarked that her mother, Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham, had told her that she was named after the famous climber. “It had two L’s, which is how she thought she was supposed to spell Hillary,” Clinton said at the Tibet meeting. “So when I was born, she called me Hillary, and she always told me it’s because of Sir Edmund Hillary.”

However, the Everest climb did not take place until 1953, more than five years after Clinton was born. Clinton opponents have used the discrepancy as evidence towards the charge that she is prone to fabrications. Clinton said that her mother read about beekeeper-turned-mountaineer Edmund Hillary in a publication while pregnant in 1947 and liked the name and thus used the two L’s form. Some searches of prominent U.S. publications show no publicity given to Edmund Hillary before the Everest climb, so it is unlikely that Dorothy Rodham (who has not publicly spoken about the issue) would have heard of him. Furthermore, Hillary with two L’s was not that unusual a spelling at the time. Snopes.com concluded that Hillary Clinton probably made up the naming story as “a little white lie concocted for a special occasion.” Finally, in October 2006, a spokeswoman for Senator Clinton’s re-election campaign explained that she was not in fact named after the mountain climber, stating rather that “It was a sweet family story her mother shared to inspire greatness in her daughter, to great results I might add.”

2007-03-07 06:29:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I listened to the speech she gave in alabama and after that my vote says that she is infact an idiot. Before I knew what i was listening to i honestly thought i was hearing a mentally unstable person yelling some non-sense. "I dont feel no ways tired" That sounds like something someone who cant read or write would say. I was shocked to find out that the person I was listening to could possibly become the president of this country.

2007-03-07 06:28:40 · 26 answers · asked by nickolai 1 in Politics

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